How to Cook Frozen French Bread Pizza in Air Fryer- Easy Tips

Cooking a tasty frozen French bread pizza in the air fryer is easy. Set your air fryer to 375°F, place the frozen pizza right into the basket, and let the magic happen for 8-10 minutes. Remember to flip the pizza halfway through for an even, crispy finish. 

The air fryer’s hot air ensures a golden, crunchy crust while keeping the toppings perfectly gooey. It’s a quick and hassle-free way to enjoy a delicious pizza treat. With these simple steps, you’ll have a delicious hot and perfectly cooked French bread pizza in a snap!

How to Cook Frozen French Bread Pizza in Air Fryer?

How to Cook Frozen French Bread Pizza in Air Fryer
How to Cook Frozen French Bread Pizza in Air Fryer

Cooking frozen French bread pizza in the air fryer is a simple and delicious process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Ensure your air fryer is clean and in good working condition. After Plug it in, adjust the temperature to 375°F (190°C). Let the air fryer heat up for at least 3 to 5 minutes. Preheating is crucial for achieving consistent and crispy results.
  • Carefully remove the frozen French bread pizza from its packaging. Take a moment to inspect the pizza for any ice crystals or freezer burn. If present, gently pat them with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  • Open the air fryer basket and place the frozen pizza inside. Ensure there is ample space around the pizza to allow proper air circulation. Placing it in the center of the basket often yields the best results.
  • Set the cooking time on your air fryer to 8-10 minutes. This timeframe is a general guideline, and the actual cooking time may vary based on your air fryer’s specific model and the pizza crust’s thickness.
  • Around the halfway mark, approximately 4-5 minutes into the cooking process, pause the air fryer and use a pair of tongs to flip the pizza carefully. This step promotes even cooking on both sides, ensuring a uniformly crispy crust.
  • During the last few minutes of cooking, watch the pizza closely. Adjust the cooking time if needed, depending on your air fryer’s specific settings and your desired level of crispiness. Certain air fryers have varying cooking speeds.
  • Once the timer is complete, open the air fryer and inspect the pizza. The crust should be golden brown, and the cheese should be fully melted and bubbly. You can extend the cooking time by a minute or two, but be cautious not to overcook.
  • The French bread pizza should be carefully taken out of the air fryer basket using tongs or a spatula. Allow it to rest on a cutting board or plate for about a minute. This short resting period allows the cheese to set slightly, making it easier to cut into neat slices.
  • Add fresh herbs, red pepper flakes, or a drizzle of olive oil to the hot pizza for an extra flavor boost. This step is entirely optional and can be customized based on your preferences.
  • Use a sharp knife or pizza cutter to slice the pizza into your desired portions. Serve immediately while it’s hot, and enjoy the delicious, crispy French bread pizza!

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Tips for Making Frozen French Bread Pizza in the Air Fryer

Here are some helpful tips for making frozen French bread pizza in the air fryer:

  • Preheat your air fryer before placing the frozen pizza inside. This ensures the air fryer is hot and ready to create a crispy crust.
  • Cooking times can vary between air fryer models and pizza brands. Keep an eye on the pizza, and adjust the cooking time for your specific setup. Check for doneness by looking for a golden-brown crust and melted cheese.
  • Consider flipping the pizza halfway through the cooking time. This helps achieve an evenly crispy crust on both sides. Use tongs for a gentle flip to avoid damaging the pizza.
  • Place the frozen pizza in the center of the air fryer basket, leaving some space around the edges. This allows the hot air to circulate, ensuring even cooking.
  • Keep an eye on any toppings to prevent burning. Pizza can be covered with aluminum foil for the last few minutes of cooking if the cheese is browning too fast.
  • Cook one pizza at a time or ensure enough space between multiple pizzas in the air fryer basket. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking.
  • Add fresh toppings or herbs after cooking to enhance the flavor. This is a great way to personalize your pizza and add freshness.
  • Before slicing, let the cooked pizza cool for a minute. This brief resting period helps the cheese set slightly, making it easier to cut into neat slices without the toppings sliding off.
  • Refer to your air fryer’s manual for specific guidelines and recommendations. Different models may have unique features or instructions for optimal results.
  • While 375°F (190°C) is a common temperature for cooking frozen pizzas, you can experiment with slightly higher or lower temperatures to find the perfect balance of crispiness and doneness for your preference.
  • If your frozen pizza has a lot of moisture (visible ice crystals), consider patting it dry with a paper towel before placing it in the air fryer. Too much moisture can cause a soggy crust.
  • Add extra ingredients like garlic powder, parmesan cheese, or a drizzle of olive oil before or after cooking for additional flavor.

How to Reheat Frozen French Bread Pizza in Air Fryer?

Reheating frozen French bread pizza in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to revive its freshness and crispiness. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  • Turn on your air fryer and set the temperature to 350°F (175°C). Let the air fryer heat up for about 3 to 5 minutes. Preheating ensures the pizza reheats evenly and retains its original crispiness.
  • Retrieve the frozen French bread pizza slices directly from the freezer. Unlike some reheating methods, there’s no need to thaw the pizza beforehand. Placing it in the air fryer frozen helps preserve its texture.
  • Lay the frozen pizza slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Ensure enough space between the slices to allow the hot air to circulate each piece, promoting even reheating.
  • Set the air fryer to a moderate temperature of 350°F (175°C) specifically for reheating. This temperature strikes a balance between warming the pizza through without risking overcooking or burning.
  • Cook the frozen pizza slices for 5-7 minutes. During this time, keep an eye on the pizza to prevent overcooking. The aim is to achieve a warm and crispy result, revitalizing the original texture.
  • Take the pizza out of the air fryer and look at it. Look for signs that it’s warmed through, with a warm crust and melted cheese. You can add an extra minute or two to ensure the desired level of warmth.
  • Carefully take the reheated French bread pizza slices out of the air fryer using tongs or a spatula. Allow them to cool for a moment on a plate to avoid burns. It’s time to serve the pizza.
  • To enhance the flavor, add fresh herbs, a sprinkle of red pepper flakes, or a drizzle of olive oil on top of the reheated pizza. This extra step adds flavor.
  • Serve and enjoy your reheated French bread pizza slices immediately while they are warm and at their tastiest.

How to Store Leftover French Bread Pizza?

Properly storing leftover French bread pizza helps maintain its quality and safety for later consumption. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to store leftover French bread pizza:

1. Allow the Pizza to Cool

Before storing leftover French bread pizza, allow it to cool briefly. This prevents condensation in the storage container, preserving the crust’s crispiness. Rapid cooling minimizes the risk of sogginess, ensuring the pizza maintains its texture and flavor during storage.

2. Divide into Portions (Optional)

If you don’t plan to eat the entire pizza at once, it’s optional but beneficial to slice it into individual portions. This simplifies reheating and allows you to warm up only the needed portions, preserving the freshness and minimizing food waste.

3. Choose Appropriate Storage Container

Opt for an airtight storage container that suits the size of your leftover pizza. Containers with secure lids or sealable plastic bags are ideal choices. These options effectively shield the pizza from air exposure, helping to maintain its quality and prevent moisture, ensuring it stays fresh during storage.

4. Wrap in Plastic Wrap (Optional)

If lacking a storage container, individually wrapping each pizza slice or portion in plastic wrap is an optional but effective alternative. This method minimizes air exposure, preserving the pizza’s freshness. It’s a convenient way to maintain the quality of each slice when a container isn’t available.

5. Layer with Parchment Paper

When stacking leftover pizza slices, insert a sheet of parchment paper between each layer to prevent sticking. This simple step ensures that each slice maintains its integrity, making it easier to separate and reheat without compromising its texture or becoming difficult to handle.

6. Refrigerate Promptly

Promptly refrigerate the prepared French bread pizza after wrapping or placing leftover French bread pizza in a container. This swift action slows bacterial growth, maintaining the pizza’s quality. Refrigeration is crucial to preserving freshness, preventing spoilage, and ensuring the pizza remains safe and enjoyable for later consumption.

7. Freezing

To freeze French bread pizza for optimal quality, tightly wrap individual slices in plastic and foil or use airtight containers. Aim to consume within 1-2 months for the best taste and texture. When ready to enjoy, thaw in the fridge overnight and use the air fryer for a crispy, delicious reheating experience.

8. Label with Date

Label the storage container or plastic wrap with the date of storage. This simple step assists in tracking the duration the pizza has been in the refrigerator, ensuring you consume it within the recommended timeframe for optimal quality and safety.

9. Reheat Properly

For a tasty experience, when you’re ready to enjoy your leftover pizza, reheat it in the air fryer. These methods ensure the crust stays crispy and delightful. Choose your preferred method, and in no time, you’ll be savoring the revived deliciousness of your French bread pizza.


How Long to Cook Red Baron French Bread Pizza in Air Fryer?

Cook Red Baron French Bread Pizza in the air fryer at 370°F for 8 minutes. Ensure a single layer for multiple pizzas. Once air-fried, use a silicone spatula to remove the pizza from the basket. Slice it up and savor the deliciousness of perfectly cooked French bread pizza.

Is It Better to Cook Frozen Pizza in the Oven or Air Fryer?

The air fryer is better for cooking frozen pizza in the air fryer. It delivers a golden-brown crust, melty cheese, and crispy toppings we love. If your air fryer can accommodate smaller pizzas, it’s a highly recommended method for cooking a frozen pizza, ensuring a delicious result that surpasses the oven-baked version.

Can You Cook Frozen French Bread Pizza in Air Fryer?

Yes, you can cook frozen French bread pizza in the air fryer! Set it to 375°F, place the frozen pizza in the basket, and let it cook for 8-10 minutes. For an even, crispy finish, flip it halfway through. The air fryer ensures a golden crust and gooey toppings—a quick, hassle-free way to enjoy a delicious treat!

Can I Make French Bread Pizza From Scratch?

Yes, you can make French bread pizza from scratch. Start with a fresh French baguette, and add your favorite sauce, cheese, and toppings. Fry in the air fryer until the cheese melts and the crust turns golden. Crafting homemade French bread pizza in the air fryer offers customization and a quick, delicious result.

Final Verdict

Cooking frozen French bread pizza in the air fryer is a game-changer for pizza lovers! With the air fryer, you’ll quickly get that perfect golden crust and gooey toppings—easy and delicious. After cooking, try adding fresh herbs for an extra flavor boost. 

Dive into our article for expert tips, including reheating hacks and storage tricks, ensuring every pizza moment is pure perfection. Don’t miss out—keep reading for a fuss-free and delightful pizza experience that’ll make your taste buds dance. 

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