How to Make Soft Boiled Eggs in Air Fryer? Air Fryer Hacks

For air fryer soft-boiled eggs, follow this straightforward recipe that’s ready in just 10 minutes. Air fry 2-3 whole eggs at 275°F (135°C). After air frying, immediately place each egg into an ice water bath to halt the cooking process. 

If you prefer a slightly firmer, medium-boiled egg, increase the cooking time to 12-13 minutes at the same temperature. These air fryer eggs are perfect for a quick, delicious meal or to make dippy eggs for your morning toast.

How to make soft boiled eggs in air fryer
How to make soft boiled eggs in air fryer

How to Make Soft-boiled Eggs in Air Fryer- Step-by-step Instructions

Making soft-boiled eggs in an air fryer is a quick and easy process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  • Large eggs
  • Toast (optional)


Step 1: Preheat the Air Fryer

 Begin by preheating your air fryer to 275°F (135°C) for about 2 minutes. This step ensures that the eggs cook evenly.

Step 2: Prepare the Eggs

 Place the desired number of eggs directly from the refrigerator into the air fryer basket or tray. If you have room-temperature eggs, you can use those as well. The key difference is that room-temperature eggs need slightly less cooking time.

Step 3: Cook the Eggs

 Set your air fryer to the air-fry setting and cook the eggs for 9 minutes. This will result in perfectly soft-boiled eggs with a runny yolk.

Step 4: Cool the Eggs

Immediately after cooking, carefully transfer the hot eggs to a bowl filled with cold water. Let the eggs sit in the cold water bath for 1-2 minutes. You can even add a few ice cubes to the water to speed up the cooling process. This step is crucial for stopping the cooking process.

Step 5: Crack and Peel

Gently tap the eggshells with a spoon a few times around the top of each egg. Alternatively, you can roll the eggs gently on the countertop while applying slight pressure. The eggshell should easily come off in large pieces.

Step 6: Peel and Slice

Carefully peel the top part of the eggshell, exposing the soft-boiled egg. You can then place the peeled egg in an egg holder or an empty egg carton.

Step 7: Serve

To enjoy your soft-boiled eggs, slice off about ½ inch of the egg white from the top, revealing the creamy yolk. Now, you’re ready to savor these warm and delicious soft-boiled eggs. You can serve them as they are or pair them with toast soldiers for a delightful breakfast or snack. 

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How Do You Know if Soft Boiled Egg is Cooked Enough?

Determining the doneness of a soft-boiled egg can be a precise process, and it largely depends on personal preference. Here’s a detailed guide on how to determine if a soft-boiled egg is cooked to your liking:


 The cooking time is the primary factor in achieving the desired consistency of a soft-boiled egg. A soft-boiled egg is typically cooked for about 6 minutes for a runny yolk. Cooking time can be increased to 5-6 minutes if you desire a slightly firmer yolk.

 However, the exact time may vary based on factors such as the size of the egg and its initial temperature. It’s best to experiment with different cooking times to find your perfect soft-boiled egg.

Visual Cues

 You can assess the doneness of a soft-boiled egg by its appearance:

  • Runny Yolk: When you cut the top of the egg open, a perfectly runny yolk will be evident. It should have a liquid, bright yellow consistency and flow freely.
  • Custardy Yolk: For a slightly firmer but still runny yolk, the consistency may be more custardy or jelly-like while maintaining its liquid nature.


Gently touch the egg white after peeling the top of the shell. It should be set but still tender. The yolk’s texture should align with your desired level of doneness, whether it’s fully runny or slightly firmer.

Personal Preference

The ideal soft-boiled egg is highly subjective. Your preference may differ from others, so consider what texture and consistency you enjoy most. Some people prefer their soft-boiled eggs with a more liquid yolk, while others opt for a yolk that’s a bit firmer. Your perfect soft-boiled egg is the one that matches your taste.


Achieving your desired level of doneness may require some trial and error. Experiment with different cooking times to pinpoint the ideal duration that suits your taste.

Tips for the Best Air Fryer Soft Boiled Eggs

Achieving the best air fryer soft-boiled eggs requires attention to detail. Here are essential tips to perfect your soft-boiled eggs:

  • Start with a batch of 4 eggs in the air fryer to find your ideal cooking time. Remove one egg at 10 minutes, another at 11 minutes, the third at 12 minutes, and the final egg at 13 minutes. This experiment helps you discover your preferred level of doneness.
  • Select smooth, uncracked eggs for even cooking and perfect soft-boiled eggs. Cracked shells can cause irregular cooking, affecting the outcome.
  • Have an ice bath ready before the eggs finish cooking. Rapidly transferring the eggs into an ice bath is essential to halt cooking and maintain the desired soft texture. This quick cooling also makes peeling the eggs easier.
  • If you notice the ice in the bath melting rapidly, add more ice on top of the eggs. A consistently cold water bath prevents overcooking and achieves the desired softness.
  • To preserve freshness and safety, store any leftover soft-boiled eggs in the refrigerator. Proper storage ensures they remain in good condition until you’re ready to enjoy them.
  • To reheat soft-boiled eggs, place them in a bowl of warm-to-hot water and allow them to soak for 10-20 minutes. The water should gently warm the eggs without further cooking.

How to Store Soft Boiled Eggs?

To properly store soft-boiled eggs, adhere to these methods:

  • If you don’t plan to consume them immediately, keep the eggs in their shells.
  • Hard-boiled eggs can be refrigerated for up to 4 days, while medium and soft-boiled eggs can be stored for up to 2 days.
  • After boiling, rapidly cool the eggs by running them under cold water for a few minutes to prevent further cooking.
  • Place the cooled soft-boiled eggs in an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days.

How to Reheat Soft Boiled Eggs?

To reheat soft-boiled eggs, especially if you have leftovers from your refrigerated batch, follow these simple steps:

  1. Prepare up to six unshelled, refrigerated, soft-cooked eggs.
  2. Take a medium saucepan and add about 1/2 inch of water. Heat the saucepan on medium-high heat until the water comes to a rolling boil.
  3. Using tongs, carefully place the unshelled, refrigerated, soft-cooked eggs into the boiling water. The tongs help prevent cracking or damaging the eggs.
  4. Cover the saucepan with a lid to trap the steam and heat. Allow the eggs to heat for approximately 3 1/2 minutes. This duration can be adjusted slightly based on the size of the eggs and your preference for yolk consistency.

How to Serve Soft Boiled Eggs

Air fryer soft-boiled eggs are incredibly versatile and can be a delicious addition to a variety of dishes, not limited to breakfast. Here are some creative ways to serve and enjoy these eggs:

  • Whole and Wholesome Snack: Enjoy the eggs as a quick and wholesome snack by simply peeling them, revealing their creamy interior.
  • Salad Enhancement: Elevate your salads by cutting the soft-boiled eggs into halves or quarters. The addition of these protein-rich eggs complements the freshness of your greens.
  • Classic Egg Salad: Dive into the world of classic egg salad by chopping the soft-boiled eggs and expertly mixing them with creamy mayonnaise, zesty mustard, and seasonings. The result is a timeless and creamy delight.
  • Satisfying Sandwich Upgrade: Transform your ordinary cold-cut sandwiches by slicing the soft-boiled eggs and layering them within. This adds a unique and satisfying twist to your sandwich.
  • Protein-Rich Wrap Inclusion: Infuse wraps with a creamy and protein-packed element by incorporating soft-boiled eggs into your wrap fillings, turning your wraps into a nutritious and satisfying meal.
  • Soup Topping Delight: Whether you prefer them cut into halves or quarters, soft-boiled eggs make for a delightful topping for broth-based soups or comforting ramen dishes, enriching your soup experience.
  • Creamy Toast Spread: Mash the eggs using a fork, season them to your liking, and generously spread the creamy egg mixture on toast. This simple yet delicious open-faced sandwich is perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.

What is the Difference Between Soft Boiled Eggs and Hard Boiled Eggs?

  Here are the difference between soft boiled eggs and hard boiled eggs:

AspectSoft boiled eggs Hard boiled eggs
Cooking Time in Air Fryer9-11 minutes15-17 minutes
Egg White TextureSet but still softFirm
Yolk TextureSmooth and JammySolid
Temperature in Air Fryer (F°)270-275°F270-275°F
Yolk ColorRunny, like a fried egg yolkLight colored, fully cooked
Yolk ConsistencyRunny, similar to fried egg yolkCrumbly when cooked


What Happens if You Boil Eggs for 20 Minutes?

Boiling eggs for 20 minutes can lead to overcooking. As eggs cook longer, the proteins in the egg white become tightly packed, expelling moisture and resulting in a rubbery texture. Ideally, eggs should be boiled for 6-9 minutes for a soft-boiled yolk or 9-12 minutes for a hard-boiled yolk to avoid overcooking and sulfurous taste.

How Long Does It Take to Soft Boil an Egg?

The time it takes to soft-boil an egg can be customized to your preference. Cook for 3 minutes for a very soft-boiled egg with an almost set white. Boil for 4 minutes for a runny egg yolk and lightly set white, 5 minutes for a gooey yolk and firm white, or 6 minutes for a softly set yolk with a hard-boiled white.

Are Soft Boiled Eggs Safe?

Soft-boiled eggs can pose a higher risk of salmonella infections compared to hard-cooked eggs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that runny egg whites and yolks from lightly cooked eggs have been linked to salmonella outbreaks. Therefore, handling and cooking eggs safely is important to reduce these risks.

Is It Ok to Eat Soft Boiled Eggs Every Day?

Yes, is it ok to eat soft boiled eggs every day. Adding soft-boiled eggs to your daily diet can be a nutritious choice, as they offer various health benefits. However, it’s essential not to rely solely on eggs for your daily nutrition.  According to the American Heart Association, consuming one whole egg or two egg whites per day can be a part of a balanced and healthy diet.

Final Verdict

Elevate your breakfast game with air fryer soft-boiled eggs, a revelation of speed and simplicity. In a mere 10 minutes at 275°F (135°C), you’ll unveil eggs with flawlessly set whites and a rich, velvety yolk. Swiftly chill them in an ice bath to preserve their delicate texture. 

The magic of air frying turns your eggs into a versatile delight, perfect for solo indulgence, salad embellishment, or dippy eggs paired with toast. Say goodbye to prolonged boiling – the air fryer ensures speedy, no-fail soft-boiled eggs.

 It’s a game-changer for breakfast enthusiasts seeking convenience without compromise.

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