How Long to Cook Drumsticks in Air Fryer- Quick Guide & Tips

Cooking drumsticks in an air fryer typically takes around 25-30 minutes. However, cooking drumsticks in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to enjoy crispy chicken without the fuss. To do this, preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C). 

Rub the drumsticks with a bit of oil and your favorite seasonings. Please place them in the air fryer basket in a single layer. Cook for 25-30 minutes, turning halfway through, until they turn golden brown and the inside reaches 165°F (74°C). Additionally, this fuss-free method ensures delicious, perfectly cooked drumsticks with a satisfying crunch.

How to Cook Chicken Drumsticks in Air Fryer

How long to cook drumsticks in air fryer
How long to cook drumsticks in air fryer

Cooking chicken drumsticks in an air fryer is a straightforward and delicious process. Here’s how to do it:


  • Chicken drumsticks
  • Cooking oil, such as canola or olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Spices of your choice, such garlic powder or paprika


  • Please turn on your air fryer and set it to 375°F (190°C). Give it some time to heat up. Just like preheating an oven, this step ensures your drumsticks cook evenly and get crispy.
  • To dry the drumsticks, pat them down with paper towels. Dry chicken skin gets crispy! If you want extra crispy skin, rub some cooking oil all over the drumsticks. Sprinkle them with salt, pepper, and any other spices you enjoy. It’s time to use your creativity when it comes to flavors!
  • Spray or lightly brush the air fryer basket with oil to prevent sticking. Place the seasoned drumsticks inside the basket. Ensure they are not crowded; they need space to cook well and become crispy.
  • Close the air fryer and let the drumsticks cook for 25-30 minutes. Halfway through the cooking time (around 12-15 minutes), open the air fryer and turn the drumsticks. Use tongs to flip them over. This flipping ensures that all sides get crispy and delicious.
  • To make sure they’re ready, use a meat thermometer. Stick it into the thickest part of a drumstick. When the temperature reaches 165°F (74°C), your drumsticks are perfectly cooked and safe to eat. They should also have a beautiful golden-brown color and a crispy texture.
  • Once they’re done, take the drumsticks out of the air fryer. Let them rest for a minute or two – this helps the juices redistribute, making the meat juicier. Now, you’re ready to enjoy your tasty, crispy chicken drumsticks without the mess of deep frying!

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Tips for Perfect Crunchy Air Fryer Chicken Drumsticks

Here are some tips to achieve perfect, crunchy air fryer chicken drumsticks:

  • Pat the drumsticks dry with paper towels before seasoning them. Moisture on the surface can prevent the skin from getting crispy.
  • While some oil helps with crispiness, you don’t need much in an air fryer. Lightly coat the drumsticks with oil using a brush or spray. Too much oil can make them greasy instead of crispy.
  • Season the drumsticks evenly with your favorite spices. A well-balanced seasoning mix enhances the flavor and adds to the crunch.
  • Just like an oven, preheating the air fryer for a few minutes ensures the drumsticks start cooking immediately, helping them get crispy.
  • Arrange the drumsticks in a single layer, leaving some space between them. Overcrowding can hinder air circulation, leading to uneven cooking.
  • Midway during the cooking period, flip the drumsticks. This ensures that both sides become crispy. Use tongs to avoid damaging the skin.
  • Check the drumsticks’ internal temperature with a meat thermometer. They are done when the temperature reaches 165°F (74°C). This guarantees they’re cooked completely and good to consume.
  • If you want saucy drumsticks, consider brushing the sauce on during the last few minutes of cooking. Applying wet sauces too early can make the skin soggy.
  • Allow the drumsticks to cool for some minutes after cooking. This allows the juices to redistribute, keeping the meat moist while maintaining the crunch on the outside.
  • Don’t hesitate to experiment with different spice blends to find your favorite flavor profile. Whether it’s spicy, savory, or a bit sweet, the right spices can elevate the taste.

How Do You Know When Air Fryer Drumsticks Are Done?

You can determine if air fryer drumsticks are done by following these methods:

Internal Temperature

The most reliable way is to check the internal temperature of the drumsticks using a meat thermometer. Once the internal temperature of chicken hits 165°F (74°C), it is safe to consume. Without contacting the bone, place the thermometer in the thickest area of the drumstick. If it reads 165°F (74°C), the drumsticks are cooked through.

Color and Texture

To ensure air fryer drumsticks are done, check for a golden-brown color and crispy texture. Properly cooked drumsticks have a crisp, slightly browned skin, indicating they are cooked well. The outer layer should be crispy, while the inside remains tender and juicy. This combination signifies that they are cooked to perfection.

Piercing Test

To determine the doneness of air fryer drumsticks, perform a piercing test. At the thickest area, insert a knife or fork. Clear juices without pinkness indicate they are cooked. If the juices are still pink, they require more cooking. This simple test ensures the drumsticks are properly cooked and safe to eat.

Visual Inspection

Through visual inspection, experienced cooks can assess drumstick doneness. Properly cooked drumsticks will slightly pull back from the bone, indicating readiness. Additionally, the meat easily detaches from the bone when pulled with a fork or tongs. These visual cues signify that the drumsticks are perfectly cooked and ready to enjoy.

How Do You Know When Air Fryer Drumsticks Are Done?

Reheating chicken drumsticks in the air fryer is a great way to maintain their crispiness. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Switch on your air fryer and set the temperature to 375°F (190°C). Preheating ensures the drumsticks start reheating immediately, maintaining their crispy texture.
  • Take the drumsticks out of the fridge and allow them to sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. This brief rest ensures the cold meat inside warms up more evenly during reheating.
  • Use a cooking brush or spray to apply a thin layer of oil on the drumsticks. The oil helps in reviving their crunchiness. It acts like a protective coat, ensuring the skin becomes crispy again without drying out.
  • Put the drumsticks in the basket of the air fryer. Ensure they are in a single layer with some space between each piece. Overcrowding can trap moisture and hinder the crispiness. Reheat them in batches if needed, ensuring each piece gets enough hot air circulation.
  • Reheat the drumsticks for around 5-10 minutes. Midway through, pause and flip them using tongs. This flipping ensures that both sides are heated uniformly, preventing uneven reheating.
  • For safety, use a meat thermometer. Please insert it into the thickest part of the drumstick without touching the bone. When it reads 165°F (74°C), you can be sure they are thoroughly reheated and safe to eat.
  • Once the drumsticks are heated, let them rest for a minute or two before serving. This short resting period allows the juices to redistribute within the meat, ensuring they remain juicy and flavorful.

How to Store Drumsticks for Longer Period?

Storing drumsticks properly can help extend their freshness for a longer period. Here’s a guide to storing drumsticks effectively:

Prepare the Drumsticks

Before storing drumsticks, ensure they are fresh and clean. Pat them dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture, preventing freezer burn. Proper preparation preserves their quality during storage.

Wrap Individually

Individually wrap each drumstick in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before freezing. This prevents them from sticking together and facilitates easy portioning when you plan to use them later. Proper individual wrapping maintains their freshness and prevents freezer burn, ensuring they remain flavorful and ready for cooking when thawed.

Double-Bagging (Optional)

Individually wrap each drumstick in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before freezing. This prevents them from sticking together and facilitates easy portioning when you plan to use them later. Proper individual wrapping maintains their freshness and prevents freezer burn, ensuring they remain flavorful and ready for cooking when thawed.

Vacuum Sealing (Optional)

If you have a vacuum sealer, use it to suck out all the air from the bag before sealing. This keeps the drumsticks fresh and extends their freezer life. Vacuum sealing removes air, which can cause freezer burn, ensuring your chicken stays tasty and ready to cook whenever you decide to use it.


If you plan to use the drumsticks within a few days, store them in the refrigerator. Please place them in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag. Make sure to pat them dry with paper towels before storing them to remove excess moisture, which can lead to bacterial growth. Store the container in the coldest part of your fridge, usually the bottom shelf.


To store drumsticks for a longer period, freeze them. Wrap each drumstick individually in plastic or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn. Then, place the wrapped drumsticks in a freezer-safe bag or airtight container. Removing as much air as possible before sealing the bag helps maintain quality. Remember to label the container or bag with the freezing date.

Thawing and Cooking

When ready to use frozen drumsticks, thaw them in the refrigerator for safety. This method maintains a consistent, low temperature, preventing bacteria growth. Once thawed, cook drumsticks thoroughly to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) before consuming, ensuring they are safe to eat and delicious for your meal.


How Many Drumsticks Fit in Air Fryer?

Air fryers with a 2.0 L capacity typically fit 2 to 4 chicken drumsticks. To cook them evenly, avoid overloading the fryer. Check your fryer’s manual for exact details. Always follow the guidelines to enjoy perfectly cooked drumsticks without any hassle.

Can You Stack Drumsticks in Air Fryer?

No, you cannot stack the drumstick in the air fryer. For the tastiest and crispiest results, lay them out in a single layer in the basket. If you’re cooking a bunch, it’s better to do it in batches. This way, you’ll enjoy perfectly cooked chicken legs every time.

How Long Do Chicken Drumsticks Last?

Raw chicken drumsticks last 1-2 days in the fridge, while cooked ones stay good for 3-4 days. Always check the expiration date and look for any unusual smell, texture, or color changes to avoid food poisoning. Don’t eat spoiled chicken, even if it’s cooked well, for your safety.

Should I Marinate Chicken Drumsticks Before Air Frying?

Yes, you should marinate chicken drumsticks before air frying. Marinating for 30 minutes or longer allows the flavors to infuse into the meat. Common marinades include BBQ sauce, soy sauce, or herbs and spices. Experiment with your favorite flavors to create a delicious, personalized dish.

Final Verdict

Cooking drumsticks in an air fryer is convenient and yields delicious results. For best outcomes, preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) and cook the drumsticks for approximately 25-30 minutes. Ensure they are arranged in a single layer, turning them halfway through for even cooking. 

Always check the internal temperature, which should reach 165°F (74°C), to guarantee they are thoroughly cooked. Additionally, consider marinating the drumsticks beforehand for enhanced flavor. For more detailed instructions, cooking hacks, and exciting recipes, I encourage you to read the full article. Happy cooking, and enjoy your crispy drumsticks!

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