How to Cook Burger in Air Fryer- Easy and Delicious Recipes

Cooking burgers in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to enjoy a delicious meal. With the proper techniques, you can achieve a perfectly juicy and flavorful burger. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of cooking burgers in your air fryer, from choosing the right ground meat to seasoning and cooking temperatures. 

Whether you prefer classic beef burgers or want to try something different, like turkey or veggie burgers, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to elevate your burger game and savor mouthwatering results, all with the simplicity of your air fryer.

How to Cook Burger in Air Fryer
How to Cook Burger in Air Fryer

How to Cook Burger in Air Fryer?

Here’s a simple guide to cooking burgers in an air fryer:


  • Ground meat (beef, turkey, chicken, or veggie)
  • Salt, pepper, and your favorite spices
  • Burger buns and desired toppings


  • Start by mixing your ground meat with your preferred seasonings. Salt, garlic powder, pepper, and onion powder are typical options. Shape the mixture into uniform burger patties. Ensuring even thickness promotes consistent cooking.
  • Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) for a few minutes. Preheating is essential as it allows the burgers to cook evenly and develop a crispy exterior while retaining juiciness inside.
  • Place the burger patties in the air fryer basket, ensuring they are not overcrowded. Overlapping or overcrowding can hinder proper air circulation, leading to uneven cooking.
  • Cook the burgers at 375°F for approximately 9-12 minutes, flipping them halfway through the cooking time. Depending on the thickness of your patties, modify the cooking time. Thicker patties may require additional minutes to cook through.
  • To confirm the burgers are thoroughly cooked, use a meat thermometer. The internal temperature should reach 160°F (71°C) for beef or 165°F (74°C) for poultry burgers. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the patty to ensure accuracy.
  • Allow the cooked burgers to rest inside the air fryer for a minute or two. Resting time is crucial as it allows the juices within the patty to redistribute, ensuring a juicy and flavorful bite.
  • While the burgers rest, you can toast the burger buns in the air fryer for about a minute. Toasted buns provide a satisfying crunch and enhance the overall texture of your burger.
  • Place the cooked burger patties on the toasted buns. Add your favorite toppings, such as cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, and sauces. Carefully assemble the burgers, ensuring all components are evenly distributed.

Tips for Making Perfect Burger in the Air Fryer

Achieving the perfect burger in an air fryer is simple with these essential tips:

  • Select ground beef with a balanced fat-to-lean ratio, such as 80/20. This combination ensures a juicy burger. You can also experiment with ground turkey, chicken, or plant-based alternatives.
  • Season the meat liberally with salt, pepper, and your favorite spices. Add garlic powder, onion powder, or smoked paprika for extra flavor depth. Please don’t underestimate the power of seasoning; it elevates the taste significantly.
  • Create patties of equal size and thickness. Use a burger press or your hands, ensuring they are well-formed. Uniform patties cook evenly, preventing undercooked or overcooked parts.
  • Preheat the air fryer at the recommended temperature (usually 375°F or 190°C) for a few minutes. A hot fryer ensures a good burger sear, locking in juices and flavor.
  • Place the patties in a single layer, leaving space between each one. Overcrowding impedes the airflow, leading to uneven cooking. If you’re making multiple burgers, cook them in batches.
  • Cooking times vary based on the burger’s thickness and your air fryer’s wattage. Generally, air fryers cook burgers in 9-12 minutes, flipping halfway through. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches 160°F (71°C) for beef or 165°F (74°C) for poultry or plant-based alternatives.
  • After half of the cooking time, gently flip the burgers. Use tongs to avoid piercing the meat, preserving its juices. A golden brown crust on both sides signifies a perfectly cooked burger.
  • If you enjoy crispy buns, lightly toast them in the air fryer for a minute or two. Watch them closely to prevent burning. Toasted buns provide a delightful contrast to the juicy burger.
  • Let the cooked burgers rest for a couple of minutes. This allows the juices to be redistributed, ensuring a succulent and flavorful burger. Use this time to prepare your favorite toppings and condiments.

How to Reheat Burger in Air Fryer?

Reheating burgers in an air fryer is a great way to maintain their juiciness and crispness. Here’s how you can do it effectively:

  • To begin, prepare your air fryer to 350°F (175°C). Preheating ensures the burger reheats evenly, preventing unevenly heated spots.
  • If your burger has delicate toppings like cheese or veggies, consider loosely wrapping it in aluminum foil. This can help preserve moisture, ensuring the toppings stay fresh. If you like a crispy texture, avoid this step.
  • Place the burger in the air fryer basket or on the tray. For a single burger, reheat for 3-4 minutes. If you’re reheating multiple burgers, extend the time to 5-6 minutes. Always check the internal temperature, aiming for at least 165°F (74°C) to guarantee it’s thoroughly reheated.
  • Keep a close watch on the burger, especially if it’s wrapped in foil. Look for signs of overheating or burning. Adjust the time as needed to prevent any unwanted outcomes.
  • For an extra touch, consider toasting the burger buns in the air fryer for the last minute. This step enhances the overall burger experience, providing a warm and slightly crispy bun.
  • Once reheated, remove the burger and add fresh toppings such as lettuce, tomatoes, or pickles. Apply your favorite condiments to enhance the flavors. Fresh additions right before serving make a significant difference.
  • Reheated burgers are at their best when served immediately. Enjoy your burger while it’s hot and flavorful, savoring the deliciousness of your perfectly reheated meal.

Read More:

Burger Storage Tips

Storing burgers properly is essential to maintain their freshness and flavor. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you store burgers effectively:

  • Cool Down

After cooking, let the burgers cool to room temperature. For leftovers, refrigerate within two hours to prevent bacteria growth. Proper cooling and refrigeration ensure the burgers remain safe and tasty for future meals.

  • Wrap Properly

Individually wrap your burgers in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. This safeguards them from drying out and maintains their moisture. Proper wrapping ensures your burgers stay fresh and flavorful when you reheat them, preserving their taste and texture until you’re ready to enjoy them again.

  • Airtight Container

After wrapping, store your burgers in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag. Removing excess air from the bag before sealing prevents freezer burn and maintains its quality. Proper airtight storage ensures your burgers remain fresh and free from unpleasant freezer odors, preserving their taste for future meals.

  • Label and Date

Don’t forget to label the container or bag with the preparation date before storing burgers in the freezer. This simple step lets you track their freshness, ensuring you enjoy them within the recommended time frame. Proper labeling lets you identify and use the oldest burgers first, minimizing food wastage.

  • Freezer Storage

For extended storage, freezing burgers is ideal, with a lifespan of up to three months. To prevent sticking, separate each burger with parchment paper before freezing. This method preserves their taste and texture, ensuring a delicious meal when you enjoy these frozen delights. Properly stored, they maintain their quality for months.

  • Refrigerator Storage

Refrigerated burgers maintain freshness for up to three days. While they’re safe to eat beyond this period, it’s best to consume them promptly for optimal taste and quality. Enjoying them sooner ensures you experience their delicious flavors, making every bite a delightful culinary experience.

  • Avoid Overcrowding

When storing burgers, whether in the refrigerator or freezer, avoid overcrowding the storage space. Adequate spacing ensures optimal air circulation, preserving the burgers’ texture and flavor. By allowing them room to breathe, you maintain their deliciousness, providing a delightful dining experience whenever you decide to indulge.

  • Reheating

To savor your stored burgers, reheat them in the air fryer. Ensure they reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) for thorough heating. By following this method, you can relish the delightful flavors of your burgers even after they’ve been stored, ensuring a satisfying dining experience.


Are Burgers Healthier in Air Fryer?

Yes, burgers cooked in an air fryer are healthier. Using lean beef and no oil reduces fat and calorie content. The air fryer method preserves the BBQ flavor without needing a grill. It’s a delicious, guilt-free option for burger lovers, making it a popular choice for those seeking a healthier alternative to traditional frying methods.

Can You Cook Burgers and Fries in an Air Fryer at the Same Time?

Yes, you can cook burgers and fries in an air fryer at the same time. Just plan, arrange them well, and monitor the timing for even cooking. With attention, you can enjoy perfectly cooked burgers and crispy fries simultaneously. It’s a convenient way to make mealtime simpler, tastier, and hassle-free.

Are Burgers Better in the Air Fryer or Pan?

For healthier burgers, the air fryer is better. It uses less oil, reducing fat. Plus, it’s easy and cooks evenly. However, some like the traditional, slightly crispy taste of a pan. It’s your choice, but if health matters, the air fryer is the way to go.

How Do You Keep Burgers From Puffing in an Air Fryer?

To keep burgers from puffing in an air fryer, press two fingers into the center of each patty to create an indentation. This helps them cook evenly without bulging. After preheating the air fryer, arrange the burgers in the basket. If they overlap, cook them in batches to ensure proper cooking.

Final Verdict

Making burgers in an air fryer is easy and yields delicious, healthier results. First, preheat the air fryer to 375°F. Gently flatten the patties for even cooking and season as you like. Cook for 9-12 minutes, flipping halfway for a perfect golden brown. 

Avoid overcrowding the fryer to ensure proper airflow. Remember, the internal temperature should reach 160°F for beef burgers. For more tips and tasty recipes, explore our detailed guide. Enjoy cooking and savoring mouthwatering, homemade burgers with your air fryer!

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