How Long to Cook Fish in Airfryer? Air Fryer Tips and Times

Air frying fish is a quick and efficient process, typically taking only 10-12 minutes at 400°F. The key indicator for doneness is when the fish easily flakes with a fork. This method not only ensures your fish is perfectly cooked, but it also imparts a delightful, crispy exterior while keeping the interior tender and flavorful. 

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or new to air frying, this technique guarantees a hassle-free and delicious fish dish.

How long to cook fish in airfryer
How long to cook fish in airfryer

Why Cook Fish in the Air Fryer?

Cooking fish in an air fryer offers several compelling advantages:

Healthier Eating

 Air frying fish reduces the reliance on excessive oil. Traditional frying methods submerge fish in oil, adding unnecessary calories and unhealthy fats. Air frying achieves a similar crispy texture with only a fraction of the oil, resulting in a healthier and more nutritious meal.

Crispy Texture

 Air fryers excel at creating a crispy exterior while maintaining the tenderness and moisture of the fish inside. This mimics the satisfying texture of deep-frying but without the excess grease and heaviness.

Time Efficiency

 Air fryers are renowned for their quick cooking. They require minimal preheating, and the hot air circulation inside the fryer speeds up the cooking process. This means you can enjoy your favorite fish dishes in less time compared to traditional baking or pan-frying.

Odor Control

Cooking fish can release strong odors, which may not be appreciated by everyone in your household. Air fryers are equipped with air filtration systems that help reduce cooking odors. While some aroma is still present, it’s notably less intense than with conventional cooking methods.

Easy Cleanup

Air fryers are designed with convenience in mind. Most models come with nonstick cooking baskets or trays, which reduce the chances of food sticking and make cleaning a breeze. These components are often dishwasher-safe, making post-cooking cleanup hassle-free.

Uniform Cooking

 The air fryer’s hot air circulation provides even cooking.This means your fish will be consistently cooked throughout, with no need for flipping or constant monitoring. You can trust that every piece of fish will turn out perfectly cooked.

How to Cook Fish in an Air Fryer?

Cooking fish in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to enjoy a crispy and delicious meal. Whether you’re a culinary novice or a seasoned chef, these steps will guide you through the process of air-frying fish to perfection:

1. Thaw the Fish (if required)

While air fryers are renowned for their capacity to cook frozen foods, some exceptions apply. If you plan to coat the fish with breadcrumbs or divide the fillets into uniform portions, it’s advisable to thaw them beforehand. You can do this by refrigerating the fish overnight or immersing it in cold water for an hour or two.

2. Portion the Fish Fillets

After thawing the fish, consider portioning the fillets into similar sizes. This practice ensures that all fillets cook evenly, with fillets of the same size reaching the desired level of doneness uniformly.

3. Preheat the Air Fryer

As with conventional ovens, preheating your air fryer is a fundamental step. Remove the fryer basket and initiate the preheating process. Opt for a temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and typically, it takes around 10 minutes to reach this set temperature.

4. Prepare the Basket

 During the preheating phase, lightly spray the fryer basket with nonstick spray to prevent the fish from adhering to the surface. Now, you’re ready to add your fish.

5. Add the Fish to the Basket

 Gently arrange the fish fillets within the fryer basket, ensuring they are not overly crowded. It’s essential to create a single layer of fillets to facilitate uniform cooking, permitting hot air to circulate evenly around each fillet.

6. Air Fry, Your Fish

Upon achieving the desired preheated temperature, insert the fryer basket containing the fish and initiate the cooking process. Cooking time will fluctuate based on the fillets’ size and whether you’re employing marinades, glazes, or breadcrumbs. Note that some marinades, glazes, or breadcrumbs may cook swiftly, warranting a reduction in cooking temperature and an extension of cooking time in such instances.

7. Flip the Fish

 At the midway point of the cooking process, turn the fish fillets to ensure consistent cooking on both sides. This pivotal step is integral for achieving that sought-after crispy texture.

8. Savor Your Culinary Creation

 Regardless of potential adjustments to the cooking time, air-frying fish generally represents a swift culinary endeavor. For example, a six-ounce cod fillet can emerge as a delectable dish in as little as 12 minutes.

How Long to Cook Fish in Airfryer?

Certainly, here’s the cooking times for different types of fish in table form:

Fish Type (Depending on thickness)Cooking Time (Frozen)Cooking Time (Thawed)
Cod12 to 14 minutes8 to 10 minutes
Halibut12 to 16 minutes6 to 8 minutes
Tilapia10 to 12 minutes6 to 9 minutes
Salmon10 to 12 minutes6 to 8 minutes
Yellowtail12 to 14 minutes7 to 9 minutes
Scallops6 to 8 minutes3 to 4 minutes
Shrimp5 to 7 minutes3 to 4 minutes
Lobster12 to 14 minutes7 to 9 minutes

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cooking Fish in an Air Fryer

To achieve perfectly air-fried fish in your air fryer, it’s crucial to steer clear of common mistakes that can affect the quality of your dish. Here are essential tips to ensure your fish turns out just right:


 Overcooking is a common pitfall. Different fish types and fillet sizes require varying cooking times. Keep a close eye on your fish to prevent it from becoming dry or tough. In the rapid-cooking environment of an air fryer, some fish can be done in as little as five minutes.

Uneven Cooking

To ensure even cooking, don’t forget to flip your fish fillets halfway through the cooking process. Neglecting this step can lead to one side being burnt while the other remains undercooked.


While air fryers promote oil-free cooking, it’s wise to take precautions against fish sticking to the basket. You can lightly coat your fish with a thin layer of oil or use a nonstick cooking spray. Another option is placing a small sheet of aluminum foil at the basket’s bottom, which prevents sticking and facilitates easy food retrieval. America’s Test Kitchen demonstrates how to create an aluminum foil sling for this purpose.

Overcrowding the Basket

For perfectly uniform cooking, do not overcrowd the air fryer basket. Overcrowding hampers air circulation, resulting in inconsistent results. It’s better to cook in batches if you have a substantial amount of fish to prepare.

Excessive Oil

 While a thin layer of oil can prevent sticking, using too much oil can make your dish excessively greasy. Exercise caution when applying oil to strike the right balance between crispiness and grease.

Neglecting Preheating

Preheating your air fryer is essential for consistent results. Much like an oven, allowing the air fryer to reach the desired cooking temperature ensures that your fish cooks evenly right from the start.

How to Keep Air Fryer Fish From Sticking?

Ensuring your air fryer fish doesn’t stick to the basket or tray is crucial for a successful, hassle-free cooking experience. Here’s how to prevent sticking:

  • One of the simplest solutions is to line the air fryer basket or tray with parchment paper. It’s nonstick and makes for easy cleanup. Just make sure to trim it to fit the basket’s size and leave a bit of room around the edges for proper air circulation.
  • Preheating your air fryer for a few minutes before adding the fish helps create a nonstick surface. This allows the fish to cook evenly without sticking to the basket.
  • Even though air fryers are designed for oil-free cooking, a minimal amount of oil can prevent sticking. Use a pastry brush to lightly coat the fish fillets with a thin layer of oil. This also aids in achieving a crispy exterior.
  • Before placing the fish in the air fryer, lightly coat it with flour or breadcrumbs. This acts as a barrier between the fish and the basket, preventing sticking. Ensure an even coating to avoid clumps.
  • An alternative to oiling the fish is using a nonstick cooking spray. A quick spritz over the fish surface is usually sufficient to prevent sticking.
  • Some air fryers come with accessories like racks or grates. Using these can elevate the fish slightly, allowing hot air to circulate evenly and reducing the chance of sticking.
  • If your fish has skin, it’s recommended to cook it skin-side down. The skin tends to crisp up and prevent sticking, making it easier to remove the fish from the basket.
  • Ensure there’s enough space between fish fillets to allow proper air circulation. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking and sticking.
  • For delicate or flaky fish, consider cooking in foil packets. Simply wrap the fish in aluminum foil with your preferred seasonings and place the packets in the air fryer. This method also retains moisture.
  • Proper maintenance is essential. After each use, clean the air fryer basket and tray to remove any residue that may cause sticking in subsequent cooking sessions.

How Do You Know When Fish is Cooked?

Determining when fish is cooked can be a bit tricky because it depends on the type of fish, its thickness, and the cooking method. Here are some general guidelines to help you know when fish is cooked:

  • Check the color. Fish turns from translucent to opaque when it’s cooked. For most fish, this is a good indicator. However, some types of fish, like salmon or tuna, can still be slightly translucent in the center when they’re done, especially if you prefer them on the rare side.
  • Gently pierce the thickest portion of the fish with a fork or knife, then twist. If it flakes easily and the inside is no longer translucent, it’s done. Be careful not to overcook, as fish can quickly become dry.
  • Using a food thermometer is the most accurate way to determine doneness. The FDA recommends cooking fish to an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C). Put the thermometer in the fish’s thickest portion.
  • Cooking time can vary based on the thickness of the fish and your cooking method. As a general rule, cook fish for about 10 minutes per inch of thickness at 400°F (200°C) in an air fryer.
  • If you’re cooking a whole fish, look at the eyes. They should turn from translucent to opaque when it’s cooked.
  • When pressed gently, the fish should feel firm but still have some springiness. If it feels mushy or too soft, it may need more time.
  • Fresh fish should have a mild, sea-like aroma. Overcooked fish can have a stronger, fishy smell.

Expert Tips for the Best Air Fryer Fish

Creating the perfect air fryer fish fillet requires attention to detail. Here are expert tips to elevate your fish fillet game:

  • When it comes to fish fillets, you have the flexibility to use fresh or frozen options. If using frozen fillets, it’s imperative to ensure they are fully thawed before cooking. Thawing can be done overnight in the refrigerator or by submerging them in cold water for an hour or two.
  • While the suggested seasoning is a fantastic starting point, don’t hesitate to experiment with a variety of spices to suit your palate. Cajun or Old Bay seasoning can introduce exciting flavors, or you can concoct a custom spice blend with your preferred herbs and spices.
  • Achieving uniformity in your fish fillets is crucial for consistent and even cooking. Aim for fillets of similar size and thickness to ensure they cook at the same rate. This way, you avoid some fillets being overcooked while others remain undercooked.
  • It’s critical to know when your fish is perfectly done. The best indicator is when the fish flakes easily with a fork. For a precise measurement, consider using an Instant Thermometer and cook the fish until its internal temperature reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Keep in mind that thinner fish fillets will cook more quickly, while thicker ones, such as cod, may require an additional minute or two. Vigilance is essential to prevent overcooking, so check the fillets frequently.
  • Elevate the flavor and freshness of your air-fried fish by adding a squeeze of fresh lemon. This simple addition can provide a delightful zing to your dish.
  • Before placing your fish in the air fryer basket, consider the surface. If the basket lacks a nonstick coating, apply a light layer of cooking oil to prevent sticking. However, steer clear of nonstick aerosol sprays, as they can damage the basket. Alternatively, simplify the cleanup process by using air fryer parchment paper.
  • Ensuring there’s ample space in the basket is crucial for achieving the desired crispiness and even cooking. Overcrowding impedes hot air circulation, leading to uneven results. Depending on your air fryer’s size, you may need to cook in batches, especially if you’re preparing a substantial amount of fish.
  • When dealing with leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They should maintain their quality for up to three days. When reheating, return the fish to your trusty air fryer, setting it to 350 degrees Fahrenheit for a few minutes until the fillets are evenly heated through.
  • For those with dietary preferences or restrictions, you can create a gluten-free version by replacing all-purpose flour with almond flour and substituting panko breadcrumbs with crushed cornflakes.

What to Serve With Fish?

Certainly, here’s a table with popular side dishes to serve alongside your air-fried fish:

Side dish Description
ColeslawA refreshing, creamy coleslaw pairs perfectly with the crispiness of air-fried fish.
Lemon Herb RiceA zesty rice dish with a blend of herbs and a hint of lemon complements the flavor of your fish.
Garlic Roasted PotatoesCrispy and flavorful roasted potatoes offer a satisfying contrast to tender fish.
Steamed VegetablesNutrient-packed steamed vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and green beans provide a healthy side.
Tartar SauceA classic condiment for fish, tartar sauce adds a tangy kick to your air-fried fillets.
Mixed Greens SaladA light and crisp salad with vinaigrette dressing balances the richness of the fish.
Corn on the CobJuicy, sweet corn on the cob is a delightful choice that complements fish dishes.
Garlic BreadWarm and buttery garlic bread is a crowd-pleaser that goes well with air-fried fish.
Quinoa PilafA wholesome quinoa pilaf infused with herbs and spices pairs excellently with your fish.
Fruit SalsaA fresh fruit salsa featuring ingredients like mango, pineapple, and cilantro adds a tropical twist.

How to Store Fish?

To store your air fryer-cooked fish and maintain its freshness, consider the following recommendations:

  • Refrigeration

 After your air-fried fish has cooled, transfer it to an airtight container. You can store it in the refrigerator for up to two days without compromising its quality.

  • Freezing

If you have leftovers or want to prepare fish in advance, freezing is a viable option. To prevent freezer burn, place the fillets in an airtight, freezer-safe container or wrap them securely with plastic wrap and aluminum foil. Your air-fried fish can be safely stored in the freezer for up to three months.

  • Reheating

 When you’re ready to enjoy your frozen fish, plan by thawing it in the refrigerator overnight. After thawing, preheat your air fryer to 325°F (163°C) and gently reheat the fish, flipping the fillets over midway through the process for even heating. Be cautious not to overcook, as this ensures that your fish retains its original texture and flavor. 

This reheating method effectively revitalizes your air-fried fish, offering a nearly as delightful taste as when it was initially cooked.


How Long Can You Keep Cooked Fish in the Fridge?

You can safely keep cooked fish in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days. However, keep in mind that while refrigeration slows bacterial growth, it doesn’t completely prevent it, so it’s crucial to consume the fish within the recommended timeframe to ensure freshness and safety.

Can You Cook Raw Fish in an Air Fryer?

Yes, you can cook both fresh and frozen fish fillets in an air fryer. However, it’s best to avoid adding fish with beer batter or any other type of batter. The liquid from the batter can create a mess in the air fryer and may not adhere to the fish as it does in deep frying.

What Temp Should Fish Be Cooked to?

A 145-degree internal temperature is recommended by the FDA for fish. This temperature ensures the safety of the dish and reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses, especially for those with specific medical conditions. Consuming undercooked seafood can pose health hazards.

Are Air Fryers Good for Fish?

Yes, air fryers are good for fish, especially frozen fish. The process is straightforward and speedy, with frozen fish fillets ready in under 15 minutes. You can skip the thawing process, making it a perfect choice for a swift weeknight meal.

Final Verdict

Cooking fish in an air fryer is a game-changer. It’s quick hassle-free, and the results are simply delicious. Depending on the thickness of your fish fillet, it typically takes just 10-12 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit to achieve perfectly cooked, tender fish. No more worrying about overcooking or dealing with messy breading and oil. 

With an air fryer, you’ll have a fantastic fish dinner on the table in no time, making it a fantastic addition to your culinary arsenal for busy weeknight meals.

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