Why My French Fries Are Not Crispy in Air Fryer? – Solving the Issue

Your French fries are not crispy in the air fryer due to factors like insufficient preheating, overcrowding of the basket, or excess moisture. However, you can make them crisp by preheating, cooking in batches, and drying them.

Achieving the perfect crispy French fry in an air fryer can be tricky, but fret not. In this discussion, we will explain why they might not turn out crunchy and share easy ways to make them perfectly crispy in the air fryer.

Why my French fries are not crispy in air fryer
Why my French fries are not crispy in air fryer

Why My French Fries Are Not Crispy in Air Fryer?

Here are more detailed reasons why my French fries are not crispy in air fryer:

Insufficient Preheating

Insufficient preheating of the air fryer can impact the crispiness of your French fries. Preheating for at least 3 minutes ensures the fries start cooking in a hot environment, allowing them to crisp up properly. Skipping this step may result in less crispy and less satisfying fries.

Overcrowding the Basket

Overcrowding the air fryer basket is a common mistake, leading to less crispy French fries. When fries are too close together, hot air can’t circulate effectively, resulting in uneven cooking. Some fries may become crisp, while others remain soggy. To ensure optimal crispiness, arrange fries in a single layer with space between them.

Potato Type

The choice of potato type significantly affects fry crispiness. Opt for russet potatoes due to their higher starch content, which promotes a crispy exterior. Russets create the ideal texture—crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside. Selecting the right potato variety is key to achieving perfect air-fried French fries.

Moisture Content

Moisture is the enemy of crispiness. Even a small amount of moisture on the fries can lead to sogginess. To combat this, thoroughly pat the potato slices dry with paper towels after cutting them. Also, don’t use excessive oil, which can contribute to excess moisture.

Cooking Time

Cooking times can vary depending on the thickness of your fries and the specific air fryer model. It’s essential to monitor the cooking process and adjust the time as needed to achieve the desired level of crispiness. Overcooking or undercooking can both affect the texture.


Seasoning plays a crucial role in flavor and texture. While seasoning your fries is important for taste, be cautious with wet seasonings like sauces, which can introduce moisture and hinder crispiness. Dry seasonings, such as salt, pepper, and spices, are preferred to maintain the desired level of crispiness in your air-fried French fries.

Oil Distribution

Even oil distribution is vital for achieving crispy French fries. Ensure the oil is evenly coated over the fries, as this promotes uniform browning and crispiness. You can accomplish this by tossing the fries in a bowl with the oil or using an oil spray. Properly distributed oil enhances the overall texture and taste.

Flip or Shake

Flipping or shaking the fries during cooking is critical in ensuring uniform crispiness. About halfway through the cooking time, gently shake the air fryer basket or flip the fries with tongs. This action helps all sides of the fries receive equal exposure to the hot air, resulting in a consistently crunchy and delicious texture.

How do I get my french fries crispy in an air fryer?

Here are some ways to get crispy French fries in an air fryer. However, follow these steps:

Potato Selection

When selecting potatoes for crispy air-fried fries, opt for russet potatoes. These potatoes are rich in starch, a key factor in achieving the desired crisp texture. Look for firm, unbruised russets, which provide the ideal base for delicious, golden-brown, and crunchy fries in your air fryer.

Uniform Cutting

Achieving uniformity in cutting your potatoes is essential for even cooking and consistent crispiness. Use a sharp knife or a mandoline slicer to ensure all potato slices are the same thickness. This meticulous approach guarantees that each fry cooks uniformly, resulting in a perfect balance of crunchiness and tenderness in your air-fried fries.


Preheating your air fryer is a critical step to achieving crispy French fries. Set the appliance to the recommended temperature (usually around 375°F or 190°C) and allow it to preheat for at least 3 minutes. Preheating ensures the fries start cooking in a hot environment, promoting optimal crispiness.


Thoroughly drying potato slices before air frying is essential. Use paper towels to pat them dry, removing excess moisture. This crucial step prevents steaming during cooking, allowing the fries to crisp up beautifully. Dry potatoes promote a crispy exterior and a tender interior, enhancing your dish’s overall texture and taste.

Oil Application

Applying oil to your fries is key to achieving a crispy texture in an air fryer. Use a small amount of oil, about 1-2 tablespoons per pound of potatoes, and coat the fries evenly. This thin layer of oil helps with browning, ensuring that your fries develop a golden, crunchy exterior while remaining tender inside.


Seasoning your fries before air frying adds flavor and enhances their overall appeal. Season with salt and any desired seasonings, such as pepper, garlic powder, or paprika. This step ensures that the fries are crispy and deliciously seasoned.


Properly arranging your fries in the air fryer basket is crucial for even cooking and optimal crispiness. Arrange the seasoned fries in a single layer, ensuring they don’t touch or overlap. This allows hot air to circulate each piece, resulting in uniformly crispy and golden-brown French fries.

Mid-Cooking Shake or Flip

About halfway through cooking, gently shake the air fryer basket or flip the fries with tongs. This action ensures that all sides of the fries receive even exposure to the hot air, promoting uniform crispiness and a delightful crunch.


Monitoring your fries as they cook is essential for achieving the perfect crispiness. Cooking times can vary based on fry thickness and air fryer models. Regularly check and adjust the cooking time to avoid overcooking or undercooking, resulting in delicious, golden-brown, and crispy fries.

Serve Promptly

To enjoy the fries at their crispiest, serve them immediately. If you need to keep them warm while preparing other items, place them on a wire rack in a low-temperature oven (around 250°F or 120°C) for a short time. But don’t leave them in there too long, as they may lose some crispiness.

Are Air Fryer French Fries Healthier Than Regular Fries?

Yes, air fryer French fries are healthier than regular fries. Air fryers offer a more health-conscious alternative by significantly reducing the oil needed for cooking. This results in fries with fewer calories and less unhealthy trans fat content. 

Moreover, air frying can help retain more nutrients in the potatoes compared to regular fries. While air fryer French fries are a healthier option, it’s essential to consider portion sizes and the types of oil and seasonings used for the most nutritious outcomes. Additionally, air fryers can prepare a wide range of healthy foods beyond just fries.


Does Baking Powder Help Crisp in Air Fryer

Yes, baking powder can help crisp in an air fryer, especially for dishes like wings. Be sure to use baking powder, not soda, and aluminum-free baking powder. It helps create a crispy texture without frying, making it a useful ingredient for air frying various foods.

Is Air Fryer Crispier Than Oven

Yes, an air fryer is crispier than an oven. An air fryer uses a powerful fan to circulate hot air, which results in faster and more even cooking. This process helps achieve a crispier texture outside foods, making them similar to deep-fried items but with less oil.

Final Verdict

Remember these key tips to achieve crispy French fries in your air fryer. First, ensure your air fryer is preheated adequately, and avoid overcrowding the basket. Dry your fries thoroughly before cooking, and consider using russet potatoes for best results. 

Apply a light, even coating of oil, season generously, and remember to flip or shake the fries during cooking. Moreover, for more detailed guidance and additional tips, be sure to check out the full article. With these simple steps, you’ll savor irresistibly crispy air-fried French fries in no time!

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