Can You Put Air Fryer Basket in Dishwasher- Tips for Proper Cleaning

No, you cannot put an air fryer basket in the dishwasher. A dishwasher’s high heat and water jets can harm most air fryer baskets’ nonstick coating and other elements. Cleaning it by hand using mild soap and warm water is safer. 

However, cleaning by hand ensures a gentle touch, preserving the basket’s quality. A soft sponge or cloth is all you need, making the process quick and easy. This precaution can significantly extend your air fryer’s lifespan, enhancing your cooking experience. To learn more about whether can I put my air fryer basket in the dishwasher, to maintain the durability performance of the air fryer basket, and are air fryer baskets dishwasher safe, always refer to the air fryer manual.

Can You Put Air Fryer Basket in Dishwasher
Can You Put Air Fryer Basket in Dishwasher

The Benefits of Using an Air Fryer Basket

Using an air fryer basket offers several benefits for cooking:

Crispy and Moist Cooking

Air fryer baskets achieve delightful textures, giving food a crispy exterior and a moist interior. This is possible because they facilitate hot air circulation around the food, creating a perfect balance of crunchiness on the outside and tenderness within. This unique cooking method ensures your meals are both crispy and moist, enhancing your dining experience.

Easy Cleanup

Cleaning air fryer baskets is a breeze due to their nonstick feature. Most baskets have a nonstick coating, ensuring food slides off quickly and residue is minimal. This characteristic simplifies the cleaning process significantly, making it effortless compared to cleaning after traditional frying methods. It saves time and effort, promoting a hassle-free cooking experience.

Healthier Option

Air fryer baskets provide a healthier way to enjoy fried foods. They need very little to no oil, reducing calories and fat intake. This makes them an excellent choice for those wanting the crispy goodness of fried dishes without the guilt. It’s a smart and healthier alternative for indulging in your favorite treats.


Air fryer baskets are incredibly versatile and capable of preparing various dishes. These baskets handle everything from savory vegetables and meats to sweet desserts. Their adaptability allows for diverse meal options, making them a practical kitchen tool for those seeking culinary creativity and the convenience of preparing different types of food.

Time and Energy Efficient

Air fryer baskets are both time and energy-efficient kitchen companions. They cook food faster than traditional methods, saving precious time in the kitchen. These baskets are energy-savvy, using less power to achieve delicious, evenly cooked meals. This efficiency saves time and contributes to reduced energy consumption, making them environmentally friendly.

Space Saving

Air fryer baskets are designed with space efficiency in mind, perfect for compact kitchens or individuals cooking for one or two. Their compact size makes them ideal for limited kitchen spaces, ensuring they fit seamlessly into smaller countertops or storage areas. This space-saving feature makes them practical and convenient for various households.

Why You Shouldn’t Put an Air Fryer Basket in the Dishwasher

Putting an air fryer basket in the dishwasher is not recommended for several reasons:

1. Nonstick Coating Damage

Dishwashers can harm the nonstick coating of air fryer baskets. The high water pressure and heat they use can damage this essential coating, making cooking uneven and food sticking. To keep your basket working well, it’s best to wash it by hand. This way, you preserve the nonstick surface, ensuring your food cooks evenly and doesn’t cling to the basket.

2. Scratching Risk

Putting the basket in the dishwasher can cause scratches when it bumps into other items. Even minor scratches can affect how well the basket works and how long it lasts. To avoid this, it’s best to wash the basket by hand. Handwashing ensures it stays smooth, preserving its performance and ensuring it lasts long without any issues.

3. Avoiding Rust

If your air fryer basket is metal, using the dishwasher can make it rust because of the moisture. Rust can damage it and shorten its life. To prevent this, after washing by hand, make sure to dry it thoroughly. By keeping it dry, you avoid rust issues, making your basket last longer and work better for much longer.

4. Maintaining Nonstick Properties

Keeping your air fryer basket’s nonstick feature intact is essential for easy cooking and cleanup. The nonstick coating stops food from sticking, making cooking and cleaning a breeze. 

Dishwashers, with their strong water and heat, can harm this coating. To protect it, handwash with a soft sponge and mild soap. This way, your air fryer basket stays effective and lasts longer for your cooking needs.

5. Manufacturer’s Recommendations

It’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s advice in air fryer manuals. They usually warn against using dishwashers. Adhering to these instructions keeps your appliance in the best shape and preserves its warranty. Dishwashers can damage the air fryer due to their strong water jets and high heat. By handwashing as recommended, you ensure your air fryer stays in optimal condition, maintaining its effectiveness and warranty coverage.

6. Gentle Cleaning

Handwashing provides a gentle approach, preserving your basket’s durability. Handwashing allows for a softer touch, unlike dishwashers with strong water pressure and heat. 

This method ensures the basket’s longevity, preventing damage caused by intense dishwasher conditions. By choosing gentle cleaning, you maintain the basket’s effectiveness and extend its lifespan, ensuring it serves you well for a long time.

Tips for Cleaning Air Fryer Baskets by Hand

Cleaning your air fryer basket by hand is essential for maintaining its performance and longevity. Here are some simple tips for cleaning it effectively:

  • Before cleaning, ensure the air fryer basket is thoroughly cooled down. This precaution prevents burns and simplifies the removal of food residues. Cleaning a cool basket is safer and more efficient than maintaining the appliance’s condition. Waiting for it to cool ensures easy handling, protecting you from potential burns and ensuring effective cleaning.
  • Employ a soft brush or sponge to eliminate large food particles from the air fryer basket, steering clear of abrasive tools. This gentle cleaning method prevents damage to the basket’s surface while removing significant debris. Avoiding harsh tools safeguards the nonstick coating, ensuring the basket remains in optimal condition for more extended periods of use.
  • Place the air fryer basket in warm, soapy water for 10-15 minutes. Soaking helps loosen stubborn food bits, making them easier to clean. The warm, soapy water breaks down grease and grime, making cleaning more straightforward. After soaking, removing any remaining residues for a thorough clean will be much easier.
  • Employ a non-abrasive sponge or brush for gentle scrubbing, focusing on small holes and crevices. Avoid using steel wool or abrasive materials that may damage the basket’s surface. This careful approach ensures effective cleaning without harming the basket, maintaining its integrity and prolonging its usability for your cooking needs.
  • After cleaning, rinse the basket thoroughly under running water to eliminate all soap residue. It’s crucial to ensure there’s no soap left, as even a tiny amount can affect the taste of future meals. Thorough rinsing guarantees the basket is clean and ready for use, preventing unwanted flavors in your cooked food.
  • Before reassembling, ensure the air fryer basket is entirely dry. Use a clean dish towel or let it air dry on a rack. Thorough drying is crucial, as moisture can lead to bacterial growth and rusting. A completely dry basket ensures safe and hygienic use, preserving its condition and preventing potential issues.
  • While the basket dries, gently wipe the air fryer’s exterior with a damp cloth. Exercise caution to prevent water from entering the appliance’s interior. This simple step ensures the exterior stays clean without damaging the internal components. It maintains the air fryer’s overall hygiene and appearance for prolonged use.

How to Clean Air Fryer Basket Safely?

Air fryer basket cleaning is essential for optimal performance and flawless cooking. However, here’s a simple guide to cleaning your air fryer basket:

1. Cool Down

Ensure the air fryer basket cools down entirely after use. Allowing it to cool prevents burns and ensures safe cleaning. A completely cooled basket is safer to handle, minimizing the risk of accidents. Cooling down is essential before cleaning, making the entire process safer and more comfortable.

2. Remove Excess Debris

Utilize a soft brush or sponge to remove significant food debris from the air fryer basket. Avoid abrasive tools to prevent harm to the nonstick coating. This gentle cleaning approach safeguards the surface, ensuring the basket remains in optimal condition. Removing excess debris is the initial step towards thorough and safe cleaning practices.

3. Soak in Warm, Soapy Water

Fill your sink with warm water and a few drops of mild dish soap. Submerge the air fryer basket in this soapy solution, allowing it to soak for 10-15 minutes. This soaking process loosens stuck-on food particles, making it easier to clean. Warm, soapy water effectively dissolves grime, ensuring a thorough cleaning experience.

4. Use Cleaning Agents

In a small bowl, combine two tablespoons of baking soda with the juice from half a lemon. Add a teaspoon of hot water to create a cleaning paste. Apply this paste directly onto the air fryer basket’s stains. Gently scrub using a dedicated soft toothbrush for cleaning or a sponge. This natural solution effectively removes grime and stains.

5. Gentle Scrubbing

Engage in gentle scrubbing, focusing on corners and crevices where residues accumulate in the air fryer basket. Carefully clean these areas to ensure thorough removal of grime. Avoid using harsh scrubbers that could damage the nonstick surface. This gentle approach preserves the basket’s integrity, ensuring it stays effective for future use.

6. Rinse Thoroughly

Thoroughly rinse the air fryer basket under running water to eliminate any lingering soap residue and leftover food particles. Ensure a comprehensive rinse to ensure the basket is clean before proceeding to the next cleaning step. Proper rinsing is vital for a residue-free and hygienic basket, ensuring its readiness for future use.

7. Dry Completely

After cleaning, ensure the air fryer basket is completely dry. Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe it or let it air dry naturally thoroughly. Complete drying is crucial as it prevents bacterial growth and rust, ensuring the basket remains hygienic and in optimal condition for safe and effective future use.

8. Reassemble and Store

Once thoroughly dry, reassemble the basket and store it in a cool, dry place until your next use. Proper storage safeguards the basket from dust and contaminants, ensuring it remains clean and ready for cooking. Storing it correctly prolongs its lifespan, allowing you to enjoy efficient and hygienic use each time you cook.

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Tips for Improving the Lifespan of Your Air Fryer Basket

To enhance the lifespan of your air fryer basket and ensure it stays in optimal condition, follow these valuable tips:

Avoid Metal Utensils

Avoid using metal utensils in your air fryer basket to prevent scratches on its nonstick surface. Scratches can make the coating less effective over time. Instead, use utensils made of silicone, plastic, or wood. This simple change helps your air fryer last longer and cook your food more evenly.

Avoid Overloading

Please don’t overload your air fryer basket; it disrupts airflow and reduces efficiency. Overcrowding prevents proper cooking and can lead to uneven results. Cook in smaller batches if needed, allowing the air to circulate evenly around the food. This ensures optimal performance and delicious, evenly cooked meals every time.

Remove Food Debris

Clean your air fryer basket carefully by removing leftover food bits before washing. Even tiny pieces can cause damage if left inside. Doing this keeps your basket safe from harm, ensuring it stays in good shape for a long time and helping you cook tasty meals every time.

Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions

Always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for cleaning and maintaining your air fryer basket. These guidelines ensure proper usage and help prolong its lifespan. Manufacturers know their products best, so following their advice guarantees that your air fryer remains in excellent condition, delivering consistent and efficient cooking results over time.

Use Correct Temperature

Ensure you use the correct temperature and cooking time for your food in the air fryer basket. Overcooking affects the taste and can damage the basket, reducing its lifespan. By cooking your food at the right temperature, you maintain the basket’s durability, ensuring it serves you well for a long time.

Avoid Abrasive Tools

Avoid using abrasive tools such as steel wool or harsh chemicals when cleaning your air fryer basket. These can harm the nonstick coating, reducing its effectiveness and lifespan. Instead, opt for soft sponges or brushes to ensure gentle yet thorough cleaning, preserving the layer and ensuring your basket stays in top condition.

Proper Storage

Store your air fryer basket in a cool, dry place when it’s not in use. Proper storage safeguards it from dust and contaminants, ensuring it stays clean and ready for your next cooking adventure. A well-protected basket maintains its hygiene and functionality, ensuring you can always rely on it for delicious meals.

Regular Inspection

Regularly check your air fryer basket for signs of wear, peeling, or chipping in the nonstick coating. If you notice significant damage, it’s crucial to replace the basket. Periodic inspections ensure your air fryer functions effectively, allowing you to enjoy consistent cooking results and prolonging the appliance’s lifespan.

Handle with Care

Handle your air fryer basket gently, avoiding bumps or rough use. Please treat it with care to keep it strong and working well. Being gentle ensures your basket lasts longer, ensuring you can enjoy tasty meals every time you use it. Taking care of it means it will take care of your cooking needs.


Can an Airfryer Tray Go in the Dishwasher?

Yes, an air fryer tray goes in the dishwasher. All removable parts, including the tray, are dishwasher-safe. Just toss them in for easy cleaning. A quick soak helps before going into the dishwasher for any stubborn bits, making cleanup hassle-free and convenient.

What is the Dishwasher Safe Symbol?

The dishwasher-safe symbol is easy to spot: it shows a big dish next to a small one under diagonal lines. If your tableware has this symbol, like a plate next to a water droplet, you can safely clean it in the dishwasher. It’s a handy guide for hassle-free washing.

How Often Should You Clean Your Air Fryer Basket?

Clean your air fryer basket after each use to prevent baked-on dirt and burnt crumbs, ensuring your food tastes great. For a more thorough clean inside the unit and the coil, do it every few uses. Regular cleaning keeps your air fryer in excellent condition, guaranteeing delicious and crispy results every time.

What Dishes Are Not Dishwasher Safe?

Here are 8 dishes that are not dishwasher safe:
·       Thin plastic
·       Crystal and delicate glassware
·       Wood 
·       Silver 
·       Antique, hand-painted, metal-rimmed china.
·       Nonstick, Cast iron, and copper pans and pots.
·       Knives 
·       Insulated containers and mugs

Final Verdict

Can air fryer basket go in dishwasher? Dishwashers can damage the nonstick coating. Clean it by hand using mild soap and warm water, preserving its quality. A soft sponge or cloth works well. 

This simple step can extend your air fryer’s life, improving your cooking. Moreover, always check your air fryer manual for cleaning tips. Avoid harsh stuff, keep it clean after each use, and remove food bits immediately. Your air fryer will stay great, giving you tasty food every time. If you want to know more about whether can you put the air fryer basket in the dishwasher, then you can dive into the article.

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