How Long to Cook Cod in Air Fryer- Timing and Techniques Unveiled

For perfectly cooked cod in your air fryer, set the timer for 10-12 minutes at 400°F (200°C). Begin by seasoning the cod fillets with your favorite herbs and spices. Place them in the air fryer basket, ensuring they are not crowded, allowing the hot air to circulate evenly. 

Halfway through the cooking time, flip the fillets to ensure uniform crispiness. Cooking times may vary based on the thickness of the fillets, so always check for doneness. When the cod reaches an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) and flakes easily, it’s ready to enjoy – crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

How Long to Cook Cod in Air Fryer
How Long to Cook Cod in Air Fryer

How to Cook Cod in Air Fryer?

Cooking cod in an air fryer is a simple and delicious process. Here’s how to do it:


  • Cod fillets
  • Your choice of herbs, spices, or marinade for seasoning


  • Prepare the Cod

To get your cod ready for the air fryer, add flavor by seasoning it with your favorite herbs, spices, or marinade. This step gives the fish a delicious taste. Whether it’s a simple sprinkle of herbs or a zesty marinade, this seasoning process ensures your cod is not only cooked perfectly but also bursting with flavor, making your meal delightful.

  • Preheat the Air Fryer

Before cooking, preheat your air fryer to 400°F (200°C) for a few minutes. This crucial step ensures the air fryer reaches the right temperature, allowing your food to cook evenly and become crispy. Proper preheating is key to achieving the best results, making your dishes delicious and perfectly cooked every time.

  • Arrange in the Basket

Carefully place the seasoned cod fillets in the air fryer basket, ensuring they are in a single layer. Avoid overcrowding to enable proper air circulation, allowing the fillets to cook evenly. By arranging them with space between them, the hot air can circulate each fillet, ensuring they become crispy and delicious during the cooking process.

  • Cooking Time

Set the cooking time for your cod fillets in the air fryer to 10-12 minutes. However, keep in mind that the exact timing might vary depending on the thickness of the fillets. Monitoring the cooking process ensures they reach the ideal internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) and achieve a golden, crispy texture. Adjust the time as needed for perfect results.

  • Check for Doneness

Check the cod’s doneness by verifying its internal temperature, which should reach 145°F (63°C). Additionally, gently flake the fish with a fork; it should effortlessly separate into flakes. These signs confirm thorough cooking and indicate your cod is perfectly done, ensuring a delicious, tender, and safe-to-eat meal straight from the air fryer.

  • Serve

Serve the cod when it achieves a golden-brown hue and easily flakes with a fork. This signifies it’s perfectly cooked and ready to enjoy. Enhance its flavor by garnishing it with fresh herbs, a splash of lemon juice, or your preferred sauce. These additions add a burst of freshness, making your air-fried cod a delightful and satisfying meal.

Tips for Making Cod in the Air Fryer

Here are some valuable tips for making cod in the air fryer:

  • Opt for fresh cod fillets from a reputable source. Freshness ensures a natural, clean flavor. Avoid fillets with a strong fishy smell, as it indicates they may not be as fresh.
  • Seasoning is key to enhancing the taste of cod. Consider a mix of garlic powder, paprika, black pepper, or even a squeeze of lemon juice. Marinating the fillets for a while allows the flavors to infuse the fish, adding depth.
  • Preheating the air fryer is crucial for even cooking. Just like an oven, a preheated air fryer ensures the cod starts cooking immediately, resulting in a crispier texture on the outside while retaining moisture inside.
  • Overcrowding the basket impedes air circulation, leading to uneven cooking. Giving each fillet enough space ensures it cooks uniformly, resulting in a consistent texture and flavor.
  • Applying a light coating of cooking spray or brushing the fillets with oil ensures they develop a golden, crispy crust. It also prevents sticking, making it easier to remove the fillets after cooking.
  • To ensure the cod is thoroughly cooked, use a food thermometer. Insert it into the thickest part of the fillet; when it reaches 145°F (63°C), the fish is safe to eat. Additionally, gently press a fork against the fillet; if it flakes easily, it’s done.
  • Flipping the fillets halfway through the cooking time promotes even browning on both sides. It’s especially important if your air fryer doesn’t have a top-down cooking feature. This step guarantees uniform crispiness.
  • Fillet thickness varies, affecting cooking times. Thicker fillets might require an extra minute or two. Observing the fillets as they cook allows you to adjust the time, ensuring they are cooked perfectly without becoming dry.
  • Air-fried cod is best enjoyed immediately after cooking. Serving it hot preserves its crispy texture. Garnishing with fresh herbs, a squeeze of lemon, or your favorite sauce enhances the dish, adding a burst of flavors and aromas.

Read More:

How Do I Reheat Air Fryer Cod Fish?

  • Reheating air fryer cod fish is quick and easy. In just a few easy steps, here’s how:
  • Start by preheating your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) for a few minutes. This ensures it’s hot and ready for reheating.
  • Place your leftover cod fish in the air fryer basket. If the piece is large, consider cutting it into smaller portions for even reheating.
  • To keep the fish moist, you can sprinkle a bit of water or squeeze a few drops of lemon juice over the cod before reheating. This prevents it from drying out.
  • Gently place the cod fish into the preheated air fryer. Let it cook for approximately 3-5 minutes. It’s essential to check halfway through the process to ensure even reheating. The cooking time might vary based on the thickness of the fish and your air fryer’s power.
  • To ensure the cod is thoroughly reheated, check its internal temperature. It should reach 145°F (63°C) and should easily flake with a fork. This indicates it’s ready to be served.
  • Once your cod fish reaches the desired temperature and texture, take it out of the air fryer and serve it immediately. Enjoy your delicious, reheated meal while it’s still hot and flavorful!

How to Store Cooked Cod?

Storing cooked cod properly is essential to maintain its freshness and taste. Here’s how to store cooked cod fish in a few easy steps:

Cool It Down

After cooking, it’s crucial to cool the cod down promptly. Let it sit at room temperature for a maximum of 2 hours. Quick cooling is essential as it prevents bacteria growth. This step ensures the cooked cod remains safe to eat and maintains its delicious taste when stored for later use.

Use Airtight Containers

To store cooked cod, use a shallow, airtight container. Shallow containers promote rapid, uniform cooling. Seal the container tightly to block out air and odors. This airtight setup preserves the cod’s freshness, ensuring it stays safe to eat and tasty when you decide to enjoy it later.


For optimal storage, refrigerate cooked cod in an airtight container. Set the refrigerator temperature between 32°F to 38°F (0°C to 3°C) to preserve freshness. Refrigeration slows bacterial growth, ensuring the cod stays safe to eat. This method maintains its quality, allowing you to enjoy the cooked cod over the next few days.

Freezing (Optional)

For extended storage, freezing cooked cod is an option. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, then store it in a freezer-safe bag. When frozen correctly, cooked cod can last 2-3 months. Freezing maintains its quality, providing a convenient option for future use when you’re ready to enjoy your delicious cod dish.

Label and Date

When storing cooked cod for more than a day, it’s wise to label the container with the date. This simple step ensures you can track its freshness accurately. By knowing when it was prepared, you can enjoy the cod within its optimal period, ensuring both safety and taste in your meals.

Timely Consumption

For the best quality, consume refrigerated cooked cod within 3-4 days. It’s crucial not to leave it for too long, even in the fridge, to maintain its freshness and taste. Enjoying the cod within this timeframe ensures you experience its optimal flavor and quality, enhancing your dining experience.

Thawing and Reheating (For Frozen Cod)

To thaw frozen cooked cod, place it in the refrigerator overnight for safe defrosting. When reheating, do so gently using an air fryer until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C). This ensures it’s thoroughly reheated, safe to eat, and retains its delicious taste when served.


Can Cod Be Cooked From Frozen?

Yes, cod can be cooked from frozen. You can prepare a delicious and satisfying cod dinner without defrosting it first. Cod cooks up quickly and easily right out of the freezer, making it a convenient and versatile option. It retains its simplicity and nourishing qualities, adapting well to various flavor profiles for a tasty meal.

Is Cod Fish Good in the Air Fryer?

Yes, cod fish is good in the air fryer. It’s a simple, low-fat option, resulting in crispy yet tender fish in under 10 minutes. Without breading, it maintains a delightful texture. This method preserves its natural flavors and offers a healthy alternative to fried fish, making it a delicious and nutritious choice.

Why is My Fish Not Crispy in Air Fryer?

Your fish might not be crispy in the air fryer due to overcrowding, which leads to steam and hampers crispiness. To enhance crispiness, refrigerate your breaded fish for 10 minutes before frying. Chilling helps the breading stick better, ensuring a crispy texture when cooked. This simple step improves the crunchiness of your air-fried fish.

Can I Put Fish on Aluminum Foil in the Air Fryer?

Yes, you can put fish on aluminum foil in the air fryer. Placing fish on foil makes cleanup easier and prevents sticking. Ensure to leave some space for air circulation around the fish. It’s a convenient method, ensuring your fish cooks evenly and doesn’t make a mess in the air fryer basket.

Final Verdict

Cooking cod in the air fryer is a quick and convenient method, resulting in tender, flavorful fish. Ensure the internal temperature reaches 145°F (63°C) for doneness. To enhance flavor, marinate or season the cod before cooking. Remember, avoid overcrowding the fryer basket for even cooking. For more tips, recipes, and detailed instructions, read this article thoroughly. Enjoy your perfectly cooked air fryer cod!

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