How Long to Cook Frozen Salmon in Air Fryer- Quick Cooking Guide

Cook frozen salmon in the air fryer for 12-15 minutes at 375°F for perfect results. However, Cooking frozen salmon in the air fryer is a game-changer for busy cooks. It’s super easy – just set your air fryer to 375°F, pop in your frozen salmon, and let it cook for 12-15 minutes. 

It’s that simple! No need to worry about dry or overcooked fish; the air fryer ensures your salmon turns out perfectly moist and flavorful. In this guide, we’ll show you the easiest way to prepare a delicious, no-fuss meal. Get ready to enjoy restaurant-quality salmon without the fuss. Let’s make your dinner effortless and delightful!

How Long to Cook Frozen Salmon in Air Fryer
How Long to Cook Frozen Salmon in Air Fryer

How to Cook Frozen Salmon in Air Fryer?

Cooking frozen salmon in the air fryer is quick and easy. Here’s how:


  • Frozen salmon fillets
  • Olive oil (optional)
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Lemon wedges (optional for serving)


  • Start by turning on your air fryer and setting the temperature to 375°F (190°C). Let it preheat for a few minutes. Preheating ensures the salmon cooks evenly.
  • While the air fryer is heating, use paper towels to pat the frozen salmon fillets dry gently. Removing excess moisture helps the salmon become crispy.
  • If you like, you can brush olive oil on both sides of the fillets. This step adds flavor and crispiness. Season the salmon with salt and pepper, tailoring it to your taste.
  • Carefully place the seasoned salmon fillets in the air fryer basket. Ensure they are not crowded; if your air fryer is small, consider cooking in batches to avoid overcrowding.
  • Cook the salmon at 375°F for 12-15 minutes. The thickness of the fillets determines how long they take to cook. When the salmon flakes easily with a fork, it is done. You can check the thickest part to ensure it’s fully cooked.
  • Around the halfway mark (6-7 minutes), use tongs to flip the salmon fillets gently. Flipping helps both sides cook evenly and become deliciously crispy.
  • To check if the salmon is done, gently flake it with a fork. It should separate easily and have a consistent color throughout. For safe ingestion, the interior temperature must reach 145°F (63°C). Let the cooked salmon rest for a minute before serving. If you like, squeeze fresh lemon juice over the top for a zesty touch.

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Tips for the Best Air Fryer Frozen Salmon

Here are some valuable tips for preparing the best air fryer frozen salmon:

  • Look for frozen salmon fillets that are firm and have a vibrant color. Examine the product’s packaging for any preservatives or added ingredients. Opt for wild-caught salmon for a natural and delicious flavor.
  • Use paper towels to pat the salmon fillets dry on both sides gently. Removing excess moisture ensures the salmon crisps up nicely during cooking. Moisture can lead to steaming instead of the desired crispy texture.
  • For a few minutes, heat up your air fryer to about 375°F (190°C). This step is crucial because a hot air fryer ensures the salmon cooks evenly, creating a perfect balance of tenderness inside and crispiness outside.
  • Get creative with your seasoning. Consider a blend of garlic powder, lemon zest, dill, or a simple sprinkle of salt and pepper. If you prefer a sauce, you can brush the fillets with a light coating of olive oil mixed with your favorite herbs for added flavor.
  • Arrange the salmon fillets in a single layer in the air fryer basket, leaving some space between them. Overcrowding prevents proper air circulation, leading to uneven cooking. If you have multiple fillets, it’s better to cook them in batches.
  • About halfway through the cooking time (around 6-7 minutes), use tongs to flip the salmon fillets gently. Flipping ensures both sides cook uniformly, resulting in a consistent texture and taste.
  • To determine doneness, use a fork to press the fillet gently. If it easily flakes and the color is consistent throughout, your salmon is cooked. Additionally, you can use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature, which should reach 145°F (63°C) for safe consumption.
  • Enjoy your air fryer salmon immediately after cooking. The crispy exterior and tender inside are at their best when hot. Serve it with your favorite side dishes, such as roasted vegetables, quinoa, or a fresh salad, for a complete and satisfying meal.

How to Reheat Salmon in Air Fryer?

Reheating salmon in the air fryer is a great way to maintain its texture and flavor. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Preheating your air fryer is essential. Just like an oven, it needs a few minutes to get hot. Setting it to 350°F (175°C) ensures the salmon cooks evenly and thoroughly.
  • If your salmon is straight from the fridge, let it sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. This brief wait ensures the salmon isn’t too cold inside, making it easier to reheat evenly.
  • Spraying your salmon lightly with olive oil or using a brush to apply a thin coat helps retain moisture. This step is crucial if your salmon feels dry to the touch.
  • Put the salmon fillets in the basket of the air fryer. Don’t overcrowd; give the fillets some space. If they’re too close, hot air won’t circulate properly, leading to uneven reheating.
  • Reheating time varies based on fillet thickness. For thin fillets, 3 minutes might be enough, while thicker ones may need 5 minutes. Checking halfway through ensures you don’t overcook.
  • Use a fork to press the salmon gently. If it effortlessly flakes and feels hot in the middle, it’s perfectly reheated. Avoid pressing too hard, as you want to preserve its tenderness.
  • Once the salmon is heated, please remove it from the air fryer. Serve it right away to get the most out of it. Pair it with your preferred sides or sauces for a delicious meal.

How to Store Cooked Salmon?

Storing cooked salmon properly is crucial to maintain its freshness and flavor. Here’s how you can store cooked salmon:

Cool Down Quickly

After cooking, let the salmon cool at room temperature for about 20 minutes. To speed up the cooling process, place the salmon in a shallow dish and spread it out evenly. Avoid stacking the pieces, as they retain heat and moisture, which can lead to bacterial growth.

Use Airtight Containers

Store your cooked salmon in airtight containers to maintain its freshness and flavor. Airtight containers prevent air and moisture from entering, preserving the salmon’s quality. Proper storage helps prevent spoilage and allows you to enjoy your salmon dishes longer. Always seal your food in airtight containers for optimal freshness.

Separate Into Portions

When storing a big batch of salmon, divide it into smaller portions. This prevents unnecessary exposure to air when opening the container. By taking out only what you need, the rest stays fresh. Separating portions ensures each serving retains quality, making your stored salmon last longer and taste better.

Layer with Paper Towels (Optional)

If desired, add a layer of paper towels at the container’s bottom to absorb excess moisture and keep the salmon fresh. Avoid oversaturation; the towels should be slightly damp, not wet. This optional step helps maintain the salmon’s texture, preventing sogginess and ensuring your stored salmon stays delicious and ready to enjoy.

Seal Properly

Ensure a tight seal on containers to block air. For resealable bags, remove excess air before sealing. This prevents oxidation and preserves the salmon’s freshness. Proper sealing protects your stored salmon, keeping it flavorful and ready to use whenever you need it. Effective sealing is essential for maintaining its quality during storage.

Label and Date

Label the container with the preparation date using labels or masking tape. This simple step keeps track of storage time, ensuring you consume the salmon within its safe duration. Proper labeling helps you maintain freshness, making it easier to enjoy your stored salmon at its best.

Store in the Coldest Par

Store sealed containers in the fridge’s coldest section, usually the lower shelves, maintaining a temperature of 32°F to 38°F (0°C to 3°C) for freshness. Placing salmon here ensures it stays at a safe, cool temperature, preserving its quality. Proper storage location is vital to keeping your salmon delicious and safe to consume.

Avoid Cross-Contamination

Prevent cross-contamination by storing cooked salmon separately from raw meats and other seafood. Use distinct shelves or drawers in your fridge to avoid contact. This precautionary measure ensures the safety of your food by preventing the transfer of harmful bacteria, allowing you to enjoy your cooked salmon without any health concerns.

Consume Within 2-3 Days

Consume cooked salmon within 2 to 3 days of refrigeration to savor its peak freshness and flavor. Eating it promptly ensures optimal taste and quality. Following this timeframe ensures you enjoy your meal at its best, avoiding any potential loss of flavor or texture due to prolonged storage.


Is Frozen Fish Good in Air Fryer?

Yes, frozen fish is good in air fryer. It offers a convenient way to achieve crispy, perfectly cooked fish without deep frying or starting from scratch. Frozen breaded fish fillets can be air-fried in less than 15 minutes, making them a quick and delicious option for various recipes, saving time and effort.

Is It Better to Bake or Air Fry Salmon?

Air-frying salmon is better than baking. It cooks salmon quickly in 10-15 minutes, keeping it moist and tender. With minimal oil, it’s healthier too. The air fryer’s cooking makes the salmon crispy and delicious. It’s a simple and quick way to enjoy a flavorful salmon dish without the hassle of baking.

Why Does Salmon Smoke in Air Fryer?

No, salmon does not need to be thawed before air frying. You can air fry frozen salmon directly without thawing it. This convenient method allows you to cook your frozen salmon quickly and easily, saving time and effort while enjoying a delicious meal.

Will Cooking Salmon in Air Fryer Make It Smell?

No, cooking salmon in the air fryer won’t make any fishy smell. It results in perfectly flaky and succulent salmon with a lovely browned top. Unlike other cooking methods, the air fryer eliminates any lingering odors, ensuring a pleasant cooking experience and a delicious, aromatic salmon dish without unwanted smells in your home.

Final Verdict

Cooking frozen salmon in your air fryer is incredibly easy and convenient! Set the temperature to 375°F and let it cook for 12-15 minutes, flipping it halfway through. Ensure the internal temperature reaches 145°F (63°C) for safe consumption. 

Don’t forget to brush the fillets with olive oil and add your favorite seasonings. Avoid crowding the basket to ensure even cooking. For more valuable tips and mouthwatering recipes, check out our article. Enjoy delicious, perfectly cooked salmon hassle-free with your air fryer!

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