How Long to Cook Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer? Air Fryer Cooking Time Unveiled

To cook turkey sausages in the air fryer, begin by preheating it to 400°F (200°C) for around 5 minutes. Arrange the sausages in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring even cooking without overcrowding. Cook for approximately 10-12 minutes, flipping halfway through for uniform browning. 

Use a meat thermometer to confirm their internal temperature, which should reach a minimum of 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption. Once perfectly cooked, remove the sausages from the air fryer, let them rest briefly, and savor your delicious air-fried turkey sausages.

How Long to Cook Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer
How Long to Cook Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer

How to Cook Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer?

Achieve perfectly cooked turkey sausages with your air fryer by following this simple step-by-step guide:

1. Preheat Your Air Fryer

 Begin by preheating your air fryer to 400°F (200°C) for about 5 minutes. This ensures that the cooking environment is adequately heated for optimal results.

2. Single Layer Placement

 Carefully place the turkey sausages in a single layer within the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding to promote even cooking and allow the sausages to achieve a desirable level of crispiness.

3. Cooking Time with Flipping

 Cook the sausages for approximately 10-12 minutes. To ensure uniform browning on both sides, flip the sausages halfway through the cooking time. This step contributes to the overall texture and flavor of the sausages.

4. Internal Temperature Check

 Guarantee safe consumption by checking the internal temperature of the sausages with a meat thermometer. The sausages should reach a minimum temperature of 165°F (74°C).

5. Rest Before Serving

 After achieving the desired level of doneness, carefully remove the sausages from the air fryer. Before serving, let them sit for a few minutes. This brief resting period helps redistribute the juices, ensuring a juicy and flavorful outcome.

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How Do You Cook Turkey Sausage Without Drying It Out?

Cooking turkey sausage without drying it out is a delicate process that involves careful attention to methods preserving moisture and flavor. Here’s an enhanced step-by-step guide:

Choose Fatty Blends

 Opt for turkey sausage blends with a higher content of dark meat or those that include added fats like olive oil or bacon. This helps retain moisture during cooking.

Prep with Punctures

 Prick the sausages using a fork or toothpick before cooking. This allows steam to escape, preventing the sausages from bursting and ultimately drying out.

Marinate or Brine

 Enhance both flavor and moisture by marinating or brining turkey sausages before cooking. A simple marinade with olive oil, herbs, spices, or essential salt and sugar brine can work wonders.

Low and Slow Cooking

Opt for lower cooking temperatures and extended cooking times to avoid rapid dehydration. Cooking at around 325°F (163°C) is effective in preserving moisture.

Use a Meat Thermometer

 Ensure thorough cooking without compromising moisture by employing a meat thermometer. Turkey sausage should reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C). Remove from heat promptly once this temperature is achieved.

Baste for Extra Flavor

 If grilling or roasting, consider periodic basting using a flavorful liquid such as marinade, broth, or apple juice. This practice not only enhances moisture but also imparts additional taste.

Avoid Overcooking

 Dryness often results from overcooking. Monitor the cooking time closely and check the internal temperature regularly to prevent this.

Let it Rest

After cooking, allow the turkey sausages to rest for a few minutes. This crucial step enables the juices to redistribute throughout the sausage, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful outcome.

Factors Affect the Cooking Time When Air Frying Turkey Sausage

When air frying turkey sausage, several factors can affect the cooking time and outcome. Here are some key considerations:

  • Sausage Size and Thickness

The size and thickness of the turkey sausages significantly impact the cooking time. Thicker sausages will require a longer duration to ensure the heat penetrates the center for thorough cooking. Consider the specific dimensions of the sausages you’re working with.

  • Temperature Setting

Each air fryer model comes with its temperature settings. Consult your air fryer’s manual to determine the recommended temperature range for cooking turkey sausages, typically falling between 350°F to 400°F (175°C to 200°C). This ensures that the sausages cook evenly without becoming overly dry.

  • Preheating

Adequate preheating is crucial for the cooking of turkey sausages. Allow the air fryer to reach the desired temperature before placing the sausages inside. This not only ensures consistent results but also helps in achieving a desirable texture.

  • Basket Crowding

Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket. Sausages should be arranged in a single layer to allow proper air circulation. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking, with some sausages being undercooked while others might be overdone.

  • Turning or Flipping

To enhance browning on all sides, consider turning or flipping the sausages halfway through the cooking process. This step is particularly crucial for achieving a uniformly crisp exterior.

  • Frozen vs. Thawed Sausages

If you’re working with frozen turkey sausages, anticipate a longer cooking time compared to their thawed counterparts. Follow the air fryer’s instructions for cooking frozen items, which often involves adjusting the temperature and adding extra time to ensure thorough cooking.

  • Pre-cooking or Preheating Ingredients

Some recipes suggest pre-cooking or preheating certain ingredients before air frying. This step could involve partially cooking the sausages in another method before transferring them to the air fryer. This can be a strategy to reduce overall cooking time.

  • Altitude

Adjustments to cooking times may be necessary if you reside at a higher altitude. Lower air pressure at higher altitudes can affect the boiling point of water and, consequently, the cooking process. Be mindful of these potential variations and make adjustments accordingly.

  • Air Fryer Model and Size

The wattage and size of your air fryer can influence cooking times. Higher wattage models may cook more quickly, and larger air fryers might require additional time to ensure thorough cooking. Consult your air fryer’s manual for guidance on adjusting cooking times based on its specifications.

  • Internal Temperature

For food safety, it’s crucial to use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the turkey sausages. Aim for a minimum internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) for poultry. This ensures that the sausages are safe to eat and have reached the desired level of doneness.

How to Store Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer?

After air frying turkey sausages, follow these steps for optimal storage:


Place leftover sausages in a sealed container in the refrigerator. This method maintains freshness for up to 3 days. Ensure the container is airtight to prevent odors from affecting the sausages.


For longer storage, cool the sausages completely before transferring them to an airtight container or a Ziplock freezer bag. This extra step helps preserve their texture and flavor. Frozen turkey sausages can be stored for up to 3 months.


Clearly label the container or bag with the date of freezing to track the sausages’ freshness. This ensures that you can easily identify and use them before they exceed their recommended storage period.


When ready to use frozen sausages, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight or use the defrost setting on the microwave. To reduce the risk of bacterial growth, avoid thawing at room temperature.


Can You Reheat Sausage in the Air Fryer?

Yes, to reheat sausages in the air fryer, preheat to 180°C, then place sausages in the basket and cook for 3-5 minutes until warmed. Alternatively, use the microwave or oven for reheating. Adjust time as needed based on the desired temperature.

How Long Will Sausage Last Unrefrigerated?

Treat fresh sausages as perishable items. Store them in the fridge, and if left unrefrigerated for over two hours, it’s advisable to discard them due to the risk of bacterial growth. Proper storage ensures the safety and quality of the sausages.

Can I Cook Other Types of Sausages in an Air Fryer Using the Same Method?

Yes, you can cook other types of sausages in an air fryer using the same method. The method used for air frying turkey sausages is versatile and can be applied to various sausage types. Whether it’s chicken, beef, sweet Italian, or vegan sausages, adjust the cooking time based on thickness. Always check the internal temperature to ensure thorough cooking before serving.

Is Turkey Sausage Healthier Than Pork Sausage?

Indeed, turkey sausage stands out as a healthier alternative to pork sausage. It offers a notable reduction in calories and saturated fat while preserving valuable protein content. Opting for turkey sausage can be a beneficial choice for those seeking a healthier dietary option.

How Long Does It Take to Cook Sausage at 350?

When cooking sausage at 350°F, smaller links need at least 25 minutes, with a turn every 10 minutes. Larger links may take around an hour for thorough cooking. Adjust the time accordingly if using a higher temperature setting for a faster cooking process.

Is Sausage Cooked at 145?

Cooking sausage to the standard temperature of 145°F (63°C) may not eliminate all bacteria. To ensure thorough safety, it’s recommended to cook sausage until it reaches 160°F (71°C). This temperature guarantees the complete eradication of any potential bacteria during the cooking process.

Final Verdict

Cooking turkey sausage in the air fryer is a breeze! Preheat the air fryer to 375°F, place the sausages in a single layer, and cook for about 10-15 minutes, turning them halfway through. It’s that easy; there’s no mess or fuss. The result? Juicy, flavorful turkey sausages with a perfectly crispy exterior. 

This quick and convenient method not only saves time but also ensures a healthier alternative to traditional cooking. Try it once, and you’ll be hooked on the ease and deliciousness of air-fried turkey sausages!

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