How Long to Cook Shrimp in Air Fryer- Quick Tips and Tricks

Cook shrimp in the air fryer for 8-10 minutes at 400°F for perfect results, and you’ll get crispy, golden perfection every time! It’s straightforward—no fuss, no mess. Whether you adore seafood or want a quick, tasty meal, the air fryer delivers. 

Imagine juicy shrimp, cooked to crispy goodness, ready in minutes. With minimal effort, you can enjoy a flavorful treat. Say hello to hassle-free cooking and savor the magic of your air fryer. Get ready for a quick, delightful shrimp experience, making your meals effortlessly delicious!

How Long to Cook Shrimp in Air Fryer
How Long to Cook Shrimp in Air Fryer

How to Cook Shrimp in Air Fryer?

Cooking shrimp in an air fryer is quick and straightforward. Here’s how:


  • Thawed or fresh shrimp, deveined and peeled
  • Olive oil- 1 teaspoon
  • Salt, pepper, garlic powder (optional) and 
  • lemon juice (optional) for seasoning


  1. Start by turning on your air fryer and setting the temperature to 400°F (200°C). Preheating ensures the air fryer is ready for cooking, making your shrimp crispy.
  2. Use fresh or thawed shrimp. Remove the shells, tails, and veins. Dry them gently with paper towels to remove excess moisture. Dry shrimp get crunchy while cooking.
  3. In a bowl, mix the shrimp with a teaspoon of olive oil for crispiness. Add a pinch of salt, some pepper, and your favorite seasonings. Garlic powder, paprika, or a squeeze of lemon juice can add great flavor.
  4. Place the seasoned shrimp in the air fryer basket in a single layer. Don’t overcrowd; ensure there’s space between each shrimp. This allows hot air to circulate, making them crispy.
  5. Cook the shrimp at 400°F (200°C) for 8-10 minutes. Halfway through the cooking time (around 4-5 minutes), pause the air fryer and gently shake the basket to flip the shrimp. This helps them cook evenly on all sides and achieve a golden, crispy texture. 
  6. To ensure they’re cooked, cut one shrimp open. It should be white and opaque, not translucent. Properly cooked shrimp are firm to the touch and have a satisfying crunch.
  7. Once the shrimp are golden brown and crispy, remove them from the air fryer immediately. Serve hot with your favorite dipping sauce over pasta, rice, or a fresh salad.

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Tips to Make the Best Shrimp in Air Fryer

Here are some tips to make the best shrimp in an air fryer:

  • When making shrimp in an air fryer, choose fresh or thawed shrimp. It’s best if they are peeled and deveined for easier cooking. Please pick a size that suits your preference, and make sure they are not frozen.
  • Before cooking, use paper towels to pat the shrimp dry. Getting rid of excess moisture helps them become crispy in the air fryer.
  • Next, season the shrimp well. You can use olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, or even a squeeze of lemon juice. Please don’t be shy with the seasonings; they add flavor.
  • Preheat your air fryer to around 400°F (200°C). Preheating ensures the air fryer is hot enough so the shrimp cook evenly and get that perfect crispiness.
  • Now, arrange the seasoned shrimp in the air fryer basket. Please make sure they are in a single layer and not crowded. Overlapping shrimp will make them cook unevenly.
  • For that extra crispiness, consider adding a touch of oil. You can use a cooking spray or an oil mister to coat the shrimp lightly. This helps them turn golden brown and delicious.
  • During cooking, it’s essential to flip or shake the shrimp halfway through. This ensures that all sides get cooked evenly, resulting in a uniformly crispy texture.
  • Be mindful of the cooking time. Shrimp cook relatively fast in the air fryer, usually within 8-10 minutes at 400°F (200°C). Keep an eye on them to avoid overcooking, making them challenging and less enjoyable.
  • Lastly, serve the shrimp immediately after cooking. They are at their tastiest when hot and crispy. Enjoy delicious homemade air fryer shrimp with your favorite dipping sauce or side dishes.

How to Reheat Shrimp in Air Fryer?

Reheating shrimp in an air fryer is quick and easy, preserving their crispiness. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start by turning on your air fryer and setting the temperature to 350°F (175°C). Allow a few minutes for it to warm up. Preheating ensures even reheating.
  • Put the remaining shrimp in the air fryer basket. Spread them out in a single layer. If you have a lot of shrimp, it’s better to reheat them in batches to avoid overcrowding. Overcrowding can lead to uneven reheating.
  • Reheat the shrimp for 3-5 minutes. Check after 3 minutes to see if they are hot enough. Giant shrimp might need a bit more time. Watch them closely to avoid overcooking.
  • Add Some Crispiness: If you prefer your shrimp to be crispy, lightly spray them with cooking spray or oil before reheating. This step is optional but can help restore some of the original crunch.
  • After reheating, make sure the shrimp are hot all the way through. They should be steaming and safe to eat. You can check the temperature with a food thermometer to ensure they are heated to your liking.
  • Once the shrimp are hot and crispy (if desired), take them out of the air fryer. Serve them right away while they are at their best. Enjoy your reheated shrimp with your favorite dipping sauce or side dishes.

How to Store Cooked Shrimp?

Storing cooked shrimp properly is crucial to maintain their flavor and safety. Here’s a guide on how to store cooked shrimp:

Cool Down Quickly

To cool cooked shrimp swiftly, spread them in a shallow dish at room temperature for 20 minutes. Avoid stacking, ensuring even cooling. Rapid cooling prevents bacterial growth. Don’t place hot food in the fridge directly; it can raise the fridge temperature, affecting other items. Once cooled, transfer to airtight containers for storage.

Use Airtight Containers

After cooling, transfer the cooked shrimp to dry, airtight containers or resealable plastic bags. The airtight seal prevents moisture and keeps the shrimp fresh. Ensure the containers are clean and dry before use to maintain the shrimp’s quality during storage. Proper sealing extends their freshness for a longer period.

Separate Into Portions

For larger batches, divide the cooked shrimp into smaller portions before storing. This prevents unnecessary exposure to air when accessing them later. Individual portions allow you to take out only what you need, keeping the rest sealed and fresh. Proper portioning maintains their quality and taste over time, ensuring delicious meals.

Layer with Paper Towels (Optional)

To preserve freshness, consider placing a layer of paper towels at the container’s bottom before adding cooked shrimp. This optional step absorbs excess moisture, preventing sogginess. Be cautious not to oversaturate the towels. Proper absorption maintains the shrimp’s texture, ensuring they stay fresh and flavorful for a longer duration in storage.

Seal Properly

Ensure airtight sealing for stored cooked shrimp. Seal containers tightly to prevent air exposure. For resealable plastic bags, remove excess air before sealing to minimize oxidation. Proper sealing preserves the shrimp’s freshness and prevents them from drying out, maintaining their flavor and quality for an extended period in the refrigerator.

Label and Date

Labeling and dating stored food items is a crucial practice for organization and safety. Use clear labels and include the date of preparation to keep track of freshness. Proper labeling ensures you know when the item was made, helping you prioritize consumption and reduce food waste, promoting a well-organized and safe kitchen environment.

Store in the Coldest Part

Keep cooked shrimp in sealed containers on the lower shelves of your fridge, which is the coldest area. Maintain a temperature between 32°F to 38°F (0°C to 3°C) to keep them fresh. Storing them in the chilliest part of your fridge helps retain their taste and quality for a longer time.

Avoid Cross-Contamination

Prevent cross-contamination by storing cooked shrimp away from raw meats and seafood in your refrigerator. Use separate shelves or drawers to avoid contact. Keeping them apart reduces the risk of bacteria spreading, ensuring the cooked shrimp remains safe to eat. Proper storage practices maintain food safety, promoting healthy meals.

Consume Promptly

For the best quality and safety, consume cooked shrimp within 2 to 3 days of refrigeration. Eating them promptly ensures freshness. Avoid shrimp stored beyond this timeframe, as they might not be as fresh. Prioritizing timely consumption guarantees you enjoy the shrimp at its peak, maintaining their delicious taste and texture.


How to Know When Shrimp is Done?

To know if the shrimp is done, look for visual signs. Cooked shrimp curl and become opaque, while undercooked ones are gray and translucent with straight tails. Perfectly cooked shrimp have an opaque appearance with a pink or orange color, depending on the type. Watching for these changes helps you prepare delicious, tender shrimp.

Are Prawns Good in Air Fryer?

Yes, prawns are good in air fryer. They turn out wonderfully crispy and flavorful without the need for excessive oil. The air fryer’s even heat circulation ensures they cook evenly. Season them to your preference, and in no time, you’ll have delicious, crispy prawns that make a perfect appetizer or main dish.

Is It Ok to Eat Overcooked Shrimp?

No, it is not OK to eat overcooked shrimp. It becomes chewy and loses its natural juiciness. Overcooking can affect its texture and taste. It’s best to avoid overcooking to enjoy tender, flavorful shrimp. Properly cooked shrimp should be moist, tender, and easy to bite into, enhancing your dining experience.

How Do You Know if You Ate Bad Shrimp?

If your shrimp smells rancid, fishy, sour, or like ammonia, it’s spoiled and unsafe to eat. These odors indicate spoilage. Trust your sense of smell; if something seems off, don’t consume it. Eating raw shrimp is an option if it’s fresh, providing the same nutritional benefits as cooked shrimp, with a different taste preference.

Final Verdict

Cooking shrimp in the air fryer is simple and quick. Preheat your air fryer to 375°F, then arrange the shrimp in a single layer, ensuring they aren’t overcrowded. Cook for 5-7 minutes, flipping halfway through, until they turn golden brown and crispy. The air fryer ensures even cooking without excessive oil, making them a healthier alternative to deep frying. 

Remember, the cooking time may vary based on the size of your shrimp, so keep an eye on them. For more detailed tips, techniques, and exciting shrimp recipes, dive into our article.

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