How Long to Air Fry Frozen Waffles? Air Fryer Universe

The exact cooking time for air frying frozen waffles can vary slightly based on the wattage of your air fryer and the thickness of the waffles. As a general guideline, preheat your air fryer to 350°F (177°C). Place the frozen waffles in a single layer in the air fryer basket without overlapping.

 Cook for about 4 to 5 minutes, flipping them halfway through, until they are heated through and have a crispy exterior. Keep an eye on them, as cooking times can differ between air fryer models. Adjust as needed for your preferred level of crispiness.

How Long to Air Fry Frozen Waffles
How Long to Air Fry Frozen Waffles

Reasons for Making Frozen Waffles in the Air Fryer

Air-frying frozen waffles offers several compelling reasons to consider:

Time Efficiency

While traditional toasting methods are quick, the air fryer offers a time-saving advantage when you need to prepare a larger batch of waffles at once. With no preheating required, the air fryer streamlines the cooking process, making it ideal for those busy mornings.

Speedy Cooking

Air-frying frozen waffles is remarkably quick. In just 4-5 minutes, you can transform frozen waffles into piping hot, crispy delights. This swiftness makes it a realistic option for a speedy, hot weekday breakfast, ensuring you don’t compromise on taste or texture.

Large Batch Capacity

The air fryer’s generous capacity allows you to prepare twice as many waffles compared to a standard two-slot toaster. This feature comes in handy when you have a hungry family eager for breakfast.

Customization Options

 Air-frying frozen waffles offer versatility in flavor. You can create a variety of waffle types, including healthy, sweet, savory, or dessert waffles, satisfying your cravings with endless flavor possibilities. Explore an array of waffle-topping ideas for a delightful breakfast experience.

Dietary Compatibility

Frozen waffles cater to a wide range of dietary restrictions. Whether you follow a low-carb, keto, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, or “clean eating” diet, there are frozen waffle options available to suit your preferences and requirements.

Budget Friendly

 Frozen waffles come in various price ranges, making them accessible to most budgets. While health food stores may offer premium options, mainstream supermarkets, Walmart, Target, and stores like Costco often provide budget-friendly choices.

Irresistible Taste

 Last but not least, the most apparent reason to make frozen waffles in the air fryer is that they are undeniably delicious. The air fryer’s cooking method produces waffles with a delightful crispiness and maintains their delicious flavor.

How to Cook Frozen Waffles in Air Fryer

Cooking frozen waffles in the air fryer is a breeze. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Frozen waffles
  • Preheat the Air Fryer

Begin by preheating your air fryer to 350°F (177°C). Preheating ensures that the waffles will start cooking immediately, resulting in a more even and crispy finish.

  • Prepare the Waffles

 While the air fryer is preheating, take the frozen waffles out of their packaging and separate them if they are stuck together. This enables for more even cooking and greater airflow.

  • Arrange in the Basket

 Open the air fryer basket and place the frozen waffles in a single layer. Ensure that they are not overlapping or overcrowded. If your air fryer has a large capacity, you can cook multiple waffles at once but maintain a single layer.

  • Cooking Time

 Once the air fryer is preheated, carefully place the basket with the waffles inside the air fryer. Close the air fryer and set the cooking time to approximately 4 to 5 minutes. This initial time estimate can vary depending on your specific air fryer’s wattage and the thickness of the waffles.

  • Flip Halfway Through

About halfway through the cooking time, which is roughly 2 minutes, pause the air fryer and carefully flip the waffles. You can use tongs or a fork for this task. Flipping ensures that both sides of the waffles receive even heat and become crispy.

  • Check for Crispiness

Once the total cooking time of 4-5 minutes is up, open the air fryer and check the waffles for crispiness. They should have a golden-brown, crispy exterior. If they need more crispiness, you can cook them for an additional minute or two, but be vigilant not to overcook.

  • Serve Immediately

When the waffles are crispy and heated through, remove them from the air fryer basket using tongs or a spatula. Put them on a serving tray or a platter.

  • Toppings and Enjoyment

 Your air-fried waffles are now ready to be customized with your favorite toppings. Consider options like maple syrup, butter, fresh fruit, whipped cream, or even savory toppings if you prefer.

  • Keep Warm (Optional)

 If you’re cooking multiple batches of waffles or want to keep the first batch warm while you cook more, you can place the cooked waffles on a baking sheet in a warm oven (around 200°F or 93°C) while you finish cooking the rest.

  • Enjoy

 Sit down and relish your perfectly air-fried waffles, whether it’s a quick weekday breakfast, a leisurely brunch, or a satisfying snack.

Why Are My Frozen Waffles Soggy?

Frozen waffles can become soggy when they are not properly cooked or reheated. Several factors can contribute to waffles turning out soggy:


Sogginess often occurs when waffles are undercooked. Frozen waffles, especially, require adequate cooking time to transform from their frozen state to a crisp and golden texture. Make sure to follow the recommended cooking or reheating times provided on the packaging or in your air fryer’s manual.


Proper air circulation is crucial for even cooking and achieving that desired crispiness. When you overcrowd the air fryer basket or cooking surface, hot air may not circulate efficiently around the waffles. To prevent overcrowding, cook or reheat waffles in a single layer, and if necessary, do it in batches.

Moisture Content

 Frozen waffles can sometimes accumulate ice crystals on their surface during storage. If these ice crystals melt while cooking or reheating, they can introduce excess moisture to the waffles, leading to sogginess. To minimize this, consider allowing the waffles to thaw slightly at room temperature before cooking or reheating.

Stacking Waffles

 Stacking frozen waffles before they are fully cooked or reheated can create a moisture trap between them. Steam generated from the lower waffles can soften the upper ones, resulting in a less crispy texture. If you must stack waffles, it’s advisable to insert a small gap or parchment paper between them to allow steam to escape.

Incorrect Temperature

 Cooking or reheating waffles at too low a temperature can lead to sogginess. Ensure that your air fryer is preheated to the recommended temperature (usually around 350-375°F or 175-190°C) before cooking. This allows for efficient heat transfer and crisping.

Flipping or Turning

 Depending on your air fryer model and waffle thickness, flipping or turning the waffles during cooking may help achieve even crispiness. Check the waffles halfway through the cooking process and flip them if necessary. This step is especially useful if you’re dealing with thicker waffles.

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Tips for Making the Best Frozen Waffles in the Air Fryer

Here are some tips to ensure you make the best frozen waffles in the air fryer:

  • Start with good-quality frozen waffles. Look for options that are well-frozen, not stuck together, and have a good texture. The quality of the waffles will greatly affect the final result.
  • Preheating is essential for achieving that crispy exterior. Set your air fryer to the recommended temperature, which is typically around 350-375°F (177-190°C). Preheating ensures even cooking and reduces cooking time.
  • If your frozen waffles are heavily frosted, allow them to thaw slightly at room temperature for about 5-10 minutes. This minimizes the moisture content, which can lead to sogginess during cooking.
  • Arrange the waffles in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding, as this can obstruct airflow and result in uneven cooking. Cook them in batches if necessary.
  • You generally don’t need to add oil to the waffles themselves when using the air fryer. The waffles often have some fat content that helps them crisp up without additional oil.
  • Watch the waffles carefully as they cook. Cooking times may vary depending on your air fryer model and waffle thickness. Check them after about half of the recommended cooking time to assess their doneness and crispiness.
  • Some air fryer models may benefit from flipping the waffles halfway through the cooking process. As a result, both sides will crisp up equally. If you notice uneven browning, flip them gently.
  • Frozen waffles are best enjoyed right after cooking when they are hot and crispy. Remove them from the air fryer as soon as they reach your desired level of crispiness, and serve immediately.
  • Part of the fun of waffles is the variety of toppings you can add. Aside from classic options like syrup and butter, try fresh fruits, whipped cream, chocolate chips, nuts, or even savory toppings like cheese and herbs.
  • If you have specific dietary requirements, look for frozen waffles that cater to your needs, such as gluten-free, vegan, or low-carb options. There are waffles available for various dietary preferences.
  • If you’re preparing a large batch of waffles or need to keep them warm for serving a group, place the cooked waffles on a baking sheet in a warm oven set to around 200°F (93°C) until you’re ready to serve.


What Are the Best Frozen Waffles

Here are some of the best frozen waffles that work well when prepared in the air fryer:
1. Eggo Homestyle Waffles
2. Vans Gluten-Free Original Waffles
3. Kodiak Cakes Frozen Waffles
4. Market Pantry Frozen Buttermilk Waffles

What Types of Waffles Can I Make in My Air Fryer

You can use any type of frozen waffles for this quick breakfast treat. Whether it’s Eggo mini waffles, Belgian waffles, chocolate, blueberry, chocolate chip, classic, or others, the air fryer transforms them into delicious, crispy delights. It’s a sure way to become a waffle enthusiast!

What Can I Serve With Air Fryer Waffles

You can serve air fryer waffles with a wide range of toppings and accompaniments. Popular options include maple syrup, butter, fresh fruits like berries or bananas, whipped cream, chocolate chips, nuts, yogurt, or even savory choices like fried eggs.

Do I Need to Thaw Before I Air Fry Frozen Waffles

No, you don’t need to thaw before air fry frozen waffles. Cooking them straight from the freezer produces the best results. Thawed waffles can have a different texture, so it’s advisable to go with frozen waffles for optimal crispiness.

Can I Reheat Waffles in the Air Fryer

Yes, you can reheat waffles in the air fryer. For reheating leftover waffles, place them in the air fryer at 350°F for 1-2 minutes. Once warmed, add your preferred toppings like syrup, and you’ll have a delightful breakfast ready to enjoy in no time.

Final Verdict 

Air-frying frozen waffles is a game-changer for breakfast enthusiasts seeking quick and perfectly crispy results. Preheat your air fryer to 350°F (177°C) pop in those frozen waffles, and let the magic happen for just 4-5 minutes. 

The outcome? Waffles that are delightfully crispy outside and wonderfully warm inside. Say goodbye to waiting for the oven to preheat and hello to a hassle-free morning indulgence that satisfies your waffle cravings in record time. It’s the ultimate breakfast hack that will have you reaching for frozen waffles with enthusiasm!

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