Can You Put Tortillas in the Air Fryer- Easy Tips and Recipes

Yes, you can put tortillas in the air fryer. Air-frying tortillas are a great way to make them crispy and delicious without using a lot of oil. Simply preheat your air fryer to around 350°F (175°C). Then, place the tortillas in a single layer in the basket. 

Cook for 2-4 minutes, flipping them halfway through, until they reach your desired level of crispiness. Keep an eye on them to prevent burning, and you’ll have perfectly crispy tortillas ready for your favorite Mexican dishes or snacks!

How to Make Tortilla Chips in Air Fryer
How to Make Tortilla Chips in Air Fryer

How to Make Tortilla Chips in Air Fryer?

Making tortilla chips in an air fryer is quick and easy. Here’s a simple recipe for you:


  • Corn tortillas
  • Cooking spray or olive oil (optional)
  • Salt and your favorite seasonings (optional)


  • Turn on your air fryer and set the temperature to 350°F (175°C). Let it preheat while you prepare the tortillas.
  • Stack the corn tortillas and slice them into wedge shapes, just like slicing a pizza. You can make them big or small, depending on how you like your chips.
  • For tastier chips, you can spray the tortilla wedges with a bit of cooking spray. This helps them get crispy. Sprinkle your favorite seasonings; even a pinch of salt can enhance the taste.
  • Put the wedges of tortilla in the air fryer basket. Spread them out so they aren’t overlapping. If you have many, it’s better to do this in batches to ensure they all get crispy.
  • Allow the magic to occur by sliding the basket into the air fryer. Cook the chips for 7-10 minutes. About halfway through, gently shake the basket to ensure even cooking. Keep an eye on them; they should turn golden brown and crunchy.
  • Once your chips are done, take them out. Take a minute or two to cool down. As they cool, they’ll become even crunchier. It’s like the finishing touch to make them perfect!
  • Your homemade tortilla chips are ready to be enjoyed! Dip them in salsa, guacamole, or any dip you love. They’re healthier and tastier than store-bought chips!

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How to Reheat Tortillas in the Air Fryer?

Reheating tortillas in the air fryer is super simple and makes them warm and crispy. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Turn on your air fryer and set the temperature to 350°F (175°C). Give it a couple of minutes to warm up.
  • If your tortillas are in the fridge or freezer, let them sit at room temperature for a bit. If they’re sticking together, gently pull them apart. You can make your tortillas soft by brushing a little oil or water on them. If you like them crispy, you can skip this step.
  • Lay the tortillas in a single layer inside the air fryer basket. Don’t pile them up; they need space to get crispy. If you have too many, you might need to do this in batches.
  • Put the basket into the air fryer and let the tortillas cook for 1-2 minutes. Check them after 1 minute. They should become crispy. If not, keep cooking in 30-second bursts until they’re just right. Be careful not to burn them.
  • Once your tortillas are warm and crispy, take them out of the air fryer right away. Don’t let them sit inside, or they might become too hard.
  • If you want extra flavor, you can sprinkle a bit of salt, garlic powder, or any seasoning you like on the tortillas before you air fry them.
  • Now, you can use your crispy tortillas for making tacos, quesadillas, or any other dishes you like. They will taste fresh and crunchy, just like they were freshly made!

Tips for Reheating Tortillas in the Air Fryer

Here are some tips for reheating tortillas in the air fryer to ensure they come out perfectly crispy and delicious:

  • Always preheat your air fryer for a few minutes before putting in the tortillas. This ensures even cooking and helps in achieving that desired crispiness.
  • Arrange the tortillas in a single layer without overcrowding the air fryer basket. If the tortillas are stacked or overlapping, they won’t crisp up properly. It’s better to work in batches if you have a lot of tortillas to reheat.
  • For extra crispiness, you can lightly brush both sides of the tortillas with oil. This helps them turn golden brown and crunchy. Use a small amount of oil to avoid excessive greasiness.
  • Keep a close eye on the tortillas while they’re in the air fryer. Cooking times can vary based on the thickness of the tortillas and the air fryer’s power. Check them after a minute or so and then in 30-second intervals to prevent overcooking.
  • To enhance the flavor even more, try experimenting with various spices. Sprinkle a bit of salt, garlic powder, or your favorite seasoning on the tortillas before air frying. This easy procedure can improve the flavor.
  • If you’re worried about the tortillas sticking to the air fryer basket, you can line it with parchment paper. This makes it easier to remove them once they’re cooked and prevents any mess.
  • If your tortillas are a bit stale, you can sprinkle them with a little water before reheating. The moisture will help soften them slightly while the air fryer makes them crispy.
  • Once the tortillas are crispy and heated to your liking, take them out of the air fryer immediately. They tend to lose their crispiness if left in the basket after cooking.
  • If you find that your tortillas are getting too crispy on the edges but not in the middle, try lowering the temperature slightly. Experimentation will help you find the perfect temperature and timing for your specific tortillas.

How Do You Store Homemade Tortilla Chips?

Storing homemade tortilla chips properly ensures they stay fresh and crispy for as long as possible. Here’s how you can store them:

Let Them Cool

Allow your homemade tortilla chips to cool completely before storing them. Hot chips can become soggy if stored while warm. Letting them cool ensures they stay crispy. After cool, place them in an airtight container to keep them fresh. This simple step preserves their delightful crunch for a longer time.

Use an Airtight Container

After cooling, store your tortilla chips in an airtight container. Options include zip-top bags plastic, or glass containers with tight lids. The airtight seal safeguards their crispiness and stops moisture from making them soggy. This method keeps your chips fresh and crunchy, ready to enjoy whenever you crave a tasty snack.

Add a Paper Towel

To maintain your tortilla chips’ crispness, put a paper towel at the container’s base before placing the chips. This simple trick absorbs any extra moisture, ensuring the chips stay crunchy for an extended period. It acts as a moisture barrier, preserving its delightful texture and making your snacking experience enjoyable for longer.

Avoid Overcrowding

Prevent overcrowding in the container to maintain your tortilla chips’ freshness. Avoid tightly packing too many chips, as it can cause breakage and loss of crispiness. For larger batches, use multiple containers or bags. This ensures each chip has space, preserving its integrity and ensuring a satisfying crunch when you snack.

Store in a Cool, Dry Place

Store your airtight container of tortilla chips in a cool, dry cupboard or pantry. Avoid places near heat sources like stoves or sinks, as well as moisture. A cool, dry spot ensures the chips remain fresh and crispy. Proper storage preserves their texture and taste, making your snacks delightful every time.

Refrigeration or Freezing (Optional)

For long-term storage, refrigerate or freeze your tortilla chips. Use a vacuum-sealed bag or airtight container. Freezing might alter texture slightly but preserves freshness for months. When needed, thaw in the fridge or reheat for crispy enjoyment. This optional method ensures your chips last, ready to satisfy your snack cravings.


To make your chips crispy again, put them on a baking sheet and bake at 300°F (150°C) for a few minutes. Watch closely to prevent burning. This trick restores their crunchiness, making them tasty once more. It’s an easy way to enjoy your chips as if they were just made.


Are Air Fryer Tortilla Chips Healthy?

Yes, air fryer tortilla chips are healthy. They’re made with less oil, meaning fewer calories and less fat compared to deep-fried ones. Choosing whole-grain tortillas and limiting salt keeps them nutritious. Still, like any snack, moderation is key for a balanced and healthier diet.

How Do You Keep Tortillas From Flying in an Air Fryer?

To keep tortillas from flying in an air fryer, avoid overcrowding and lay them out evenly in the air fryer basket. If needed, use a smaller rack or an instant pot insert as a weight to prevent them from flying around. Ensuring proper spacing and a stable weight on top promotes even cooking and crispy results.

Why Are My Air Fryer Tortilla Chips Chewy?

Usually, undercooking can cause your air fryer tortilla chips to be chewy. To fix this, heat the air fryer to 350°F. Spritz chips with oil, then air fry for 1-2 mins until crispy and golden. This simple trick turns chewy chips into tasty, crunchy snacks, perfect for munching.

Can You Soften Corn Tortillas in Air Fryer?

Yes, you can soften corn tortillas in an air fryer. Preheat your air fryer to 350°F. Place the tortillas in the basket without overlapping. Just a few seconds on each side is enough to warm them up. This quick method keeps the tortillas soft and ready for your favorite fillings or dishes.

Final Verdict

The air fryer is a versatile tool for tortilla lovers. Whether you crave crispy chips or soft wraps, it delivers. To achieve perfect crunch, cut your tortillas, lightly spray them with oil, and air fry. For soft tortillas, a short stint at 350°F is all it takes. 

But remember, air fryer success lies in not overcrowding. For a wealth of tips, detailed recipes, and essential do’s and don’ts, read our comprehensive article. It’s your guide to delicious tortilla creations. Dive in and improve your cooking game. 

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