Perfect Timing: How Long to Air Fry Sweet Potato Tots

For perfectly air-fried sweet potato tots, preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) for 3-5 minutes. Arrange the tots in a single layer in the basket, avoiding overcrowding. Cook for approximately 12-15 minutes, pausing at the halfway mark to shake the basket or flip the tots for even browning.

Keep a close eye on them as they turn golden brown and develop a crispy exterior while maintaining a tender interior. Cooking times may vary slightly based on your air fryer model and tot size, so adjust as needed. Once done, serve your hot, crispy sweet potato tots, perfect for dipping or seasoning to taste.

How long to air fry sweet potato tots
How long to air fry sweet potato tots

Reasons for Air Frying Sweet Potato Tots

There are several compelling reasons to air-fry sweet potato tots:

Healthier Option

The amount of oil used for cooking is considerably reduced while air frying. Sweet potato tots air-fried at home contain far less saturated fat than those deep-fried in restaurants. This makes them a healthier choice for individuals conscious of their fat intake and overall health.

Crispy Texture

 Air frying excels in creating a crispy exterior while retaining the inner tenderness of foods. Sweet potato tots cooked in an air fryer emerge with a satisfying crunch that’s challenging to replicate using traditional baking methods.

Time Efficiency

 Air fryers are well-known for their ability to cook quickly. Sweet potato tots can be prepared in a fraction of the time it takes to bake them in a conventional oven. This makes air frying perfect for busy individuals or those craving a quick and delicious snack.

Even Cooking

Air fryers distribute heat evenly, ensuring that sweet potato tots cook uniformly. This consistency guarantees that every tot achieves the desired texture, eliminating the risk of some being undercooked or overly crispy.

Versatile Seasoning

 Air frying allows for creative seasoning. You can customize your sweet potato tots with an array of herbs, spices, or seasonings to match your taste preferences. From savory to sweet, the possibilities for flavor combinations are endless.

Kid-Friendly Option

Sweet potato tots are a popular choice among children due to their mild sweetness and bite-sized form. When air-fried, they become a parent-approved snack, offering kids a tasty treat with a healthier twist.

Less Mess

 Air frying is a cleaner and more contained cooking method compared to traditional frying. There’s minimal oil splatter, which means less mess to clean up afterward. This is particularly appreciated by those who dislike the aftermath of deep frying.

Energy Efficiency

 Air fryers are generally energy-efficient appliances. They require less electricity than traditional ovens and stovetops, making them eco-friendly for cooking sweet potato tots and other snacks.

In summary, air-frying sweet potato tots combine health-consciousness, convenience, and great taste, making them an appealing choice for anyone looking to enjoy a delicious and guilt-free snack or side dish.

How to Make Sweet Potato Tots in an Air Fryer

Making sweet potato tots in the air fryer is a straightforward process that yields deliciously crispy results. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Sweet potato tots
  • Cooking spray or oil (optional)

1.Preheat the Air Fryer

Begin by preheating your air fryer. This step ensures that the sweet potato tots cook evenly and become crispy. Set the temperature to 375°F (190°C) and allow the air fryer to preheat for about 3-5 minutes.

2. Prepare the Sweet Potato Tots

While the air fryer is preheating, you can prepare the sweet potato tots. Put them on a fresh tray or dish. If you prefer a slightly crispier texture, you can lightly coat the tots with cooking spray or a small amount of oil. Although optional, this step can improve the end goods.

3.Arrange in the Air Fryer Basket

Once the air fryer is preheated, carefully open the basket. Place the sweet potato tots in a single layer in the basket. Avoid overcrowding to ensure proper air circulation and even cooking. If you have a large quantity of tots, you may need to cook them in batches.

4. Set the Cooking Time

 Close the air fryer basket and set the cooking timer. Sweet potato tots typically require about 12-15 minutes to cook in the air fryer. However, cooking times can vary depending on the size and brand of your air fryer, as well as the quantity of tots being cooked.

  • Cook and Shake (Optional)

 About halfway through the cooking time, consider shaking the basket or flipping the tots using tongs. This step is optional but helps ensure that all sides of the tots cook evenly and become uniformly crispy.

  • Check for Doneness

Keep a close eye on the tots as they cook. They should turn a beautiful golden brown color and develop a crispy exterior. The inside should remain soft and tender. If needed, you can extend the cooking time slightly for a deeper golden color.

  • Serve Hot

 Once the sweet potato tots are perfectly crispy and golden, remove them from the air fryer immediately. Air-fried tots are best enjoyed while hot and fresh.

  • Season and Serve

 Sweet potato tots can be served as is for a classic flavor or seasoned to your liking. Consider adding a pinch of salt, some garlic powder, or your favorite spices to enhance the taste. They pair wonderfully with a variety of dipping sauces, such as ketchup, ranch, or sriracha mayo.

  • Enjoy

 Your air-fried sweet potato tots are now ready to enjoy! They make for a delicious snack, appetizer, or side dish, offering a delightful blend of crispy texture and sweet potato goodness.

With these instructions, you’ll have a batch of delicious and crispy sweet potato tots prepared in your air fryer in no time.

Considerations Before Air Frying Sweet Potato Tots

Before air frying sweet potato tots, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure a successful cooking process and delicious results:

  • Preheat your air fryer as directed by the manufacturer. Preheating is crucial for even cooking and achieving a crispy exterior.
  • Be mindful of the quantity of sweet potato tots you’re cooking. Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket, as this can lead to uneven cooking and less crispiness. Cook in batches if needed.
  • Arrange the tots in a single layer in the air fryer basket, leaving some space between them to allow proper air circulation. This helps ensure uniform cooking.
  • Consider whether you want to lightly coat the tots with cooking spray or a small amount of oil. While this step is optional, it can enhance crispiness. Use oil sparingly for a healthier option.
  • Decide when you’ll season the tots. It’s best to add salt and other seasonings after they’ve cooked to prevent uneven distribution and the risk of seasonings burning.
  • Keep a close eye on the tots as they cook. Cooking times can vary based on your air fryer model and the quantity of tots. In order to get the desired amount of crispiness, adjust the cooking time as necessary.
  • Consider whether you’ll shake the air fryer basket or flip the tots halfway through the cooking time. This step helps ensure all sides of the tots cook evenly.
  • Determine how you’ll assess if the tots are done. Look for a golden brown color, test the texture for crispiness on the outside and tenderness on the inside, or use a kitchen thermometer to check the internal temperature.
  • To guarantee safe and proper use, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific air fryer model. When working with hot components, wear oven mitts or kitchen gloves.
  • Plan to serve the sweet potato tots immediately after cooking to enjoy them at their best, with the perfect balance of crispy and tender textures.

How Do You Know if Sweet Potato Tots Are Done

Determining if sweet potato tots are done and ready to be served is crucial for achieving the perfect texture. Here’s how to know when they’re done:

Visual Inspection

Check the tots’ appearance. They should turn a golden brown color and develop a crispy, slightly crunchy exterior. This visual cue indicates that they are likely done or very close to being done.


 Gently press a tot with a fork or your finger. It should feel crispy and firm on the outside but still tender on the inside. The exterior should have a satisfying crunch while the interior remains soft and creamy.

Internal Temperature

 If you have a kitchen thermometer, you can check the internal temperature of a tot. Sweet potato tots are typically done when they reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C). Insert the thermometer into the center of a tot to get an accurate reading.

Taste Test

 The best way to determine if sweet potato tots are done is by tasting one. Carefully take a bite to assess the texture and flavor. If it’s crispy on the outside and tender inside with a pleasant sweet potato taste, they are ready to be served.

Cooking Time

 Typically, sweet potato tots take about 12-15 minutes to cook in an air fryer at 375°F (190°C). If you’ve followed the recommended cooking time and the tots meet the visual and textural cues mentioned above, they are most likely done.

Remember that cooking times may vary depending on the size and brand of your air fryer, as well as the quantity of tots being cooked. It’s a good idea to monitor the tots closely as they cook to avoid overcooking, as they can become overly crispy and lose their tenderness.

What to Serve With Air-fried Sweet Potato Tots

Air-fried sweet potato tots are a delicious and versatile snack or side dish that pairs well with various dipping sauces and accompaniments. Here are some suggestions for what to serve with them:


 The timeless choice of ketchup offers a harmonious blend of tangy sweetness that beautifully complements the innate sweetness of sweet potato tots. It provides a comforting and familiar dipping experience, making it a crowd-pleaser.

Sriracha Mayo

 Elevate your tots with a dynamic dip created by mixing sriracha sauce with mayonnaise. This combination introduces a tantalizing heat that interplays with the natural sweetness of the tots, creating a balanced flavor profile with creamy richness.

Ranch Dressing

The versatile ranch dressing brings a cool and creamy contrast to the crispy texture of the tots. Its herbal and subtly tangy notes enhance the overall taste, making it a dependable choice for dipping.

Honey Mustard

This classic dip combines sweet and tangy elements, enhancing the sweet potato tots’ inherent sweetness while introducing a zesty kick. The result is a delightful and flavorful dipping experience.

Barbecue Sauce

 Embrace the smoky and tangy allure of barbecue sauce, which marries exceptionally well with the natural sweetness of sweet potato tots. It adds depth and complexity to each bite, offering a satisfying fusion of flavors.

Garlic Aioli

 For those seeking a gourmet touch, a homemade garlic aioli dip delivers a robust garlic essence that elevates the tots to a higher culinary level. Creamy and rich, it’s a perfect complement to the crispy tots.


 Embark on a culinary adventure with tzatziki sauce, known for its cool and refreshing taste. The cucumber-infused dip provides a unique contrast to the sweet potato’s natural sweetness, creating a refreshing pairing.

Blue Cheese Dressing

Indulge your taste buds with the creamy and tangy notes of blue cheese dressing. Its luxurious profile balances the sweetness of the tots, creating a harmonious combination that delights the palate.


 Transport your taste buds to the realm of Tex-Mex cuisine by serving tots with creamy guacamole. The avocado-based dip offers a tantalizing contrast in texture and flavor, enhancing the overall snacking experience.


 Whether opting for mild or spicy salsa, it injects a burst of fresh and vibrant flavors into each tot. The tomato, onion, and pepper medley complements the natural sweetness, creating a lively and enjoyable dip.


 Transform your sweet potato tots into mini “tot sliders” by crowning them with coleslaw. The coleslaw’s crunchy texture and refreshing taste provide a satisfying and balanced bite.

Burgers or Sandwiches

 Sweet potato tots elevate the overall dining experience when served alongside burgers or sandwiches. They introduce a delightful textural contrast and a burst of flavor.

Grilled Chicken

 Sweet potato tots create a harmonious pairing with grilled chicken, as the tots’ inherent sweetness complements the savory grilled chicken, resulting in a balanced and fulfilling meal.


Incorporating sweet potato tots into salads adds an enticing crunch and an extra layer of flavor. The crispy texture of the tots complements the freshness of the greens and other salad ingredients.


Melted cheese offers a delectable and gooey twist to your sweet potato tots. The cheesy topping adds a delightful richness that elevates the overall snacking experience, making it a comfort food favorite.

Mix and match these serving suggestions to create a delightful snack or meal that suits your taste preferences. Sweet potato tots are versatile and can complement various flavors and dishes.


Do Sweet Potato Tots Need to Be in a Single Layer in the Air Fryer Basket

Yes, sweet potato tots need to be in a single layer in the air fryer basket. This promotes even cooking, allowing the hot air to circulate each tot, ultimately delivering perfectly crispy and uniformly cooked tots.

Are Potato Puffs the Same as Tater Tots

Yes, potato puffs and tater tots are essentially the same. Both terms refer to small, cylindrical, or oval-shaped potato-based snacks that are typically deep-fried or baked until crispy on the outside while maintaining a soft interior. They may vary slightly in shape and brand names but share the same concept.

Do You Need to Shake Sweet Potato Tots in the Basket

Yes, it’s recommended to shake sweet potato tots in the basket while cooking. This gentle shaking or tossing helps ensure even cooking by preventing sticking and allowing all sides of the tots to interact with the hot air, resulting in uniformly crispy tots.

Final Verdict

For irresistibly crispy and perfectly cooked sweet potato tots, look no further than your air fryer. Preheat it to 375°F (190°C), ensuring it’s nice and hot. Arrange your tots in a single layer, allowing each one to bask in the hot air’s glory. 

Then, let the magic happen for approximately 10-12 minutes. But here’s the secret sauce: remember to give the basket a gentle shake every 5 minutes to ensure even cooking. 

The result? Golden, crispy exteriors and tender, sweet interiors. Get ready for a delightful snack or side dish that’s quick, easy, and downright mouthwatering!

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