Frozen Sweet Potato Fries in Air Fryer – Elevate Your Snack Game

Air frying frozen sweet potato fries is not only easy but also a healthier choice. These fries offer a delightful blend of sweet and savory flavors, with a crispy exterior and a tender inside. By using an air fryer, you can achieve that perfect texture without drowning them in oil. 

Moreover, in this guide, we will walk you through the simple steps to cook frozen sweet potato fries in your air fryer. They’ll come out beautifully golden, wonderfully crispy, and ready to enjoy as a tasty snack, side dish, or a guilt-free treat.

Frozen Sweet Potato Fries in Air Fryer
Frozen Sweet Potato Fries in Air Fryer

How to Cook Frozen Sweet Potato Fries in Air Fryer

Cooking frozen sweet potato fries in an air fryer is easy and results in crispy, delicious fries. Here are some simple steps to cook frozen sweet potato fries in an air fryer:


  • Frozen sweet potato fries


  • Preheating is crucial for consistent and crispy results. Typically, preheat your air fryer to 360°F for about 3-5 minutes before adding the frozen sweet potato fries. This step ensures that the fries start cooking immediately when placed in the hot air.
  • Arrange the frozen sweet potato fries in a single layer within the air fryer basket. It’s essential to avoid overcrowding. If you have a large batch, consider cooking in multiple batches to maintain even cooking and crispiness.
  • The recommended initial cooking time is 10-15 minutes at 360°F. However, this can vary depending on your specific air fryer model and the thickness of the fries. Check the packaging for any manufacturer-recommended cooking times as a starting point.
  • About halfway through the cooking time (typically around 5-7 minutes), pause the air fryer and gently shake the basket or flip the fries with tongs. This step helps ensure that all sides of the fries receive equal heat, resulting in uniform crispiness.
  • Keep a close eye on the fries as they near the end of the cooking time. You want them to turn a lovely golden brown color and achieve the desired level of crispiness. Adjust the cooking time accordingly, but avoid overcooking, as it can make the fries excessively crispy or burnt.
  • Sweet potato fries are at their absolute best when served immediately. The crispiness begins to diminish as they cool, so aim to enjoy them straight out of the air fryer.
  • To enhance the flavor, consider experimenting with seasonings or spices. Before cooking, sprinkle sea salt, garlic powder, or your favorite seasoning blend for added taste and variety.

Tips for Best Frozen Sweet Potato Fries in the Air Fryer

Here are some tips to ensure you get the best results when making frozen sweet potato fries in the air fryer:

  • Always preheat your air fryer to 360°F for about 3-5 minutes before cooking. This initial burst of heat sets the stage for even cooking and ensures crispy results.
  • Arrange the frozen sweet potato fries in a single, evenly spaced layer in the air fryer basket. Overcrowding prevents proper air circulation and may lead to uneven cooking.
  • While sweet potato fries contain some natural moisture, a light spritz of cooking oil using an oil sprayer or brush can enhance their crispiness. It also helps seasonings adhere better.
  • Around the halfway point of the cooking time (typically 5-7 minutes), pause the air fryer and gently shake the basket or flip the fries using tongs. This step ensures uniform cooking and an even golden color on all sides.
  • Sweet potato fries are open to a world of flavors. Before cooking, experiment with seasonings like salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, or your favorite seasoning blend. These additions can take your fries to new taste heights.
  • Start with a base cooking time of 10-15 minutes, but keep in mind that actual times may vary based on your air fryer model and fry thickness. Rely on visual cues; the fries should attain a golden, crispy appearance.
  • As the fries near the end of the cooking time, monitor them closely. Overcooking can happen quickly and lead to overly crispy or burnt fries. Adjust the remaining cooking time with care.
  • Sweet potato fries are at their prime when served piping hot and fresh from the air fryer. Their crispiness tends to diminish as they cool, so prompt enjoyment is vital.
  • Elevate your sweet potato fry experience with dipping sauces. Beyond classics like ketchup and mayo, consider options like chipotle aioli, honey mustard, or even a yogurt-based tzatziki sauce for unique flavor combinations.

How to Store Sweet Potato Fries

Storing sweet potato fries, whether they are homemade or store-bought, is straightforward. Here are some steps to store sweet potato fries:

Cooling Process

After cooking sweet potato fries, allow them to cool completely at room temperature. This cooling step is essential to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to sogginess when storing the fries in an airtight container or bag.

Airtight Container Selection

Selecting the correct airtight container is crucial for storing sweet potato fries. Choose a container that accommodates the quantity of fries you intend to store. It should be clean and dry to prevent moisture accumulation inside, preserving the fries’ texture and crispness during storage.

Layer Separation

For storing a large batch of sweet potato fries or ensuring long-term freshness, consider layer separation. Insert sheets of parchment paper or wax paper between the fries within the container. This simple technique prevents the fries from sticking together, preserving their crispness and quality during storage.

Effective Sealing

Effective sealing is paramount when storing sweet potato fries. Ensure that your chosen container or bag is securely sealed to prevent air infiltration. Excess air can lead to freezer burn or moisture loss, which may affect the fries’ texture and crispness over time.

Label and Date

Labeling and dating your sweet potato fry storage container is a helpful practice. By adding a label with the storage date, you can easily keep track of how long the fries have been in storage. This ensures that you consume them within a reasonable timeframe, maintaining their quality and flavor.

Refrigeration or Freezing

When deciding how to store sweet potato fries, consider your consumption timeline. If you plan to enjoy them within a day or two, refrigeration is suitable. Store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator at 32°F to 40°F (0°C to 4°C). For longer-term storage, freezing is the better choice. Place the fries in an airtight container or bag in the freezer, where they can be stored for several weeks to a few months.

Moisture Control

Maintaining moisture control is crucial when storing sweet potato fries. For optimal preservation, consider using a vacuum sealer when sealing containers for freezing. This method removes excess air, safeguarding the fries from moisture buildup and freezer burn, which can compromise their texture and flavor over time.

Reheating Method

Selecting an appropriate reheating method is vital to restoring the crispiness of stored sweet potato fries. Options include oven baking, a toaster oven, or an air fryer. Reheat at a high temperature for a brief duration to achieve the best results, and enjoy fries that are nearly as delicious as when freshly cooked.

How to Reheat Sweet Potato Fries in Air Fryer

Reheating sweet potato fries in an air fryer is a great way to restore their crispiness. Here is a simple way to reheat sweet potato fries in an air fryer:

  • To ensure even reheating and to restore the fries’ crispiness, start by preheating your air fryer. Set it to 400°F and allow it to preheat for about 3-5 minutes.
  • While the air fryer is preheating, arrange the leftover sweet potato fries in a single layer inside the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding; each fry should have some space around it to allow hot air to circulate evenly.
  • The exact reheating time can vary based on the quantity and thickness of the fries, as well as your air fryer model. Begin with a base time of 3-5 minutes, but keep a close eye on them. After 2-3 minutes, pause the air fryer to check for the desired crispiness, preventing overcooking.
  • The goal is to restore the fries’ original crispiness. They should become hot throughout and have that satisfying crunch. Adjust the remaining reheating time as necessary to achieve this ideal texture.
  • Once the sweet potato fries are reheated to perfection, carefully remove them from the air fryer basket. They should be hot, crispy, and ready to enjoy. Serve immediately with your preferred dipping sauces for added flavor.

Are Frozen Sweet Potato Fries Healthy

Yes, frozen sweet potato fries are healthy. In a 3-ounce serving, they contain about 140 calories, 5 grams of fat, and usually less salt than regular fries. While they have a bit more carbs, sweet potatoes are rich in essential nutrients and fiber, which are suitable for you. 

Baking these fries can make them even healthier. So, if you want a tasty and nutritious option, frozen sweet potato fries are a smart pick for a healthier snack.

Why Are My Sweet Potatoes Not Crispy Air Fryer

Your sweet potato fries are not crispy due to uneven cutting, insufficient oil, overcrowding, or incorrect time and temperature settings. However, first, make sure you’re cutting them into evenly sized pieces. Irregular shapes can lead to uneven cooking. Secondly, lightly coat the sweet potato fries with a small amount of oil before air frying. This helps in achieving that crispy texture. 

Additionally, avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket. Giving the fries enough space ensures proper air circulation for even cooking. Consider adjusting the temperature or cooking time; sometimes, a little tweak can make all the difference. Experiment with these tips to achieve the crispy sweet potato fries you desire.


Why Are My Air Fried Sweet Potatoes Hard

The reason your air-fried sweet potatoes are hard is because they are undercooked. To avoid this, ensure they’re cooked until they’re tender and sweet. Using a small amount of oil, like olive or avocado oil, can also help crisp up the skin and enhance the flavor.

Can I Eat Sweet Potato Fries Everyday

No, you cannot eat sweet potato fries everyday. But it’s advisable to enjoy sweet potato fries in moderation. While they are a healthier option compared to regular fries, they can still be calorie-dense if fried or heavily seasoned. It’s best to incorporate them into a balanced diet rather than making them a daily habit.

Final Verdict

If you want the crispiest sweet potato fries, your air fryer is your secret weapon. Just remember to cut them evenly, use a bit of oil, and don’t overcrowd the fryer basket. You can tweak the time and temperature settings to make them as crispy as you like.

Moreover, if you want to know more about these, our detailed guide has extra tips, yummy flavor ideas, and tasty dips to take your sweet potato fries to the next level. Dive in and enjoy the crispy goodness your air fryer can create. Your taste buds will thank you!

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