How Long to Cook Hash Browns in Airfryer? Air Fryer Time and Tips

For delectable, perfectly crispy hash browns, begin by preheating it to 370 degrees Fahrenheit in your air fryer. Carefully place your frozen hash browns in the air fryer basket and allow them to cook for 18 minutes. At this point, employ a spatula to divide the potatoes into smaller sections to ensure even cooking. 

Continue air frying for an additional 5 minutes or until your hash browns achieve the desired level of crispiness. Savor the delightful, golden-brown results of your air-fried hash browns!

How Long to Cook Hash Browns in Airfryer
How Long to Cook Hash Browns in Airfryer

How to Make Hash Browns in the Air Fryer?

Crafting mouthwatering hash browns in your air fryer is a straightforward process. Follow these detailed steps for a delightful outcome:


  • Frozen hash browns
  • Cooking oil (use an EVO Oil Sprayer)
  • Garlic powder
  • Salt
  • Pepper


  • Step 1: Begin by preheating your air fryer to 370 degrees Fahrenheit. Properly preheating the air fryer is essential for achieving the perfect crispiness of your hash browns.
  • Step 2: Spread the frozen hash browns in a single layer within the air fryer basket. Use an EVO Oil Sprayer to lightly coat the hash browns with cooking oil, ensuring they are evenly covered. Season them with garlic powder, salt, and pepper to your taste, enhancing their flavor. Avoid using oil sprayers containing soy lecithin, such as PAM, for the best results.
  • Step 3: Air fry the frozen hash browns for approximately 18 minutes. To ensure even cooking and the desired level of crispiness, use a spatula to divide the hash browns and flip them carefully. Give them another quick spray with olive oil and continue air frying for about 5 more minutes or until they reach your preferred level of golden-brown crispiness. Typically, the total cooking time is around 23 minutes.
  • Step 4:  Once the hash browns are perfectly air-fried, remove them from the air fryer and transfer them to a serving plate. If desired, season with additional salt and pepper to your taste. Your homemade, mouthwatering, air-fried hash browns are now ready to be served. Enjoy this tasty treat!

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Why Cook Hash Browns in Air Fryer?

Cooking hash browns in an air fryer offers a multitude of compelling reasons to choose this method for preparing this popular breakfast favorite. Here’s an enhanced exploration of why using an air fryer for hash browns is an excellent choice:

Healthier Eating

Air frying allows you to savor crispy these browns with significantly less oil than conventional deep frying. This results in a healthier dish, reducing both the calorie and fat content, making it a wise choice for those who aim to limit their oil intake.

Minimized Saturated Fat

Traditional frying methods tend to saturate foods with unhealthy saturated fats. By opting for air frying, you can enjoy hash browns with less unhealthy fat, contributing to a more heart-healthy option.

Crispy Delight

 The air fryer employs convection currents to circulate hot air around the hash browns, delivering that coveted crispy exterior. This delightful texture is achieved with a fraction of the oil, ensuring a satisfying crunch.

Lower Acrylamide Formation

High-temperature cooking, as seen in traditional frying, can lead to acrylamide formation, a potential carcinogen. Air frying operates at milder temperatures, thereby reducing the risk of acrylamide development in your hash browns.

Customized Flavor

The versatility of air frying allows you to season your hash browns to perfection with a wide array of herbs and spices, enhancing their flavor profile without relying on additional oil or less healthy condiments.

Enhanced Safety

 Air frying eliminates the common concern of hot oil splattering, making it a notably safer cooking method for hash browns.

Effortless Cleanup

 Cleaning up after air frying is typically a breeze as it involves minimal oil disposal and less post-cooking mess. This convenience streamlines the preparation of your favorite hash browns.

Versatility Beyond Hash Browns

 An air fryer is a versatile kitchen appliance capable of cooking a diverse range of dishes beyond hash browns. From baking and roasting to grilling and reheating, it adds versatility to your culinary repertoire.

Odor Control

 Compared to traditional frying, air frying produces fewer cooking odors, ensuring a more pleasant cooking environment, which is particularly relevant in smaller kitchens.


 Air fryers excel in time efficiency, delivering crispy hash browns in a shorter cooking duration than traditional ovens or stovetop methods.

Consistent Cooking

 Air fryers evenly distribute heat, ensuring uniform cooking on all sides of your hash browns without the need for constant flipping or stirring.

Eco-Friendly Cooking

 Air frying is environmentally friendly as it reduces oil consumption and minimizes the waste associated with disposing of used cooking oil.

How Do You Know When Hash Browns Are Done?

Knowing when hash browns are done requires attention to their appearance, texture, and overall cooking process. Here are key indicators to help you determine when your hash browns are perfectly cooked:

  • The hallmark of well-cooked hash browns is their exterior, which should showcase a delightful golden-brown hue and a satisfying, audible crunch when you take a bite.
  • A telltale sign of properly cooked hash browns is the consistent, even coloration that spans their entire surface. There should be no patches of pallor or undercooked areas.
  • Hash browns, at their prime, exhibit a harmonious interplay of textures. The interior should be tender and yielding, while the outer layer maintains a pleasing crispness. To gauge this, attempt to gently puncture a hash brown with a fork—it should yield easily without resistance.
  • Successfully cooked hash browns should be devoid of any lingering moisture. When you press them with a spatula, there should be no liquid seeping out. If moisture is still present, they require further cooking.
  • Hash browns are typically cooked on both sides. Once the first side attains the desired level of golden crispness, carefully flip it and continue cooking the other side until it mirrors the same level of perfection.
  • The ultimate barometer of doneness is your palate. Sample a small piece to verify that the hash browns are cooked to your preferred level of crispiness and overall doneness.
  • Cooking durations can fluctuate based on heat intensity and hash brown thickness. As a general guideline, allot about 4-5 minutes per side on medium-high heat. However, exercise vigilance to ensure they attain your desired crispiness.
  • If you have access to a kitchen thermometer, you can deploy it to confirm the internal temperature of the hash browns. They’re typically considered done when they reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).
  • Keep a watchful eye on the edges of the hash browns, which should crispen and adopt a rich, deep golden tone. This serves as a reliable visual cue for doneness.
  • When hash browns are cooked to perfection, they should lack any hint of raw potato flavor. They ought to be fully cooked inside, yielding a gratifying, genuine potato taste.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Air Frying Hash Browns

Air frying hash browns can result in a delicious and crispy outcome, but there are common mistakes to avoid to ensure success. You can avoid these mistakes by following these tips:

  • Ensure that you arrange your hash browns in a single layer in the air fryer basket, leaving some space between them. Overcrowded conditions may decrease airflow and cause uneven cooking.
  • While a small amount of oil is helpful for achieving crispiness, excessive oil can make your browns greasy. Use a light coating of cooking spray or lightly brush them with oil.
  • Preheating is essential to ensure even cooking and crispy texture. Let your air fryer preheat for a few minutes at the recommended temperature before adding the hash browns.
  • For uniform browning, remember to flip your hash browns or shake the basket halfway through the cooking time. This ensures that both sides get equally crispy.
  • If you’re using frozen hash browns, it’s best to thaw them first and pat them dry with a paper towel. This prevents excess moisture that can lead to sogginess.
  • Enhance the flavor of your hash browns by seasoning them before air frying. Use salt, pepper, garlic powder, or your preferred seasonings.
  • The right temperature and cooking time can vary depending on the type and thickness of your hash browns. Follow the package instructions or start with a temperature of 380-400°F (190-200°C) and adjust the cooking time as needed. Keep an eye on things to avoid overcooking.
  • Stay vigilant during the cooking process. Different air fryers may have variations in cooking times, so keep an eye on your hash browns and adjust as necessary.
  • Different brands and varieties may require slight adjustments in cooking methods. Check the packaging instructions for the best outcome.
  • Allow your air-fried hash browns to cool for a minute or two after cooking. This brief resting period helps them become even crispier as they set. Serving them too hot can lead to less crispiness.

Storage Ideas for Air Fryer Hash Brown

When it comes to storing your air fryer hash browns, it’s crucial to ensure they maintain their freshness and flavor. Here are some helpful storage ideas:


 To keep your leftover hash browns in top condition, transfer them to an airtight container. Place this container in your refrigerator, where the browns can be safely stored for up to 5 days. When you’re ready to savor them once more, reheat the these in a preheated oven at 350°F (180°C). This method will help preserve their crispy texture and delicious taste.


 It’s important to note that refreezing previously frozen and cooked hash browns is not recommended. Once they have gone through the thawing and cooking process, it’s best to consume them within a reasonable timeframe to ensure they maintain their quality.

Comparison Between Frozen Vs Homemade Hash Browns

Certainly, here’s a comparison between frozen and homemade hash browns presented in a table format for easy reference:

AspectFrozen Hash BrownsHomemade Hash Browns
ConvenienceConvenient and ready to use.Require more time and effort to prepare from scratch.
IngredientsMay contain additives or preservatives.You have full control over the ingredients used, allowing for customization and healthier options.
FlavorFlavor may be consistent but can vary between brands.You can tailor the flavor to your preferences, including seasoning and ingredient choices.
TextureTexture may be consistent but can vary between brands.You have control over texture based on how you prepare them.
NutritionNutrition information provided on packaging. Typically higher in sodium and may contain added fats.You can choose healthier ingredients, control the level of salt, and use less oil, potentially making them a healthier option.
CostUsually more expensive compared to making homemade hash browns.Generally more cost-effective, especially when making larger quantities.
CustomizationLimited customization, as they come pre-made.Fully customizable to meet your dietary preferences, including gluten-free or low-carb options.
FreshnessShelf-stable but may not be as fresh as homemade.Prepared fresh, giving you complete control over the quality and freshness of the ingredients.
Environmental ImpactPackaging and transportation may have environmental considerations.Preparing homemade hash browns can reduce packaging waste and potentially lower the environmental impact.

Healthier Hash Brown Alternatives

When seeking healthier alternatives to traditional fried hash browns, a variety of options can provide a nutritious and satisfying twist while reducing calories and fat. Here are ten alternatives to consider:

  • Baked Hash Browns

To create baked hash browns, start by shredding or dicing your potatoes. Season them with your preferred herbs and spices for added flavor. Instead of frying, bake them in the oven, which reduces the need for excessive oil. This method maintains a crispy texture with a lighter, healthier touch.

  • Sweet Potato Hash Browns

Sweet potatoes offer a nutritional upgrade to traditional hash browns. Grate them, then prepare them in a manner similar to classic hash browns, either in the oven or an air fryer. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins and fiber, adding a healthful element to your dish.

  • Zucchini Hash Browns

For a low-carb and low-calorie alternative, consider using grated zucchini. Combine the grated zucchini with egg, breadcrumbs, and seasonings. Cook them on a griddle or in a non-stick pan for a light and flavorful variation.

  • Cauliflower Hash Browns

Grated cauliflower is a fantastic choice for those looking to cut carbs. After grating the cauliflower, cook it in a skillet with just a touch of oil and your preferred seasonings. If you desire an extra layer of flavor, consider adding grated cheese.

  • Quinoa Hash Browns

For a protein-packed and gluten-free option, substitute potatoes with cooked quinoa. Mix the cooked quinoa with your choice of herbs and spices, form them into patties, and cook in a non-stick pan or oven.

  • Hash Brown Casserole with Veggies

Elevate your hash browns by incorporating a medley of vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, and spinach. This not only enhances the nutritional profile but also adds a burst of color and flavor. Reducing the amount of oil and opting for reduced-fat cheese or non-dairy alternatives can make this casserole even healthier.

  • Avocado Toast with Sweet Potato “Hash Browns”

Instead of traditional hash browns, serve sweet potato slices alongside avocado toast. Roasting the sweet potato slices in the oven not only provides a healthier side but also introduces nutrient-rich and flavorful elements.

  • Oatmeal Hash Browns

Craft hash browns using rolled oats mixed with grated vegetables. The oats contribute fiber and can be customized with various herbs and spices to suit your taste preferences.

  • Portobello Mushroom Hash Browns

Portobello mushrooms serve as a unique alternative to potatoes. Remove the mushroom stems and gills, season them, and either grill or bake the mushroom caps. This method creates a distinctive, lower-calorie option with a delightful umami flavor.

  • Egg White Hash Browns

Reduce the fat content while preserving the classic hash brown texture by combining grated potatoes with egg whites and your choice of vegetables. The result is a healthier, lighter take on the traditional favorite.


Can You Make Frozen Hash Browns in Air Fryer?

Yes, you can make frozen hash browns in an air fryer. Begin by preheating the air fryer, then arrange the frozen hash browns in a single layer. Cook at the suggested temperature (typically 380-400°F or 190-200°C) for approximately 10-15 minutes, ensuring to flip them halfway through for uniform crispiness.

Are Hash Browns Gluten Free?

Yes, hash browns are free. Since they are primarily made from potatoes. However, potential cross-contamination can occur during processing in facilities that handle wheat products, and some varieties may have a flour coating. To ensure gluten-free status, always scrutinize the product label.

Are Hash Browns Good for You?

Yes, hash browns are good for you. Because they are rich in essential nutrients found in potatoes, including B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin C, folate, and potassium, making them a nutritious addition to your diet.

What Can I Serve With Hash Browns for Breakfast?

For a delightful breakfast pairing, consider serving hash browns with a variety of sides. Options include scrambled eggs, stuffed mushrooms, sausage with veggies, bacon-wrapped Brussels sprouts, smoked cod, quesadillas, a garden salad, shrimp skewers, baked beans, Greek yogurt with fruit, guacamole, oven-roasted tomatoes, French toast, corned beef hash, and chicken salad.

How to Cook Hash Brown Patties in the Air Fryer?

To cook frozen hash brown patties in the air fryer, follow these steps: Preheat to 400°F (200°C), lightly oil the basket, arrange the patties with space, and cook for 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway. For extra crispiness, add 2-4 minutes to the cooking time.

Final Verdict

Unlocking the secret to perfectly air-fried hash browns is a breeze! Heat your air fryer to 370 F (190-200°C), lightly oil the basket, and arrange your hash browns – whether frozen or homemade. In just 18 minutes, with a mid-cook flip for even crispiness, you’ll savor golden, crispy browns. 

Please note that the precise cooking time may vary depending on your browns thickness and your air fryer model, so keep an eagle eye out for your desired crispiness level. Get ready for hash brown perfection straight from your air fryer!

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