Air Fryer Safe Dishes: Top Dish Choices

Air fryer-safe dishes encompass a variety of kitchen essentials, including Pyrex glass containers, stainless steel bowls, toothpicks, iron skillets, and parchment paper. These versatile tools are carefully selected to ensure they can withstand the heat and airflow of an air fryer, making them suitable for various cooking tasks.

Pyrex glass and stainless steel offer durability and heat resistance, while toothpicks and parchment paper aid in securing and preventing sticking. Iron skillets bring a classic touch to your air frying adventures.

With these options, you can confidently explore a wide range of recipes, from crispy appetizers to succulent main courses and delightful desserts, all conveniently prepared in your air fryer.

Air fryer safe dishes
Air fryer safe dishes

Reasons for Using Dishes in an Air Fryer

Using dishes in an air fryer is generally not recommended due to the appliance’s design and purpose. However, there might be a few specific reasons or scenarios where you might consider using dishes in an air fryer:


You can use oven-safe dishes for reheating leftovers. This is particularly useful for casseroles, baked dishes, or meals with multiple components that you want to warm up without overcooking or drying them out.

Dish Shape

If you have small, shallow, oven-safe dishes that fit comfortably in the air fryer without obstructing airflow, they can be used for specific recipes. For example, you might bake individual servings of quiche or dessert in ramekins.


Plating certain dishes in attractive oven-safe dishes can enhance their presentation, making them more visually appealing. This is common when serving desserts, side dishes, or appetizers.

Dividing Space

 In some cases, using dishes can help you divide the cooking space in the air fryer basket. This is useful when you want to cook different items simultaneously without them mixing or touching. For instance, you can use small dishes to cook separate portions of macaroni and cheese.


Using dishes allows for more customization. You can create individual portions or assemble ingredients in layers, which can be ideal for personalized dishes like mini pizzas, baked dips, or gratins.

Sauces and Condiments

Small oven-safe dishes can be used to warm up or cook sauces, gravies, or condiments separately while your main dish cooks in the air fryer basket. This is practical for dishes where you want to control the sauce’s consistency or flavor.


Certain baked goods like muffins, small cakes, or bread rolls can be prepared in individual baking cups or molds. This allows for portion control and ensures even baking.

Serving Platter

If you’re cooking an appetizer or side dish and want to present it directly in an attractive dish for serving, you can use oven-safe dishes as serving platters. This can enhance the visual appeal of your dish when serving guests.

Cooking with Marinades

 For recipes that involve marinating, you can use a small dish to hold the marinade while your main ingredients cook in the air fryer basket. This can prevent excess liquid from dripping into the air fryer and affecting the texture of your dish.

Layered Dishes

 Some recipes involve layering ingredients, such as lasagna or casseroles. Oven-safe dishes can be used to build these layered dishes, ensuring that each component cooks evenly.

What Dishes Can Put in an Air Fryer

While it’s generally not recommended to put dishes inside an air fryer due to potential cooking issues and safety concerns, there are some types of dishes that you can use with caution. These include:

1. Oven-Safe Dishes

 These dishes are designed to withstand high temperatures and are usually made of materials like ceramics or certain types of glass. They are marked as “oven-safe” and may be suitable for use in an air fryer. However, it’s crucial to ensure compatibility with the air fryer’s heat settings and size.

2. Dishes/ Pyrex

Heat-resistant dishes like Pyrex, suitable for microwaves, are typically compatible with air fryers. This simplifies cleanup and makes retrieving your cooked food a breeze. Simply take out the dish, and you’re ready to enjoy your meal with minimal fuss.

3. Steel bowls

Steel bowls, renowned for their exceptional heat conductivity, excel at replicating oven-like cooking within an air fryer. By sealing the top with foil, they effectively harness and circulate heat, guaranteeing thorough cooking rather than mere surface frying. This culinary technique adds versatility to your air fryer repertoire.

4. Tooth Picks

Toothpicks serve as essential tools in the air fryer to secure your food. The powerful air circulation can sometimes dislodge small ingredients, resulting in uneven cooking and potential mess. Whether you’re making bacon-wrapped treats like Kani, asparagus, or shrimp, or cooking stuffed chicken breasts, using toothpicks helps keep everything neatly in place, ensuring a hassle-free and even air-frying experience.

5. Iron skillets

Small iron skillets are suitable for use in your air fryer, given they fit within its dimensions. With excellent heat conductivity, they distribute heat evenly across the cooking surface. These skillets are ideal for containing foods prone to creating a mess, like dishes with fresh cheeses or saucy ingredients.

6. Parchment Paper

 While not a dish itself, parchment paper can be a helpful accessory for air frying. It’s used to line the air fryer basket or tray, preventing food from sticking. Be sure to trim it to fit and avoid covering air vents, which can obstruct airflow.

7. Silicone Molds

 Small, heat-resistant silicone molds are flexible and can be used for baking individual portions of certain dishes or desserts in the air fryer. They are particularly handy for making items like muffins, cupcakes, or mini quiches.

8. Ramekins

Ramekins are small, oven-safe dishes, often made of ceramic, that are suitable for baking individual servings of dishes like soufflés, crème brûlée, or mini casseroles. They come in various sizes and shapes, adding versatility to your air fryer cooking.

9. Ceramic Baking Dishes

Some larger ceramic baking dishes may fit comfortably inside larger air fryers. These dishes can be used for recipes like lasagna, casseroles, baked pasta dishes, or even roasted vegetables. It’s essential to ensure that the dish’s size matches your air fryer without obstructing airflow.

Moreover, exercise caution and monitor when using oven-safe dishes in an air fryer. Ensure compatibility, avoid blocking air vents, and prioritize safety. Generally, using the air fryer’s provided accessories or cooking directly in the basket is recommended for best results and safety.

What Dishes You Can Not Put in an Air Fryer

When employing an air fryer, pay attention to your cookware choices, as they profoundly influence both cooking efficiency and safety. Here’s a closer look at the foods to stay away from using an air fryer for:

Non-Oven Safe Dishes

 These are dishes that lack an oven-safe label or indication. They might not be designed to withstand the high temperatures generated in an air fryer. Using such dishes can result in breakage or the release of harmful chemicals during cooking. To ensure safety, always opt for dishes explicitly marked as oven-safe.

Plastic Containers

 Plastic dishes or containers should never find their way into an air fryer. When exposed to the air fryer’s high temperatures, plastic can melt, emit toxic fumes, and cause significant damage to the appliance. To avoid health hazards and appliance destruction, steer clear of plastic in your air fryer.

Dishes with Non-Heat-Resistant Handles

 Dishes that incorporate handles made from materials unable to withstand high temperatures should be avoided. These handles can become dangerously hot during the cooking process, posing burn risks. Prioritize dishes with heat-resistant handles for safety.

Dishes with Tight-Fitting Lids

 Dishes with lids that create a tight seal can be problematic in an air fryer. They can trap steam and moisture, potentially leading to undesired texture changes in your food. Moreover, there’s a risk of pressure buildup, which could result in accidents. Opt for dishes with vented or loosely fitting lids when using an air fryer.

Large or Bulky Dishes

 Overly large or bulky dishes can obstruct proper airflow within the air fryer. This obstruction disrupts the even distribution of hot air, resulting in uneven cooking. To ensure consistent results, choose appropriately sized dishes that allow for adequate air circulation.

Dishes with Decorative Glazes or Paint

Dishes adorned with decorative glazes or paint may not be heat-resistant. At elevated air fryer temperatures, these coatings may release harmful substances, jeopardizing food safety and cookware durability. Stick to plain, heat-resistant dishes for air frying.

Dishes with Wooden or Non-Heat-Resistant Accents

 Dishes that incorporate wooden or non-heat-resistant accents can be damaged or pose safety risks in the air fryer’s heat. These materials may scorch or burn, potentially compromising the dish’s structure and safety. It’s best to choose dishes without such accents for air frying.

Dishes with Gold or Metallic Trim

 Dishes adorned with gold or metallic trim may not be designed to withstand the high temperatures generated in an air fryer. Subjecting these dishes to heat can lead to damage, discoloration, or safety hazards. Opt for dishes without metallic elements when using an air fryer.

Thin Glass Bakeware

 Thin, delicate glass bakeware is susceptible to shattering when exposed to rapid temperature changes, such as those encountered in an air fryer. To avoid accidents and damage, choose thicker and sturdier glassware or oven-safe alternatives.

Safety Precautions of When Put Dishes in Air Fryer

When using dishes in an air fryer, it’s crucial to follow safety precautions to ensure safe and successful cooking. Here are some safety precautions to remember:

Use Only Oven-Safe Dishes

 Look for dishes explicitly labeled as “oven-safe.” These are manufactured to withstand high temperatures and are generally suitable for use in an air fryer. Do not use dishes that lack this designation, as they may not tolerate the air fryer’s heat.

Confirm Compatibility

Before placing any dish in the air fryer, ensure it’s compatible with the appliance’s temperature settings and size. Dishes that are too large can obstruct proper airflow, leading to uneven cooking or damage to the appliance. Refer to the air fryer’s user manual for guidance.

Prevent Air Vent Obstruction

Proper air circulation is vital for consistent cooking and appliance safety. Do not block the air vents inside the air fryer with dishes or accessories. Obstructed vents can disrupt heat distribution and potentially lead to overheating.

Monitor Cooking Closely

 When using dishes, closely monitor the cooking process. Be ready to alter the temperature and cooking time as necessary because they can change.  In particular, if you’re experimenting with new recipes, this avoids overcooking or uneven outcomes.

Use Appropriate Accessories

 If your air fryer includes specific accessories designed for dishes, such as racks or trays, use them as directed in the manufacturer’s instructions. These accessories are designed to facilitate safe and efficient cooking with dishes.

Avoid Plastic and Non-Heat-Resistant Materials

 Never place plastic containers or dishes with handles, accents, or coatings made from non-heat-resistant materials in the air fryer. Plastic can melt, emit toxic fumes, or become a safety hazard if exposed to the appliance’s high heat.

Check for Loose Fittings

 Verify that any lids or covers on dishes fit securely and are designed for the air fryer’s use. Loose-fitting lids can lead to steam or pressure buildup inside the dish during cooking, potentially causing accidents.

Exercise Caution with Glass Bakeware

 If you choose to use glass bakeware, select options that are thicker and labeled as oven-safe. Thin glass can shatter when exposed to abrupt temperature changes, such as those in an air fryer. Always handle glassware with care.

Prioritize Safety Over Experimentation

If you’re uncertain whether a particular dish is suitable for the air fryer, prioritize safety over experimentation. Avoid using it until you can confirm its compatibility. Opt for known oven-safe dishes to minimize risks.

By adhering to these comprehensive safety precautions, you can enjoy the benefits of using dishes in your air fryer while minimizing potential safety hazards and ensuring a successful cooking experience. Always refer to the user manual provided by the manufacturer for specific safety guidelines tailored to your air fryer model.


Can I Put an Oven Safe Dish in My Air Fryer

Yes, you can put an oven-safe dish in your air fryer. However, it’s essential to ensure compatibility with your specific air fryer model and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for safe use. Always prioritize safety and proper airflow within the appliance.

Can I Use Aluminum Foil With Dishes in an Air Fryer

Yes, you can use aluminum foil with dishes in an air fryer. It’s handy for creating pouches or baskets for specific foods. However, it’s crucial to avoid covering the entire basket or tray to maintain optimal airflow and achieve even cooking.

Can I Use Glass Bowl in Air Fryer 

Yes, you can use glass bowl in air fryer. When using glassware in your air fryer, it’s essential to opt for tempered and oven-safe glass. The top choice for air fryer cooking is borosilicate glass, exemplified by well-known brands like Pyrex. Borosilicate glass undergoes production in a 1000°F oven, ensuring remarkable durability and complete safety during air frying.

Can I Put a Parchment Paper in Air Fryer 

Yes, you can put parchment paper in air fryer. It boasts excellent heat resistance, ensuring its safety during high-temperature cooking in both the air fryer and conventional oven. It’s a handy tool for preventing food from sticking and simplifying cleanup.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the world of air fryer-safe dishes opens up a realm of culinary possibilities. With the right cookware and utensils, you can harness the power of your air fryer to create delectable meals with ease. From metal baking pans to silicone mats and versatile steel bowls, the options are diverse. 

These tools not only simplify cooking but also ensure that your air fryer performs at its best. Whether you’re frying, baking, roasting, or grilling, investing in air fryer-safe dishes is a recipe for success, leading to flavorful dishes and a hassle-free cooking experience.

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