How to Cook Turkey Legs in Air Fryer- A Crispy Delight Tutorial

Making tasty turkey legs is so easy with the air fryer! This kitchen buddy cooks fast and gives your turkey legs a crispy, juicy finish. Whether you’re in for a quick dinner or want to impress friends, the air fryer is here. 

We’ll guide you through simple steps to cook perfect turkey legs. Imagine the delicious smells and unique flavors waiting for you in every bite. Get ready for a yummy adventure with your air fryer—it’s a guarantee for a tasty meal every time!

How to Cook Turkey Legs in Air Fryer
How to Cook Turkey Legs in Air Fryer

How to Cook Turkey Legs in Air Fryer?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to cook turkey legs in an air fryer:


  • Turkey legs
  • Softened butter or olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Paprika (optional)


  • Start by turning on your air fryer and preheating it to 400°F (200°C). This ensures the turkey legs cook evenly and get that perfect crispy exterior.
  • Take the turkey legs from their packaging and place them on a plate. Use paper towels to pat them dry thoroughly. This step is crucial for achieving crispy skin during cooking.
  • Drizzle olive oil over the turkey legs and coat them well. Sprinkle salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika (if desired) evenly to infuse delicious flavor.
  • Use your hands to massage the seasonings into the turkey legs. Ensure the seasoning is spread evenly, covering all sides and under the skin for a well-flavored result.
  • Place the seasoned turkey legs in the air fryer basket. Ensure they are spaced apart to allow proper air circulation, preventing overcrowding for even cooking.
  • Set the air fryer to 400°F and cook the turkey legs for 20-30 minutes. Flip them halfway through the cooking time to achieve an evenly crispy texture. Adjust the cooking time based on the size of the turkey legs and the specific model of your air fryer.
  • To confirm the turkey legs are thoroughly cooked, use a meat thermometer. For safe ingestion, the interior temperature must reach 165°F (74°C).
  • After you’re done cooking, let the turkey legs rest for a while. This helps the juices redistribute, keeping the meat moist and flavorful.
  • Plate up your perfectly cooked turkey legs with crispy skin and juicy meat. Pair them with your favorite sides, and you’re ready to savor a delicious air-fried meal. 

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Tips for Making Crispy Turkey Legs in Air Fryer

Here are some essential tips for making crispy turkey legs in an air fryer:

  • Before seasoning, diligently pat the turkey legs dry with paper towels. Removing excess moisture from the skin is essential for achieving a crispy exterior.
  • Ensure each inch of the turkey legs is generously coated with your preferred seasonings. A well-seasoned surface enhances both taste and crispiness.
  • Allow the air fryer to preheat to 400°F (200°C). This step sets the stage for the Maillard reaction, contributing to the desired golden-brown crispiness.
  • Strategically arrange the turkey legs in the air fryer basket, leaving space between each piece. Adequate spacing promotes consistent air circulation, resulting in even cooking.
  • Enhance the overall texture by flipping and rotating the turkey legs halfway through cooking. This technique ensures an evenly crispy exterior on all sides.
  • Apply oil sparingly but evenly. A light coating facilitates the browning process without compromising the desired crispiness. Excessive oil can hinder the texture.
  • Use a meat thermometer to confirm that the internal temperature of the turkey legs reaches a safe 165°F (74°C). This ensures both safety and succulence.
  • Allow the turkey legs to rest for a few minutes after cooking. This short resting period enables the juices to redistribute, maintaining moist and flavorful meat.
  • Adjust the cooking time based on the specific size of the turkey legs and the characteristics of your air fryer. Experimentation ensures optimal results.
  • Keep a vigilant eye on the turkey legs as they near the end of the cooking process to prevent over-browning. This fine-tuning guarantees the perfect balance of crispiness without compromising the flavor profile.

How to Reheat Turkey Leg in Air Fryer?

Simple Guide for Reheating Turkey Legs in the Air Fryer:

  • First, turn on your air fryer and set it to about 350°F (175°C). This helps make sure your turkey legs warm up evenly.
  • Take your leftover turkey legs out of the fridge and let them sit for 10-15 minutes to come closer to room temperature. This helps with reheating them evenly.
  • Place your turkey legs in the air fryer basket. Make sure there’s space between them so the hot air can move around and do its job.
  • Set the air fryer to 350°F and warm the turkey legs for 5-7 minutes. Keep an eye on them because the time can vary depending on how big the turkey legs are and the type of air fryer you have.
  • About halfway through, flip the turkey legs to ensure they warm up. A meat thermometer can check if the inside temperature reaches 165°F (74°C). That means they’re safe to eat.
  • Once warmed up, let the turkey legs rest for a few minutes. This helps keep the juices in so they stay moist.
  • Plate up your reheated turkey legs. You’ll love the crispy skin and tasty meat. Add your favorite sides and have a yummy meal without losing any goodness.

How Do You Store Leftover Turkey Legs?

Here are some easy steps to store turkey legs:

Cooling Process

Allow the cooked turkey legs to cool briefly at room temperature. This helps prevent the growth of bacteria and condensation when stored. Quick cooling is vital to maintaining food safety. Once cooled, store the turkey legs in airtight containers to preserve freshness.

Separate from Bones (Optional)

If possible, separate the meat from the bones after cooking. This expedites cooling and enhances efficient storage. While optional, this step streamlines the process, ensuring quicker cooling and facilitating optimal storage conditions for the cooked turkey legs.

Airtight Containers or Wrapping

For storage, use airtight containers, tightly wrap the turkey legs in plastic, or opt for resealable plastic bags. Seal them securely to prevent air and moisture infiltration, preserving the quality of the cooked turkey legs. This protective measure helps maintain freshness for an extended period.

Label and Date

Label the containers or packages with the storage date, a simple practice to monitor freshness. This ensures you consume the cooked turkey legs within a safe timeframe. Proper labeling promotes organized storage and allows you to enjoy the legs while they remain at their best.


Immediately refrigerate the cooked turkey legs within two hours of preparation. Refrigerate them at temperatures below 40°F (4°C). This swift refrigeration process safeguards against bacterial growth, preserving the freshness and safety of the turkey legs for later consumption.

Freezing (Optional)

Opt for freezing if you won’t consume the cooked turkey legs within a few days. Individually wrap the legs in plastic or aluminum foil, then place them in a freezer bag. Put the date on the package so it’s easy to track. Freezing extends storage, preserving the quality of the turkey legs.

Storage Duration

Consume refrigerated cooked turkey legs within 3-4 days for optimal freshness. They can maintain good quality for 2-3 months if stored in the freezer. Regularly monitor dates and adhere to recommended storage times to ensure safety and the best taste when enjoying your turkey legs.

Reheat Safely

For safe consumption, thoroughly reheat turkey legs to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) before serving. This crucial step ensures that any potential bacteria are eliminated, guaranteeing the cooked turkey legs are delicious and safe to enjoy.

Avoid Refrigerating While Hot

To preserve refrigerator stability, avoid placing hot turkey legs directly inside. Allow them to cool slightly before storage, preventing temperature fluctuations. This approach safeguards food safety and maintains the quality of the stored turkey legs, ensuring their freshness and optimal taste.

Quality Monitoring

Regularly inspect stored turkey legs for spoilage indicators like off smells, abnormal color, or texture. If any signs are evident, promptly discard them to ensure food safety. Consistent monitoring guarantees the consumption of only fresh and safe turkey legs, enhancing overall satisfaction with your stored leftovers.


How Do You Keep Turkey Legs From Drying Out?

To keep turkey legs from drying out, ensure thorough seasoning, brining, or marinating before cooking. Cook at a moderate temperature, such as 325°F (163°C), and consider using a meat thermometer. Basting with broth or butter during cooking and allowing the legs to rest before serving also helps retain moisture for succulent results.

Can I Air Fry Frozen Turkey Legs?

Yes, you can air-fry frozen turkey legs. Adjust the temperature to 360°F; coat the legs with half the butter mixture, and air fry for 25 minutes. Flip, baste with the remaining butter, and continue air frying for 20-30 minutes. Tent with foil if browning too quickly. Enjoy crispy results with this approach.

Should You Brine Turkey Legs Before Air Frying?

No, brining turkey legs before air frying is unnecessary. The air fryer excels at preserving moisture and tenderness, eliminating the need for additional steps. Coupled with a butter rub, the air-fried turkey legs achieve exceptional flavor and juiciness, making brining an optional and unnecessary step in this cooking method.

What’s the Difference Between a Turkey Leg and a Turkey Drumstick?

No, there isn’t a significant difference between a turkey leg and a turkey drumstick. While a turkey leg technically includes the thigh and the drumstick, both terms are often used interchangeably. In many recipes, “turkey leg” is commonly used to specifically refer to the drumstick. They essentially describe the same delicious part of the turkey.

Final Verdict

Discover the joy of cooking turkey legs in the air fryer! Preheat to 400°F, generously season, air fry for 20 minutes, flip, and continue for another 10-15 minutes until the internal temperature hits 165°F. 

For extra flavor, play with seasonings and cooking times. But the adventure doesn’t end here! Dive into the full article for detailed steps, pro tips, and a foolproof guide to deliciously crispy turkey legs. Your air fryer adventure awaits – read on and boost your cooking game!

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