How Long to Cook Totino’s Pizza in Air Fryer- Mastering Cook Time Guide

Cook Totino’s Pizza in the air fryer for a quick and easy meal in 6-8 minutes! Set your air fryer to 400°F, place the frozen pizza inside, and patiently wait. 

This hassle-free process results in a delightful crispy crust and perfectly melted toppings. Air fryer cooking ensures a speedy and delicious outcome, making Totino’s Pizza a convenient go-to option for a tasty treat. Enjoy the simplicity and efficiency of air fryer cooking with this straightforward and delightful method!

How Long to Cook Totino's Pizza in Air Fryer
How Long to Cook Totino’s Pizza in Air Fryer

How to Make Totino’s Pizzas Crispy?

To achieve crispy Totino’s pizzas, follow these simple steps:

  • Preheating is crucial to creating a crispy crust. Set your air fryer to 400°F and allow it to reach this temperature before placing the pizza inside. This ensures that the crust starts crisping up immediately upon cooking.
  • Arrange the Totino’s pizza in a single layer in the air fryer basket. This promotes even cooking and allows the hot air to circulate the entire pizza, contributing to an evenly crispy result. Overcrowding may lead to uneven cooking and a less crisp texture.
  • One advantage of the air fryer is its quick start-up. Unlike traditional ovens, preheating the air fryer is unnecessary, saving you time. Once the desired temperature is reached, you can commence cooking immediately.
  • Air fry the pizza for 6-8 minutes, adjusting based on your preferred level of crispiness. Start checking at the 6-minute mark to prevent overcooking. The hot air circulating the pizza ensures the crust and toppings are perfectly cooked.
  • Cooking times can be adjusted according to personal taste preferences. If you prefer an extra crispy crust, you might lean towards the higher end of the time range. Experiment with different times to find the perfect balance between a crisp exterior and a gooey, melted interior.
  • Once the pizza has reached your desired level of crispiness, promptly remove it from the air fryer. Serving immediately preserves the crisp texture of the crust, providing a delightful contrast to the warm, cheesy toppings.

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How Long Do You Cook a Totino’s Mini Pizza?

Cook a Totino’s mini pizza in the air fryer for a quick and delicious treat in 6-8 minutes! Simply place the frozen pizza in the air fryer basket—no preheating required. Air fry at 400°F until you achieve a crispy crust and reach your preferred level of crispiness. Serve it hot for a delightful snack straight from the air fryer.

How Do You Keep Pizza From Burning in an Air Fryer?

To prevent pizza from burning in an air fryer, remove it from the plastic and position it in the basket. A key step is to spray the pizza with cooking oil spray lightly. 

This application forms a protective barrier, effectively preventing toppings from burning. This straightforward method ensures your air-fried pizza maintains a perfect balance with a crisp crust and flawlessly melted toppings, devoid of any undesirable burnt flavors.

How Do I Prevent the Pizza From Sticking to the Air Fryer Basket?

To avoid sticking, lightly grease the air fryer basket with cooking oil or non-stick spray. This creates a protective layer, making it easier to remove the pizza after cooking. Additionally, consider placing a piece of parchment paper or an air fryer liner beneath the pizza. These measures ensure a smooth release and help maintain the integrity of your pizza crust during air frying.


Is 2 Pizzas Enough for 5 People?

No, 2 pizzas may not be enough for 5 people. Consider ordering three medium pizzas for a satisfying meal for a group of five. Two large pizzas could be budget-friendly if feeding fewer, like three to four people. For a larger group of around 15 people, aim for about 45 slices to ensure everyone gets their fill.

Is Frozen Pizza Better in Air Fryer or Oven?

Yes, frozen pizza is better in the air fryer. They give you a golden brown crust, gooey cheese, and crispy toppings – all the pizza goodness we love! If your air fryer can fit smaller pizzas, go for it. It’s a top pick for making frozen pizza that’s both easy and delicious.

Do You Need to Thaw Frozen Patties Before Air Frying?

No, you don’t need to thaw frozen patties before air frying. Skip the thawing and preparation steps. Add a pinch of salt for seasoning, and you’re ready. With the air fryer, there’s no need for outdoor grilling or dealing with grease splatters—making frozen hamburgers in the air fryer is quick and hassle-free!

Why is the Bottom of My Pizza Soggy in the Air Fryer?

The bottom of your pizza may be soggy in the air fryer due to excess moisture. To avoid this, try preheating the air fryer, using less sauce, or placing the pizza on a rack. These steps help enhance air circulation and reduce moisture, ensuring a crispier crust in your air-fried pizza.

How Many Party Pizzas Do I Need for 20 People?

For 20 people, you’d need 8 party pizzas. Calculate by multiplying guests (20) by average slices per person (3), then divide by slices on a large pizza (8). For instance, 20 people x 3 slices per = 60 slices. Dividing by 8 gives 7.5, so ordering 8 pizzas ensures everyone gets enough.

Final Verdict

Cooking Totino’s Pizza in the air fryer is a game-changer, turning ordinary bites into crispy, cheesy perfection in minutes. Want an extra flavor kick? Try adding your favorite toppings before air frying. Dive into our guide for tips and tasty recipes to take your air fryer pizza to the next level. 

Whether you’re an expert or just starting, these insights guarantee pizza perfection. Don’t miss out on creating the ultimate air-fried pizza experience – read the full article for all the delicious details. Get ready for happy air frying.

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