How to Cook Frozen Broccoli in Air Fryer- A Crispy and Quick Guide

Cooking frozen broccoli in the air fryer is easy. Forget about boiling or steaming – the air fryer gives you perfectly tender and crispy broccoli with minimal effort. Mix the frozen broccoli with olive oil, a pinch of salt, and your favorite seasonings. 

Preheat the air fryer to 400°F, spread the broccoli in a single layer, and air fry for 10-15 minutes. Remember to give the basket a shake halfway through. This quick and delicious method will have you enjoying tasty broccoli in no time.

How to Cook Frozen Broccoli in Air Fryer
How to Cook Frozen Broccoli in Air Fryer

How to Cook Frozen Broccoli in Air Fryer?

Cooking frozen broccoli in the air fryer is quick and easy! Here’s a simple guide:


  • Frozen broccoli
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and preferred seasonings


  • Start by preheating your air fryer to 400°F (204°C). This step ensures that the air fryer is adequately hot for efficient cooking.
  • Take the frozen broccoli and place it in a large bowl. Drizzle olive oil over the broccoli, ensuring each piece is lightly coated. Sprinkle salt and your preferred seasonings evenly, tossing the broccoli in the bowl to ensure all pieces are nicely seasoned.
  • Spread the seasoned broccoli evenly in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding to allow proper air circulation, which ensures even cooking and crispiness.
  • Adjust the timer on the air fryer to 10-15 minutes. During this time, the broccoli will cook and develop a slight crispiness. Pause the cooking process halfway through to shake the basket gently. This step promotes uniform cooking on all sides.
  • Check the broccoli for the desired level of crispiness and a golden-brown color. If you prefer a crispier texture, add a couple more minutes to the cooking time. Adjust according to your preference.
  • Once the cooking is complete, transfer the air-fried broccoli to a serving plate. Serve immediately while it’s hot, and enjoy this quick, flavorful, and fuss-free side dish.

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Tips for Cooking Frozen Broccoli in Air Fryer

Here are some helpful tips for cooking frozen broccoli in the air fryer:

  • Ensure each piece of frozen broccoli is thoroughly coated with olive oil and seasonings. This step guarantees that every bite is flavorful and achieves a consistent crispy texture.
  • Preheating the air fryer to 400°F (204°C) for 5 minutes is crucial. A well-preheated air fryer ensures the broccoli starts cooking immediately, leading to efficient and effective results.
  • Spread the broccoli in a single layer in the air fryer basket to allow proper air circulation. Overcrowding can result in uneven cooking, and the broccoli may not achieve the desired crispiness.
  • Midway through the cooking time (around 5-6 minutes), gently pause and shake the air fryer basket. This action promotes an even distribution of heat, ensuring that each piece of broccoli is crispy on all sides.
  • Toward the end of the cooking time (around 10-15 minutes), monitor the broccoli for the desired level of crispiness. Adjust the cooking time accordingly based on personal preferences, as some may prefer a softer texture while others enjoy a more pronounced crisp.
  • Elevate the flavor profile by experimenting with various seasonings. Garlic powder, lemon zest, Parmesan cheese, or a mix of herbs can add depth and complexity to the dish.
  • To preserve the optimal texture and flavor, serve the air-fried broccoli immediately after cooking. This ensures that it retains its crispiness and doesn’t become soggy.
  • Tailor the seasoning to match your taste preferences. Feel free to explore combinations to find the perfect blend that suits your palate.
  • Consider serving air-fried broccoli as a versatile side dish or incorporating it into other recipes. It complements grilled chicken pasta dishes or adds a delightful crunch to salads.
  • Keep a close eye on the cooking time, as air fryer models may vary. Adjustments can be made based on your specific air fryer and personal preferences to achieve the desired results.

How to Reheat Frozen Broccoli in Air Fryer?

Reheating frozen broccoli in the air fryer is quick and easy. Follow these simple steps:

  • Start by preheating your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) for a few minutes. This initial heating ensures that the frozen broccoli will warm up evenly.
  • Lay the frozen broccoli in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding to allow proper airflow around each piece. This helps ensure that every part of the broccoli receives consistent heat.
  • Air fry the frozen broccoli for 5-7 minutes. The exact time may vary based on your air fryer model and the quantity of broccoli. Watch it closely to avoid overcooking.
  • About halfway through the reheating process (around 2-3 minutes), gently pause and shake the air fryer basket. This action promotes even reheating, preventing parts from becoming too hot or cold.
  • Test a piece of broccoli to ensure it reaches your preferred temperature. The goal is to have it thoroughly reheated without becoming mushy. Adjust the time if needed.
  • Once the frozen broccoli reaches your desired temperature and consistency, carefully remove it from the air fryer. Serve immediately while it’s hot, and enjoy this quick and revived side dish.

How to Store Leftover Frozen Broccoli?

Storing leftover frozen broccoli is simple and helps maintain its quality. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Cool Down

Before storing leftover frozen broccoli, ensure it cools to room temperature. This step prevents condensation in the storage container, minimizing the risk of freezer burn. Cooling down before storage preserves the broccoli’s quality, ensuring it stays fresh and flavorful when ready to use again.

Storage Containers

Opt for airtight containers or resealable freezer bags when storing leftover frozen broccoli. This airtight packaging is crucial, acting as a protective shield against freezer burn and preserving the broccoli’s freshness. It ensures your broccoli maintains its quality and taste for future use.


When storing more leftover frozen broccoli, enhance organization by inserting layers of parchment paper or aluminum foil between the pieces. This simple step prevents them from sticking together, facilitating easy portioning and ensuring convenient access when you’re ready to use them again.


Ensure you label the container or bag with the date when storing frozen broccoli leftovers. This practice is a valuable reference, allowing you to track storage duration and prioritize usage based on freshness. Proper labeling helps you make informed decisions and maintain the quality of your frozen broccoli.


For short-term storage of leftover frozen broccoli, opt for the refrigerator if you plan to use it within a few days. This preserves the broccoli’s quality while ensuring a quicker thawing process when you’re ready to include it in your next meal, maintaining convenience and freshness.


Extend the storage life of leftover frozen broccoli by freezing it for longer-term use. Arrange the pieces on a tray until they solidify, then transfer them to a freezer bag or container. This method prevents clumping, ensuring you can easily retrieve individual pieces when needed, maintaining the broccoli’s quality.

Remove Excess Air

Maximize the freshness of frozen broccoli by removing excess air from the freezer bag before sealing. This simple step minimizes the risk of freezer burn, preserving the broccoli’s quality. By eliminating excess air, you ensure that your frozen broccoli maintains its taste and texture for an extended period.


When preparing to use frozen broccoli, thaw it safely by placing it in the refrigerator for a few hours or utilizing the defrost setting on your microwave. Avoid thawing at room temperature to preserve the broccoli’s quality, ensuring it maintains its taste and texture for a delicious addition to your meals.


Why Are My Vegetables Not Crispy From the Air Fryer?

Vegetables may not be crispy in the air fryer without a light oil coating. To enhance crispiness, lightly coat them with olive or avocado oil before air frying. Avoid excessive oil to prevent sogginess, ensuring a golden, crispy texture that elevates the overall quality of your air-fried vegetables.

Does Air Frying Broccoli Lose Nutrients?’

Yes, air-frying broccoli might lose a bit of nutrients, just like baking in an oven. Both methods use hot air, so the nutrient changes are similar. While cooking can alter food a bit, whether you air fry or bake, the nutrients stay pretty close, and there’s a chance for some not-so-great stuff.

Is Air Frying Vegetables Healthier Than Steaming?

No, air-frying vegetables is not healthier than steaming. Steaming remains the more nutritious choice as it preserves more nutrients than any form of frying. While an air fryer is a healthier alternative to deep-fat frying, steaming is superior, ensuring your food retains essential nutrients and offering a wholesome cooking method.

Is It Ok to Directly Put Frozen Food in Air Fryer?

Yes, it is OK to directly put frozen food in air fryer. The air fryer crisps up frozen foods and cooks them faster than an oven would. Whether frozen meat, snacks, or appetizers, the air fryer is versatile and efficient, making it a convenient choice for cooking frozen foods.

Final Verdict

Cooking frozen broccoli in the air fryer is very simple. Toss frozen broccoli with oil and air fry at 400°F for 10-15 minutes, shaking occasionally for even cooking—the result: crispy edges with a tender inside. For added flavor, try seasoning before air frying. 

Remember, air fryers vary, so adjust times accordingly. For more tips and delightful air fryer recipes, delve into our comprehensive guide. Unlock the full potential of your air fryer, ensuring each dish is a crunchy, flavorful success. Dive in and discover a world of effortless and delicious cooking!

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