Can You Use Lemon to Clean Air Fryer? Step By Step Instructions

Yes, you can use lemon to clean your air fryer effectively. Lemon’s natural acidity makes it a safe and efficient cleaning agent, especially for tackling grease and grime. To clean your air fryer with lemon, squeeze fresh lemon juice or use bottled lemon juice.  Dilute it with equal warm water to create a cleaning solution. 

Now, gently wipe the air fryer’s interior, including the basket and tray, using a cloth or sponge dampened with the lemon-water mixture. 

After cleaning, rinse and dry the components thoroughly to ensure no lemon residue remains. This lemon cleaning method also imparts your air fryer a fresh, pleasant scent.

Can You Use Lemon to Clean Air Fryer
Can You Use Lemon to Clean Air Fryer

Step-by-step Instructions: How to Clean an Air Fryer With Lemon

Certainly, here are step-by-step instructions on how to clean an air fryer with lemon:

Materials You’ll Need:

  • A fresh lemon or bottled lemon juice
  • Warm water
  • Soft cloth or sponge
  • A small bowl

Step 1: Safety First

Ensure the air fryer is unplugged and completely cooled down. Safety is paramount when cleaning kitchen appliances.

Step 2: Prepare the Lemon Solution

Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon into a small bowl. If you don’t have a fresh lemon, bottled lemon juice can be used as an alternative.

Dilute the lemon juice by adding an equal amount of warm water. This creates an effective cleaning solution.

Step 3: Dampen a Cloth or Sponge

Take a soft cloth or sponge and dip it into the lemon-water mixture. It’s important that the cloth or sponge is damp but not overly saturated.

Step 4: Begin Cleaning the Interior

  • Gently wipe the interior of the air fryer with a damp cloth or sponge. Pay close attention to areas with stubborn grease or food residue. Lemon’s natural acidity will help break down these deposits.
  • You can apply a bit more pressure for areas requiring more attention, but avoid using abrasive materials to prevent damaging the non-stick coating.

Step 5: Rinse and Wipe Again

  • After wiping with the lemon solution, rinse the cloth or sponge with clean water.
  • Use the rinsed cloth or sponge to wipe the interior of the air fryer again. This step removes any lemon residue and ensures your food won’t have a lemony taste in the next use.

Step 6: Check and Dry Thoroughly

  • Ensure that all parts of the air fryer, including the basket and tray, are thoroughly dry before plugging it back in or using it again.
  • A dry air fryer prevents any potential electrical issues when you plug it back in.

Step 7: Cleaning the Exterior (Optional)

If the exterior of your air fryer has oil splatters or stains, you can use the lemon solution to clean it as well. Lemon is effective in removing grease stains from surfaces.

Step 8: Enjoy the Fresh Scent

One of the benefits of using lemon for cleaning is the fresh and pleasant citrus scent it leaves behind. Your air fryer will smell clean and refreshing.

By following these detailed steps, you can effectively clean your air fryer with lemon, maintaining its cleanliness and ensuring it continues producing delicious, clean meals.

Benefits of using lemon to clean air fryer

Cleaning your air fryer with lemon offers several benefits:

Natural and Non-Toxic 

Lemon is a natural and non-toxic cleaning agent, making it a safe choice for maintaining the cleanliness of your air fryer. It’s free from harsh chemicals that can be present in commercial cleaning products.

Effective Degreaser

Lemon’s natural acidity makes it a powerful degreaser. It can effectively break down and dissolve grease and food residues that may accumulate inside the air fryer. This makes it especially useful for removing stubborn stains and build-up.

Fresh Citrus Scent

 One of the delightful benefits of using lemon for cleaning is the fresh citrus scent it imparts. Your air fryer will be clean and have a pleasant and refreshing aroma. This can help eliminate cooking odors that sometimes linger in kitchen appliances.


Lemon cleaning is gentle on the interior of the air fryer, including its non-stick coating. When used with a soft cloth or sponge, it won’t scratch or damage the appliance’s surfaces.


 Lemons are readily available and relatively inexpensive. Using lemon for cleaning is a cost-effective way to maintain your air fryer’s cleanliness.

Environmentally Friendly

 Opting for natural cleaning ingredients like lemon reduces your reliance on chemical cleaners, contributing to a more environmentally friendly cleaning routine. It’s a sustainable choice for keeping your kitchen appliances spotless.

Versatile Cleaning Agent

Lemon isn’t limited to just cleaning the air fryer. You can use it to clean other kitchen appliances, countertops, and surfaces. Its versatility extends beyond the air fryer, making it a valuable addition to your cleaning supplies.

Safe for Food Contact

 Since lemon is a common food ingredient, any residual traces left behind after cleaning are safe. You won’t need to worry about it affecting the taste or safety of your cooked food.

By leveraging these detailed benefits, you can effectively and safely use lemon to clean your air fryer, ensuring it remains in excellent condition while adding a fresh and pleasant scent to your kitchen.

Precautions to use lemon to clean air fryer

While using lemon to clean your air fryer is generally safe and effective, there are some precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Proper Dilution: Ensure you dilute the lemon juice with equal warm water to create a safe and effective cleaning solution. Using undiluted lemon juice can be too acidic and potentially harm the surfaces of your air fryer.
  2. Strain Lemon Juice: Before creating the cleaning solution, strain the lemon juice to remove any pulp or seeds. Pulp and seeds can scratch the interior and exterior surfaces of the air fryer, so it’s essential to avoid them.
  3. Thorough Rinsing: After cleaning with the lemon solution, thoroughly rinse all parts with clean water, including the basket, tray, and any removable components. This step ensures that no lemon residue remains, preventing your food from acquiring a lemony taste during cooking.
  4. Complete Drying: Before using your air fryer again, ensure all components are completely dry. Dampness can lead to electrical issues when you plug in the appliance.
  5. Patch Test: If you plan to use lemon to clean the exterior of your air fryer for the first time, it’s a good idea to perform a patch test in an inconspicuous area. This helps you ensure that there are no adverse reactions to the appliance’s finish.
  6. Limited Soaking: While it’s safe to wipe the interior with a lemon solution, avoid excessive soaking. Prolonged exposure to moisture, even from lemon juice, can cause damage to the air fryer.
  7. Use Soft Cleaning Materials: Always use soft materials like a cloth or sponge when cleaning with lemon. Abrasive scrubbers or harsh materials can scratch the air fryer’s surfaces, especially if it has a non-stick coating.
  8. Safety Precautions: Before cleaning, unplug the air fryer and allow it to cool down completely. Safety should always be a top priority when dealing with kitchen appliances.


Can You Turn the Airfryer Upside Down to Clean?

No, you cannot turn the air fryer upside down to clean it. Air fryers are designed to be cleaned in an upright position. Inverting it can potentially damage the heating element and other internal components, leading to safety concerns. Always clean your air fryer following the manufacturer’s instructions while maintaining its upright position.

Is Lemon Safe to Use for Cleaning My Air Fryer?

Yes, lemon is safe to use for cleaning your air fryer. Its natural acidity helps break down grease and food residues. However, it’s important to properly dilute lemon juice with water, avoid excessive concentration, and ensure thorough rinsing to prevent any adverse effects on the appliance.

Do I Need to Clean My Air Fryer With Lemon After Every Use?

No, you don’t need to clean your air fryer with lemon after every use. Regular cleaning with warm, soapy water and a soft cloth or sponge is usually sufficient to maintain its cleanliness. Lemon can be employed periodically for a deeper cleaning or to tackle specific issues like stubborn stains and odors when required.

Will Using Lemon to Clean My Air Fryer Damage the Non-stick Coating?

When used correctly, lemon should not damage the non-stick coating of your air fryer. It’s important to dilute lemon juice with water and avoid excessive concentrations, as well as abrasive materials. These precautions help ensure the safety of the non-stick coating during the cleaning process.

Can I Clean the Exterior of the Air Fryer With Lemon, Too?

Yes, you can clean the exterior of the air fryer with lemon and water solution. Just ensure that the lemon solution is appropriately diluted, and use a soft cloth or sponge to clean the exterior surfaces. Rinse and wipe dry after cleaning for a fresh, clean look.

Final Verdict

Certainly, using lemon to clean your air fryer can be a practical and effective method. Its natural acidity helps break down grease and food residues, leaving your appliance clean and fresh. However, it’s not necessary to use lemon after every use; regular cleaning with warm, soapy water and a soft cloth is generally sufficient. 

Lemon can be reserved for periodic deep cleaning or for tackling stubborn stains and odors. Ultimately, it’s a safe and environmentally friendly cleaning option that can help maintain the cleanliness and functionality of your air fryer when used thoughtfully.

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