How to Cook Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer- Your Ultimate Cooking Guide

Cooking turkey sausage in the air fryer is simple, offering a quick and healthier alternative to traditional methods. The air fryer’s circulating hot air ensures even cooking, resulting in a perfectly crispy exterior and juicy interior. 

With simplicity in mind, set the temperature to 350°F (175°C) and let it cook for approximately 12-15 minutes, flipping halfway through. It’s a fuss-free process that delivers flavorful and well-cooked turkey sausage, making it an ideal choice for a delicious and nutritious meal. Let’s explore the ease and tastiness of air-fried turkey sausage!

How to Cook Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer
How to Cook Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer

How to Cook Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer?


  • Ground turkey
  • Seasonings (such as salt, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, sage, thyme, and fennel seeds for flavor)
  • Olive oil (optional for moisture)


  • First, set your air fryer to 350°F (175°C) and allow a few minutes to preheat. This step is crucial for maintaining a consistent cooking temperature.
  • If you’re using store-bought sausages, lay them on a clean surface. If you’ve made your own, ensure they are seasoned to your liking. Homemade or store-bought, they’re ready for the next step.
  • Place the sausages in a single layer within the air fryer basket. Take care not to overcrowd them; this allows the hot air to circulate properly, ensuring even cooking.
  • The suggested air frying time is 12-15 minutes. To achieve uniform crispiness, flip the sausages halfway through the cooking process. This ensures that both sides attain that desirable texture.
  • Check the internal temperature of the sausages with a meat thermometer. The goal is to reach 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption. This temperature ensures they are thoroughly cooked yet remain juicy.
  • Once the cooking is complete, carefully remove the turkey sausages from the air fryer. You should be left with flavorful and perfectly cooked sausages.
  • Style your meal to your preferences. Enjoy the turkey sausages on their own, in a bun, or alongside your favorite sides. The versatility of turkey sausages allows for various serving options.
  • Delight in the perfect combination of juicy and crispy turkey sausage, courtesy of your air fryer.

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Tips for Making Perfect Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer

Here are some tips for making ideal turkey sausage in air fryer:

Preheat for Success

Preheating your air fryer is essential for success. This step ensures that once the sausages are placed inside, they begin cooking promptly, resulting in a more even and consistent outcome. Proper preheating sets the stage for optimal cooking conditions and enhances the overall quality of your air-fried turkey sausages.

Quality Matters

Selecting high-quality turkey sausages with a well-balanced blend of seasonings is paramount. The caliber of the sausages plays a pivotal role in shaping your dish’s ultimate flavor and texture. Opting for premium ingredients ensures a more delightful and satisfying experience when indulging in air-fried turkey sausages.

Avoid Overcrowding

To prevent overcrowding, lay the sausages in a single layer in the air fryer basket. This arrangement facilitates proper air circulation around each sausage, ensuring even cooking and preserving optimal crispiness. Adequate spacing is vital to achieving the desired texture in your air-fried turkey sausages.

Temperature Check

Secure accurate cooking by investing in a meat thermometer. Ensure your sausages reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C), a crucial step for safety and achieving the desired texture. Monitoring the temperature guarantees that your air-fried turkey sausages are flavorful and perfectly cooked for a satisfying experience.

Mid-Cook Flip

Enhance your air-fried sausages by flipping them halfway through the cooking time. This straightforward action guarantees both sides equal exposure to the hot air, fostering a uniformly crispy exterior. The mid-cook flip is a simple yet effective technique for achieving optimal texture in your delicious turkey sausages.

Customize Seasonings

Unlock culinary creativity by experimenting with diverse seasonings or marinades for your turkey sausages. This customization freedom enhances the flavor profile, adding a personal touch to your dish. Embrace the opportunity to tailor the taste of your air-fried turkey sausages to your unique preferences for a truly delightful dining experience.

Keep an Eye on Cooking Time

Be aware that cooking times can change based on sausage thickness and the kind of air fryer you use. Keeping a close watch on the sausages prevents them from overcooking and helps you get the desired texture. Paying attention to the cooking time is essential for ensuring your air-fried turkey sausages turn out just right.

Use Cooking Spray

Boost the crispiness of your sausages by lightly coating them with cooking spray or brushing on some oil before air frying. This simple step adds a layer of golden goodness, ensuring your air-fried turkey sausages boast a delightful crunch that enhances the overall texture and taste.

Let Them Rest

After cooking, let the sausages take a little break for a minute. This helps the juices spread inside, ensuring each bite stays moist and flavorful. Giving your air-fried turkey sausages this short time to chill significantly affects their taste.

Serve Creatively

Get creative with serving turkey sausages! The possibilities are endless, whether on their own, in a bun, or alongside your favorite sides. Embracing the versatility of turkey sausages opens up a world of tasty options, allowing you to enjoy them in diverse and delightful ways tailored to your preferences.

Experiment with Timing

Play around with the cooking times to suit your taste. If you like a crunchier exterior, add some extra minutes to the cooking time. Adjusting the timing allows you to personalize the texture, ensuring your air-fried turkey sausages meet your desired level of crispiness.

Clean Regularly

Maintain your air fryer’s efficiency by cleaning it regularly. Preventing residue buildup ensures a consistently clean appliance that reliably delivers delicious results. Regular cleaning is a simple yet essential step in keeping your air-fried turkey sausages and other dishes tasting their best every time.

How to Reheat Turkey Sausage in Air Fryer?

Reheating turkey sausage in an air fryer is a quick and easy process. Follow these simple steps:

  • Start by preheating your air fryer to 350°F (175°C). Allow a few minutes for it to reach the desired temperature, ensuring an optimal reheating environment.
  • Place the cooked turkey sausages inside the air fryer basket in a single layer. Avoid overcrowding to ensure even reheating.
  • Air fry the sausages for 3-5 minutes. Check for doneness after 3 minutes to prevent overcooking. Adjust the time based on the size and thickness of the sausages.
  • Use a meat thermometer to confirm the interior temperature. Ensure it reaches at least 165°F (74°C) to guarantee thorough reheating.
  • If reheating multiple sausages, consider flipping them halfway through the process. This ensures uniform warmth on both sides.
  • Carefully remove the reheated sausages from the air fryer. They are now ready to be served immediately.

How to Store Leftover Turkey Sausages?

Properly storing leftover turkey sausages is essential to maintain their freshness and safety. Follow these steps for optimal storage:

Cooling Process

Ensure the cooked turkey sausages cool naturally to room temperature before storage. This minimizes condensation inside the container, reducing the risk of bacterial growth. A gradual cooling process maintains the sausages’ quality and safety during storage, ensuring a delicious and risk-free culinary experience when reheating.

Storage Container

Choose an airtight container or resealable plastic bag for storing cooked turkey sausages. Ensure the container is clean and completely dry to prevent any moisture retention that could affect the sausages’ texture. This step safeguards the sausages’ quality, keeping them fresh and flavorful during storage.


If turkey sausages are linked, separate them into individual pieces for better reheating and storage flexibility. This practice facilitates uniform warming and allows for portioning based on need. Separating linked sausages enhances convenience and maintains an organized storage approach for efficient culinary preparation.


After cooking, promptly refrigerate turkey sausages within two hours. Store them in the coldest section of the refrigerator, usually on a shelf rather than in the door. This ensures optimal freshness and safety, preserving the sausages’ quality for 3-4 days and enhancing their taste and texture when consumed.


For extended storage, freeze individual or portioned turkey sausages. Wrap them in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before placing them in a freezer-safe bag, and label them with the freezing date. This freezing option preserves the sausages for 1-2 months, allowing for later use without significant quality loss.


Label the storage container with the date of storage to track freshness. This simple practice encourages timely consumption, ensuring optimal taste and quality. Labeling facilitates an organized approach by providing a clear indication of when the turkey sausages were stored, helping you enjoy them at their best within the recommended timeframe.


When preparing frozen sausages, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight for optimal safety. Avoid melting at room temperature to prevent the risk of bacteria growth. This cautious approach ensures a controlled and safe thawing process, maintaining the quality and integrity of the turkey sausages.


Reheat leftover turkey sausages in the air fryer. Confirm they reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) for safety and optimal taste. Employing preferred reheating methods guarantees a delicious and safely prepared meal, preserving the sausages’ flavors and textures for an enjoyable culinary experience.


Is It Healthier to Cook Sausages in an Air Fryer?

Yes, cooking sausages in an air fryer is a healthier option. Switching to an air fryer can be beneficial if you enjoy deep-fried foods. When preparing foods without adding much fat, like oven chips, sausages, or breaded chicken, the air fryer maintains their healthiness, making it a lighter cooking method.

Can I Cook Other Types of Sausages in an Air Fryer Using the Same Method?

Yes, you can cook other types of sausages in an air fryer using the same method. Whether it’s chicken or beef sausage, apply the consistent cooking approach. Adjust the cooking time based on the sausage’s thickness and type, ensuring they reach a safe internal temperature before serving for delicious and well-cooked results.

Should I Use Oil When Cooking Turkey Sausage in an Air Fryer?

No, using oil when cooking turkey sausage in an air fryer is unnecessary. Turkey sausage usually has enough natural fat released during cooking, providing a moist and flavorful outcome. If you desire a slightly crispier exterior, lightly brush the sausage with oil before placing it in the air fryer for added texture.

Can I Cook Frozen Turkey Sausage in an Air Fryer?

Yes, you can cook frozen turkey sausage in an air fryer—no need to thaw them first. Simply place the frozen sausages in the air fryer, adjusting the cooking time. Ensure they reach a safe internal temperature before serving for a convenient and delicious way to prepare frozen turkey sausages.

Final Verdict 

Discover a fuss-free way to savor juicy and crispy turkey sausages with the air fryer. This method guarantees a perfect balance of flavors and textures. Adjust the cooking time based on thickness for optimal results. 

Adding a hint of oil yields an extra crispiness. Dive deeper into our comprehensive guide for additional tips and insights. Make your meal delicious with this easy and healthy air-fried turkey sausage recipe. Explore more in the full article to make your cooking experience even more delightful. 

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