Can You Grill With an Air Fryer? Explained

Yes, you can grill with an air fryer. While it’s not the same as traditional outdoor grilling, air fryers offer a convenient and indoor-friendly way to achieve grilled-like results. They preheat quickly, cook Can you grill with an air fryer food faster with minimal oil, and are suitable for various dishes, including steaks, chicken, vegetables, and seafood.  

 By preheating the air fryer, arranging the food in a single layer, setting the timer, and monitoring the cooking process, you can grill delicious meals with an air fryer. However, for intense smoky flavors, traditional grilling methods may still be preferred.

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Can You Grill With an Air Fryer
Can You Grill With an Air Fryer

What is Grill Mode in Air Fryer?

The grill mode in an air fryer offers a specialized cooking function that delivers top-down heat. This feature is particularly well-suited for preparing various meat items such as burgers, chicken, and steaks. It creates the ideal conditions for grilling, allowing you to achieve those desirable grill marks and savory flavors without needing an outdoor grill.

Moreover, the grill mode can be versatile, extending its capabilities beyond just meats. It’s also handy for melting cheese to ooey-gooey perfection or cooking a medley of vegetables, expanding its usefulness in the kitchen.

One notable example of a kitchen appliance with a highly effective grill function is the Instant Vortex air fryer. For those who have a penchant for grilling but lack access to an outdoor grill, the grill mode in air fryers like the Instant Vortex can be a game-changer. It enables you to enjoy the joys of grilling indoors, offering a convenient and efficient way to savor grilled delicacies all year round.

9 Steps to Grill With an Air Fryer

Grilling with an air fryer is convenient for preparing delicious and healthy meals indoors. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve great results:

Step 1: Preheat Your Air Fryer

Begin by preheating your air fryer. Most models have a temperature control dial or digital settings. Set the temperature to the appropriate level for grilling, typically between 350-400°F (175-200°C). Preheating ensures even cooking.

Step 2: Prepare Your Ingredients

While the air fryer is preheating, prepare the ingredients you want to grill. Season your food with your favorite spices, herbs, or marinades to enhance flavor. You can grill a wide range of items, including meats, seafood, vegetables, and more.

Step 3: Arrange Food Evenly

Place your seasoned food items in a single layer in the air fryer basket or on the grill pan. Ensure that there is some space between each item to allow hot air to circulate evenly for consistent cooking.

Step 4: Start the Grill

Carefully insert the basket or grill pan into the preheated air fryer. Close the air fryer’s lid securely to create a controlled cooking environment.

Step 5: Set the Cooking Time

Set the timer for the appropriate cooking duration. The exact time will vary depending on the type and thickness of your ingredients. Refer to recipes or guidelines for specific cooking times.

Step 6: Monitor and Flip

Keep an eye on the grilling progress. Depending on the food, you may need to flip or shake the basket halfway through the cooking time to ensure even browning and flavor development. Use tongs or a spatula for flipping.

Step 7: Check for Doneness

Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of meat items. Ensure they reach safe temperatures, such as 165°F (74°C) for poultry and 145°F (63°C) for steaks. Vegetables are typically done when they are tender and have a nice grill mark.

Step 8: Serve Your Grilled Masterpiece

Once your food is grilled to perfection, carefully remove it from the air fryer. Allow it to rest for a few minutes before serving to lock in juices and flavors.

Step 9: Clean Your Air Fryer

After your satisfying meal, clean your air fryer by removing the basket or grill pan and washing it with warm, soapy water. Wipe down the interior of the air fryer to maintain cleanliness.

Moreover, grilling with an air fryer is a convenient, quick, and healthier option for enjoying grilled dishes year-round, even indoors. Experiment with various recipes and ingredients to create your culinary masterpieces.

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Do You Need a Grill Plate for Air Fryer?

Cooking directly in the air fryer basket is possible, but for improved results, using a grill plate is highly recommended. The grill plate offers multiple benefits. It facilitates superior air circulation beneath the food, ensuring even cooking from all sides prevents uneven or undercooked portions.

Moreover, the grill plate provides a convenient non-stick surface, preventing your food from adhering to the air fryer basket. This not only simplifies the cooking process but also streamlines the cleaning afterward.

In essence, while not mandatory, a grill plate proves to be a valuable addition to your air fryer setup. It elevates the quality of your cooking, maintains the integrity of your ingredients, and simplifies the cleaning routine. This enhances your air frying experience, making it more efficient and enjoyable.

How to Use Grill Plate in Air Fryer?

Using a grill plate in your air fryer is a fantastic way to expand your cooking possibilities. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a grill plate in your air fryer:

Choose the Right Grill Plate

It’s essential to ensure your grill plate is suitable for your specific air fryer model. These plates come in various sizes and shapes, so select one that fits securely inside your air fryer basket. Some air fryer models come with their grill plates designed to fit perfectly.

Preheat Your Air Fryer

 As with traditional air frying, preheating your air fryer is a good idea. Preheating helps maintain a consistent cooking temperature and promotes even grilling. Set your air fryer to the desired temperature as specified in your recipe. Usually, this process only needs a few minutes.

Prepare Your Ingredients

 While your air fryer is preheating, prepare the ingredients you intend to grill. This can include marinating meats, seasoning vegetables, or brushing fruits with a light coat of oil. Ensure your ingredients are dry to promote better grill marks.

Place the Grill Plate

Once your air fryer is preheated, carefully insert the grill plate into the air fryer basket. Make sure it sits flat and securely to prevent any wobbling during cooking. The grill plate should cover the entire base of the basket.

Arrange Your Food

 Lay your prepared ingredients on the grill plate. It’s important not to overcrowd the plate, as this can obstruct proper air circulation and even cooking. Leave a small gap between items to allow hot air to circulate.

Set the Time and Temperature

 Consult your recipe or general grilling guidelines for the recommended time and temperature settings. Most air fryers have user-friendly controls to adjust these parameters. Depending on what you’re grilling, you may need to adjust the time and temperature accordingly.

Monitor and Flip

 Keep an eye on your food while it’s grilling. Depending on your air fryer and recipe, you may need to flip or turn the ingredients to ensure even grilling and those desirable grill marks. You can use tongs or a spatula to gently flip the items.

Serve and Enjoy

 Once your food is perfectly grilled and reaches the desired doneness, remove the grill plate from your air fryer using oven mitts or tongs, as it will be hot. Transfer your deliciously grilled meal to a serving platter and savor the flavors.

What’s the Difference Between Grilling With an Air Fryer Vs. An Actual Grill?

Certainly, here’s a table of the differences between grilling with an air fryer and using an actual grill:

Aspect Air Fryer GrillingActual Grill Grilling
Cooking TechniqueRapid air circulation, convection heatDirect exposure to open flame or grill grates
Flavor ProfileDelicious but may lack smoky, charred flavorsInfused with smoky flavor and grill marks
VersatilityVersatile (suitable for frying, roasting, baking, etc.)Specialized for grilling purposes
Cooking TimeShorter cooking timesMay require more time
Indoor/Outdoor UseIndoor use, convenient for small spacesOutdoor use, social and outdoor experience
MaintenanceEasy to clean, removable partsRequires more maintenance, including cleaning grill grates, managing ash, and maintaining fuel sources
Space RequirementCompact, suitable for small kitchensRequires outdoor space

Pros of Grilling With an Air Fryer

Grilling with an air fryer offers several advantages, including:

  • Air fryers are user-friendly and quick to set up, offering a hassle-free grilling experience.
  • You can grill indoors year-round, making it ideal for various living situations, including apartments and locations with limited outdoor space.
  • Beyond grilling, air fryers can handle diverse cooking tasks such as frying, roasting, baking, and dehydrating, adding culinary flexibility.
  • Air fryers utilize less oil compared to traditional grilling, promoting healthier cooking with reduced fat content.
  • Air fryers generally have shorter cooking times, allowing you to prepare grilled dishes more efficiently.
  • Many air fryers feature removable, dishwasher-safe components, simplifying the post-cooking cleanup process.
  • Air fryers deliver consistent cooking outcomes, minimizing the risk of overcooking or undercooking your dishes.
  • Indoor grilling with an air fryer generates less smoke and fewer odors compared to traditional grills, creating a more pleasant cooking environment.
  • Air fryers often come equipped with digital controls and preset, offering precise cooking control and versatility.
  • Their compact design makes air fryers suitable for kitchens with limited counter space, ensuring they can fit seamlessly into smaller culinary environments.

Cons of Grilling in an Air Fryer

Certainly, here are the cons of grilling in an air fryer:

  • Air fryers have smaller cooking baskets compared to traditional grills, making it challenging to cook large quantities of food simultaneously.
  • The size of the cooking chamber in an air fryer may restrict the size of the items you can grill, such as large cuts of meat or whole poultry.
  • Air fryers may not produce the classic grill marks or charred appearance that traditional grills offer, which can affect the visual appeal of grilled dishes.
  • Grilling in an air fryer may lack the smoky flavor and aroma associated with outdoor grilling, as there is limited exposure to open flames or smoke.
  • Some air fryers can be noisy during operation, which may not be suitable for quiet cooking environments or when you prefer a peaceful cooking experience.
  • Quality air fryers with grilling capabilities can be relatively expensive compared to basic countertop grills or traditional outdoor grills.
  • Mastering the optimal cooking times and temperatures for grilling in an air fryer may require some experimentation and adjustments.
  • Running an air fryer for extended periods can consume electricity, potentially resulting in higher energy bills if used frequently.
  • While air fryers produce tasty grilled dishes, some people may notice slight differences in texture compared to traditional grilling methods.
  • If you enjoy the distinctive charcoal flavor associated with outdoor grills, an air fryer may not replicate this element of grilling.

Precautions of Grill With an Air Fryer

When grilling with an air fryer, it’s important to take certain precautions to ensure safety and optimal results. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:

1. Read the Manual 

Before you even start using your air fryer for grilling, it’s crucial to read and thoroughly understand the user manual that comes with your specific model. Each air fryer can have unique features, settings, and safety guidelines. Knowing how to operate your air fryer correctly is the first step to safe grilling.

2. Preheat the Air Fryer

Just like with traditional grilling, preheating the air fryer is essential. Follow the recipe’s instructions or your air fryer’s Manual for preheating guidelines. Preheating ensures even cooking and helps prevent food from sticking to the air fryer basket.

3. Use the Right Accessories

 Many air fryers come with accessories like grill pans, racks, or skewers designed specifically for grilling. These accessories allow proper air circulation around the food and help prevent it from directly contacting the heating element. Always use the accessory recommended for grilling in your air fryer.

4. Avoid Overcrowding

 It can be tempting to load up the air fryer basket with as much food as possible, but overcrowding can hinder proper air circulation. Make sure to leave enough space between food items to allow hot air to circulate and cook everything evenly. Consider cooking in batches if necessary.

5. Monitor Cooking

Keep a close eye on the cooking process, especially if it’s your first time grilling with the air fryer. Some recipes may require flipping or turning the food to ensure even browning. Adjust the temperature and cooking time as needed based on the recipe’s instructions and your preferences.

6. Use Oil Sparingly

While air frying is known for using less oil compared to traditional frying methods, some grilled recipes may still call for a light coating of oil. Use oil sparingly to prevent excessive smoking or flare-ups. Consider using an oil sprayer for an even distribution of oil.

7. Consider a Meat Thermometer

When grilling meats, particularly larger cuts or thick steaks, using a meat thermometer is a good practice. It ensures that the meat reaches the desired internal temperature for safe consumption. Refer to a temperature guide for different types of meat to determine the ideal temperature.

8. Handle Hot Accessories

When your grilling session is complete, and it’s time to remove the food or accessories from the air fryer, use oven mitts or heat-resistant gloves. The accessories, basket, and trays can be very hot, and proper protection is essential.

9. Regular Cleaning

After each use, it’s essential to clean your air fryer thoroughly. This includes washing the basket, tray, and any accessories used. Cleaning prevents the buildup of grease and food particles, ensuring the air fryer operates efficiently and safely.

10. Ventilation

 Air frying can produce some smoke and odors, depending on the food you’re grilling. To maintain good indoor air quality, operate the air fryer in a well-ventilated area. Use a range hood or open windows to allow smoke and odors to dissipate.

11. Keep Children and Pets Away

 While the air fryer is in use and when handling hot components, make sure that children and pets are at a safe distance. The exterior of the air fryer can become very hot during operation.

12. Remove Flammable Materials

 Ensure there are no flammable materials, such as kitchen towels, paper towels, or curtains, near the air fryer while it’s operating. Safety is a top priority, and preventing potential fire hazards is crucial.

13. Check the Power Source

When plugging in your air fryer, use a stable power source and avoid using extension cords whenever possible. This reduces the risk of electrical issues during cooking.

14. Empty Grease Collection Tray

Some air fryer models have a grease collection tray or pan. Regularly check and empty this tray to prevent grease overflow, which could pose fire hazards.

15. Know Safety Features

Familiarize yourself with the safety features of your specific air fryer model. Some air fryers have automatic shut-off timers or other safety mechanisms. Understanding how these features work can provide additional peace of mind.

By following these precautions, you can enjoy grilling with your air fryer safely and with delicious results. Always use common sense and care when working with hot appliances and open flames.

Air Fryer Cooking Temperatures and Times for Commonly Grilled Foods

Grilling with an air fryer can be a convenient way to enjoy your favorite grilled foods indoors. Here are some approximate cooking temperatures and times for commonly grilled foods using an air fryer. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines, and actual cooking times may vary depending on your specific air fryer model and the size of your ingredients:

1. Steak

Temperature: 400°F (200°C)

Cooking Time: 8-12 minutes for medium-rare to medium, depending on thickness. Flip halfway through.

2. Chicken Breasts

Temperature: 375°F (190°C)

Cooking Time: 20-25 minutes for boneless, skinless breasts. Flip halfway through.

3. Salmon Fillets

Temperature: 380°F (193°C)

Cooking Time: 8-12 minutes, depending on thickness. No need to flip.

4. Shrimp Skewers

Temperature: 380°F (193°C)

Cooking Time: 6-8 minutes, flipping once or twice.

5. Vegetables (e.g., Bell Peppers, Zucchini, Asparagus)

Temperature: 375-400°F (190-200°C)

Cooking Time: 8-12 minutes, tossing or flipping halfway through.

7. Burgers (Pre-formed Patties)

Temperature: 375°F (190°C)

Cooking Time: 10-12 minutes for medium, flipping halfway through.

8. Hot Dogs or Sausages

Temperature: 375°F (190°C)

Cooking Time: 5-8 minutes, turning occasionally.

9. Corn on the Cob

Temperature: 375-400°F (190-200°C)

Cooking Time: 10-15 minutes, turning occasionally.

10. Portobello Mushrooms (Marinated)

Temperature: 375°F (190°C)

Cooking Time: 8-10 minutes, flipping once.


Which Air Fryer Have a Grill Function?

Numerous air fryer models available today feature a dedicated grill function or come equipped with grill plate accessories. Some popular brands, such as Philips, Ninja, and Cuisinart, offer air fryers designed for grilling. These appliances enable users to replicate the grilling experience indoors, using advanced hot air circulation and specialized grill plates for optimal results.

Can I Use My Air Fryer As A Grill?

Yes, you can use your air fryer as a grill. Many air fryers are equipped with grill accessories or specific grill functions that enable indoor grilling. While it may not completely replicate the outdoor grilling experience, it offers a convenient way to achieve grill-like results indoors.

Is Air Frying Similar To Grilling?

Air frying and grilling share certain similarities in terms of achieving crispy and flavorful results with less oil than traditional frying. However, grilling offers a unique smoky flavor and grill marks that air frying doesn’t precisely replicate. These differences make each method distinct and appealing to various cooking preferences.

Can You Put BBQ Sticks In The Air Fryer?

Yes, you can put BBQ sticks in the air fryer. It’s a convenient method for cooking skewered foods like kebabs or satay. Ensure that the skewers fit comfortably in the air fryer basket without touching the heating element to cook them evenly and achieve a nice char on the outside.

Can You Grill Meat in Air Fryer?

Yes, you can grill meat in air fryer. Air fryers use rapid hot air circulation to cook, which can give meats a grilled-like texture. They’re great for items like burgers, chicken, steaks, and kebabs. Just ensure your air fryer has a grill plate or basket suitable for grilling.

Which is Healthier Air Frying or Grilling?

When it comes to health considerations, both air frying and grilling offer healthier alternatives to deep frying. Air frying involves using minimal or no oil, significantly reducing your dishes’ fat content. Grilling, on the other hand, allows excess fat to drip away from the food, further lowering its overall calorie content.  Therefore, both methods are excellent choices for health-conscious individuals. Your decision between air frying and grilling should be based on your specific cooking preferences and the desired results for your meals.

Can You Grill Steaks in an Air Fryer?

Yes, you can grill steaks in an air fryer. Just preheat your 3.5-quart air fryer to 400 degrees F, season the steak with a pinch of salt and some black pepper on both sides, then cook to your preferred doneness. It takes about 10 minutes for medium-rare, 12 minutes for medium, and 14 minutes for medium-well. Enjoy your perfectly grilled steak!

Final Verdict

In conclusion, grilling with an air fryer is possible and offers a convenient alternative to traditional grilling methods. While it may not replicate the exact flavor and texture of outdoor grilling, it delivers delicious, healthier results with less smoke and mess. 

For those seeking a quick, indoor grilling solution, an air fryer with grill functions can be a valuable addition to your kitchen arsenal. Remember to use appropriate accessories, follow cooking times and temperatures, and experiment with various recipes to make the most of your air fryer’s grilling capabilities. Happy grilling indoors!

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