Is the Tray or Basket Better for an Air Fryer? Which Will Be Right to Use?

Generally, an airfryer tray offers more versatility and capacity, accommodating a broader range of recipes like whole chickens, larger cuts of meat . Its ability to handle larger portions makes it a preferable choice for many users. However, the airfryer basket also offers some incredible benefits and is good for some specific dishes like chicken wings, fries, or smaller appetizers. But not better option for larger meals

Understanding the distinctions between tray and basket air fryers is crucial for making informed culinary decisions. Different types serve distinct kitchen needs, considering benefits and drawbacks.

Being aware of these differences can greatly enhance your cooking experience. And enable you to make the most of your air fryer. To make an informed decision, which one will be right for you? Scroll below.

Is the Tray or Basket Better for an Air Fryer
Is the Tray or Basket Better for an Air Fryer

What is the Air Fryer Tray?

The tray of an air fryer is a removable component. It serves as a cooking surface for placing food during the air frying process. It is equipped with perforations for proper air circulation. 

This facilitates even cooking and allows excess oil to drain off. The tray usually features a non-stick surface for easy cleaning. It comes in various shapes and sizes based on the model’s design and capacity.

What is an Air Fryer Basket?

The basket of an air fryer is a removable container where food is placed for cooking. Typically made of metal with gaps for air circulation, it allows hot air to reach all sides of the food, ensuring even cooking and crispy texture. 

It often features a non-stick coating for easy cleaning and is designed to catch any excess oil or drippings, promoting a healthier cooking process. The basket’s size and shape vary depending on the air fryer model, accommodating different types and quantities of food.

The Pros and Cons of Air Fryer Tray

When considering the benefits and drawbacks of an air fryer with a tray, it’s important to weigh various factors. These include its versatility, cooking capacity, and customizable features. Others are potential constraints such as space requirements, longer cooking times, and higher costs.


  • Versatile cooking options and methods allow for diverse culinary experimentation.
  • Increased cooking capacity with multiple racks, enabling the preparation of larger meals or various dishes simultaneously.
  • Customizable cooking facilitated by adjustable racks ensures efficient use of space and resources.


  • Space-intensive due to the larger size, which could be challenging for kitchens with limited counter space.
  • Longer cooking time compared to smaller models may require additional planning for meal preparation.
  • The higher cost associated with the additional features potentially makes it less accessible for budget-conscious consumers.

The Pros and Cons of Air Fryer Basket

Understanding the advantages and limitations of an air fryer with a basket is essential in evaluating its suitability for various cooking needs. These considerations encompass its space-efficient design, time-saving convenience, and swift cooking capabilities, alongside potential challenges such as limited cooking capacity, exterior heating concerns, and reduced cooking flexibility.


  • Space-efficient design is advantageous for kitchens with limited counter space, providing a convenient cooking solution without occupying much room.
  • Time-saving convenience is particularly beneficial for busy households, allowing quick and efficient meal preparation within a short time frame.
  • A Swift cooking process facilitated by the small cooking chamber and rapid temperature increase ensures efficient and effective cooking, delivering well-cooked meals in a timely manner.


  • Limited cooking capacity restricts the quantity of food that can be prepared at once, posing a challenge for larger meals or gatherings.
  • Exterior heating of the air fryer can be a potential safety concern, requiring careful handling and the use of protective gear to avoid accidental burns.
  • Lack of cooking flexibility may limit the variety of dishes that can be prepared simultaneously, necessitating multiple cooking cycles for larger or more diverse meals.

The Comparison Table: Air Fryer Basket Vs Tray

The table below will assist you in comparing tray and basket features for an air fryer. Thus, it may lead you to make a proper decision.

FactorsTray for Air fryerBasket for Air fryer
DesignFlat, removable surface for placing foodContainer with perforations for even air circulation
Cooking  CapacitySuited for larger quantities and multi-layer cookingIdeal for single-layer cooking and smaller batches
VersatilityAllows cooking of various dishes simultaneouslyLimited to cooking one type of food at a time
CleaningOften dishwasher-safe and easy to cleanRequires manual cleaning of the basket and interior
Space RequirementsOccupies more counter spaceSpace-efficient and suitable for smaller kitchens
Cooking TimeCooking time may be longer due to larger capacityOffers faster cooking times for smaller batches
PriceTends to be relatively more expensiveGenerally more affordable

Which is Right for You: A Tray or a Basket Air Fryer?

When deciding between an air fryer tray and a basket, it’s essential to consider your typical cooking habits and specific food preferences.

If you often prepare larger portions or whole cuts of meat, the tray is the better choice, as it can easily replace the need for an oven. Moreover, it accommodates items like whole chickens or substantial cuts of vegetables and ensures even cooking for family-sized meals or gatherings.

Conversely, if your meals typically involve smaller portions or individual servings, the basket would be more suitable, effortlessly replacing the need for a deep fryer.

While the tray can serve various cooking needs, the basket’s specialized design makes it particularly adept at achieving optimal crispiness and texture for smaller food items. 

Understanding your cooking patterns and preferred dishes is crucial in selecting the most appropriate option for your culinary needs.

Read More:


Do You Need a Tray Under the Air Fryer Basket?

Yes, to prevent food dripping, it is advisable to place a tray or sheet pan under the air fryer basket. This additional tray can be positioned on the same rack or the one below, ensuring easier cleaning and preventing any messes in the cooking process.

Can I Use an Aluminum Tray in Airfryer?

Yes, you can use an aluminum tray in an air fryer. But you need only to place it in the basket. However, it is important to avoid using foil with acidic foods like tomatoes, peppers, or citrus. Otherwise, they can react with the aluminum. Using parchment paper or a bare basket is a better alternative to ensure optimal cooking.

Is a Dual Basket Air Fryer Better Than a Single Basket?

Yes, a dual-basket air fryer offers increased cooking capacity, convenient sync features, and useful accessories. It enables effective preparation of whole meals. These features make it more versatile. Moreover, allow it for the cooking of complete dishes rather than just snacks and enhance its overall utility in the kitchen.

Is It Safe to Put Metal Tray in Air Fryer?

Yes, it is safe to put a metal tray in an air fryer. Air fryers can accommodate various oven-proof materials such as glass, ceramic, metal, or silicone. This versatility allows for the use of a wide range of cookware, providing flexibility in cooking different types of dishes.

Final Verdict

Based on the comparison between trays and baskets for air fryers, the choice ultimately depends on your specific cooking requirements and kitchen setup.

If you frequently cook larger meals or desire multi-layer cooking versatility, a tray air fryer may be preferable. Alternatively, if you prefer a space-efficient option for smaller kitchens or quicker cooking times for smaller and crispy batches, a basket air fryer could be the better fit. 

Consider factors such as cleaning preferences, kitchen space availability, and cooking versatility to make an informed decision that aligns with your culinary needs and lifestyle.

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