How to Make Air Fryer Cinnamon Apples?  Sweet and Crispy Delights

Give your snacking a tasty upgrade with these air fryer cinnamon apples. They’re crispy outside, tender inside, and bursting with warm cinnamon flavor. You won’t feel bad about indulging in these treats. This quick and simple recipe turns fresh apple slices into a delicious snack or dessert that’s perfect anytime. 

Moreover, the air fryer does the work to make them sweet and crispy without loads of oil. Get ready to enjoy the delightful smell of cinnamon apples – your new go-to treat is here!

Air fryer cinnamon apples
Air fryer cinnamon apples

How to Make Air Fryer Cinnamon Apples

Here are some simple ways you can make air fryer cinnamon apples:

Servings: 2

  • Large or small apples- 2 and 3
  • Butter- 2 tablespoons
  • Brown sugar- 2 tablespoons
  • Cinnamon- 1 teaspoon
  • Vanilla extract- ½ teaspoon
  • First, wash the apples well. You can peel them if you want, but it’s okay to leave the skin on. Slice the apples into small, bite-sized pieces. Also, be cautious to remove any seeds or challenging components.
  • To make the yummy sauce, put the butter in a microwave-safe bowl and heat it in the microwave for about 20 seconds until it turns into a liquid. If you don’t have a microwave, you can do this on the stove over low heat.
  • In a different bowl, mix the melted butter, brown sugar, Cinnamon, and vanilla extract. Stir them well until they’re all combined. This mixture is what will make your apples taste fantastic.
  • In a large bowl, place the apple slices. Pour the cinnamon mixture over the apples and gently stir them. Make sure all the apple pieces get covered with this sweet and flavorful sauce.
  • Before cooking, please turn on your air fryer and let it heat for some time. It helps cook your apples properly.
  • Once your air fryer is ready, place the coated apple slices in the basket. Make sure they’re not stacked on top of each other; they should be in a single layer so they cook evenly.
  • Set the air fryer timer to 380°F and let the apples cook for about 8-10 minutes. At the halfway mark, pause and shake the basket or use tongs to flip the apple slices. This helps them cook evenly and turn golden brown and soft.
  • When your air fryer cinnamon apples are done, take them out and let them cool for a minute or two. They taste best when they’re warm. You can enjoy them as a yummy dessert or snack.

Read More:

Cinnamon Apples Nutritional Facts and Calories

NutrientAmount per serving
Calories53 kcal
Carbs12 g
Proteins0 g
Sodium2 mg
Cholesterol2 mg

Benefits of Air Fryer Cinnamon Apples

Here are some benefits of air fryer cinnamon apples:

Healthier Snacking

Air-frying cinnamon apples make snacking a healthier choice. Unlike traditional deep frying, this method uses minimal or no oil, significantly reducing fat content. It’s a delicious way to enjoy a sweet treat while being mindful of your health, making it easier to stick to your wellness goals without sacrificing flavor.

Keeps the Good Stuff

Air-frying apples are like a treasure trove for their natural goodness. They preserve their vitamins and flavors due to less exposure to heat and shorter cooking times compared to traditional methods. This means you get the full nutritional and tasty benefits of these delightful snacks.

Quick and easy

Making air fryer cinnamon apples is a breeze – it’s quick and effortless. Compared to baking or stovetop cooking, it’s a speedy process. When you’re eager for a tasty treat, this recipe ensures you won’t have to wait long to indulge in its deliciousness.

Crunchy on the Outside

When you air fry apples, they get a nice crunch on the outside. Imagine biting into a crispy shell that gives way to the soft, juicy apple inside. It’s a tasty mix of textures that makes these apples even more enjoyable.

Make It Your Way

You can make your air-fried cinnamon apples just the way you like them. Add more sugar if you want them sweeter or less if you like a milder taste. Adjust the Cinnamon to match your taste buds for a treat that’s perfect for you.

Versatile Snacking

These air-fried cinnamon apples are incredibly versatile for snacking. Enjoy them as a delightful dessert or as a healthy snack. You can even use them as a tasty topping for your breakfast favorites like oatmeal or yogurt. Their adaptability makes them a go-to choice for various eating occasions.

Easy Cleanup

Cleaning up after making air fryer cinnamon apples is easy. There’s not much mess, so you won’t have to spend a lot of time on it. You can enjoy your tasty treat without the trouble of a long and hard cleanup.

Less Oil, Fewer Calories

Using an air fryer means you use less or no oil, which results in fewer calories in your food. It’s a healthier choice compared to deep frying, where lots of oil adds extra calories to your meal. So, it’s a smart pick for a more nutritious diet.

No Strong Odors

Air frying comes with the benefit of no strong odors. Unlike traditional frying methods, which can fill your kitchen with strong cooking smells. In contrast, air frying is much less pungent. This means your home stays smelling nice while you cook and enjoy your tasty air fryer cinnamon apples.

How to Store Air Fryer Cinnamon Apples

Here are some steps to store air fryer cinnamon apples:

  • After air frying the cinnamon apples, it’s essential to allow them to cool completely. This prevents moisture from building up inside the storage container, which can lead to sogginess.
  • Opt for the right storage container. The best way to store food is in airtight containers or reusable plastic bags. Ensure these containers are clean and completely dry before transferring the apples.
  • If you anticipate using the apples in multiple servings, consider portioning them into smaller containers or bags. This makes it easier to thaw and reheat only what you need, minimizing food waste.
  • For short-term storage, typically up to 3-4 days, place the airtight container or bag in the refrigerator. To preserve freshness, it’s essential to store them away from strong-smelling foods that may transfer flavors.
  • If you plan to keep the apples for an extended period, freezing is an option. Use airtight containers or freezer-safe bags, removing as much air as possible to prevent freezer burn. Always remember to label the containers or bags with the date for reference.
  • Labeling your storage container or bag with the date you stored the apples is crucial. This helps you keep track of freshness and ensures you use them within the recommended storage duration.
  • When you’re ready to enjoy your air fryer cinnamon apples, you can reheat them using various methods such as an oven, air fryer, or microwave. Reheating helps maintain their original texture and flavor.

Are Air Fryer Cinnamon Apples Healthy

Air fryer cinnamon apples can be a healthy and guilt-free treat when prepared thoughtfully. By using very little or no oil, air frying cuts down on unhealthy fats, making it better for your heart and waistline. Also, they are packed with good stuff like fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, which help with digestion and overall health. 

Moreover, Cinnamon adds a tasty twist and might even help manage blood sugar levels. To make this snack even healthier, consider using less sugar or a natural sweetener. Additionally, while air-fried cinnamon apples are a healthier choice, remember that moderation is key for a balanced diet.

Are Air-fried Apples Safe for Babies?

Air-fried apples can be a safe choice for babies who are beginning to eat solid foods. Regular raw or dried apples can be risky for little ones because they’re hard to chew and swallow, but air-frying makes them softer and safer. 

Remember to cook them well and cut them into small, manageable pieces. Before introducing new foods to your baby, it’s wise to check with your pediatrician to make sure it’s the right time for them to try them.


What Apples are Best For Baking?

The best apples for baking, often referred to as “baking apples,” include Cortland, Honey Gold, Fuji, Gala, Haralson, Granny Smith, Braeburn, Newtown Pippin, and Jonathan. These varieties maintain their firmness and flavor when used in pies, crisps, and other baked treats, which results in delicious and satisfying desserts.

What Fruits Can You Put in an Air Fryer?

You can put various fruits in an air fryer, such as strawberries, apples, peaches, bananas, mangoes, pears, and more. Also, when air-frying fruits, there’s usually no need to add oil. The hot air in the fryer does the job, making the fruits crispy and delicious without the extra fat.

Final Verdict

Air Fryer Cinnamon Apples are a delightful treat that brings together the cozy flavor of Cinnamon and the natural sweetness of apples. They’re a healthier choice compared to traditional frying methods, as they require little to no extra oil. 

The air fryer does wonders, creating a crispy outer layer and a soft, tender inside. You can personalize the sweetness to your liking by adjusting the sugar and cinnamon levels. Whether enjoyed as dessert, a snack, or a topping, these apples offer both great taste and health benefits. 

Also, Give them a try and savor the deliciousness! For more tasty air fryer ideas and helpful tips, keep exploring.

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