How to Reheat Wings in Airfryer? Air Fryer Tricks

To reheat wings in your air fryer, follow these simple steps: Preheat the air fryer to 350°F. Lightly coat the wings with a bit of oil. Ensure they are evenly spaced in the basket to promote even reheating. 

Reheat the wings in the air fryer for approximately 10 minutes, but it’s important to check on them every few minutes or until they reach an internal temperature of 165°F to ensure they are thoroughly reheated and safe to enjoy.

How to reheat wings in airfryer
How to reheat wings in airfryer

Step-by-step Guide on How to Reheat Wings in Airfryer?

Reheating your wings in an air fryer is a simple process that guarantees you’ll enjoy deliciously crispy results. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your leftover wings are heated to perfection:


  • Pre-cooked chicken wings: 6-12
  • Olive oil spray or your preferred cooking oil spray
  • Your favorite wing sauce (optional)


  • Step 1: Allow the Wings to Rest

Start by taking your pre-cooked chicken wings out of the refrigerator and placing them on the countertop. Let them settle for about 20 minutes at room temperature. This step is crucial to ensure that the wings reheat evenly.

  • Step 2: Preheat Your Air Fryer

Preheat your air fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius). Preheating ensures that the wings are exposed to consistent and effective heat when cooking.

  • Step 3: Prepare the Air Fryer Basket

Lightly spray the inside of the air fryer basket with olive oil or the cooking oil spray of your choice. This prevents the wings from sticking to the basket during the reheating process.

  • Step 4: Arrange the Wings

Carefully place the pre-cooked chicken wings in the air fryer basket. Ensure they are arranged in a single layer and are not overlapping. Proper spacing allows hot air to circulate each wing, facilitating even reheating.

  • Step 5: Start Air Frying

Air fry the wings for 2-3 minutes on one side. This initial phase allows the skin to begin crisping up.

  • Step 6: Flip for Even Heating

After the first side has been air-fried, use tongs to gently flip each wing. This crucial step ensures that both sides are evenly reheated and crisped to perfection.

  • Step 7: Continue Air Frying

Resume air frying for an additional 2-3 minutes. The total air frying time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the wings. Continue until the wings are thoroughly warmed and the skin reaches your desired level of crispiness.

  • Step 8: Sauce and Serve

Once the wings are perfectly reheated and sufficiently crispy, transfer them to a bowl.

If desired, drizzle your favorite wing sauce over the hot wings. Toss the wings in the sauce to ensure they are evenly coated. This step adds a burst of flavor and a delightful saucy finish.

  • Step 9: Enjoy Your Delicious Wings

Your expertly reheated chicken wings are now ready to be savored. Whether you’re indulging in a solo snack or preparing a flavorful wing feast, you’ll relish the delightful warmth, crispiness, and flavor achieved using your air fryer.

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Tips for Reheating wings 

Reheating wings in an air fryer is a convenient way to revive leftover chicken wings to their crispy, flavorful glory. To ensure the best results, consider the following detailed tips:

  • To prevent reheating multiple times, it’s advisable to heat only the amount of wings you plan to eat. This strategy helps maintain optimal freshness.
  • When placing the wings in the air fryer basket, arrange them in a single layer. Avoid stacking or crowding them to ensure even reheating and maintain that coveted crispy texture.
  • While you don’t need to add more oil, don’t hesitate to enhance the flavor by applying extra seasonings or sauces to the wings. Experiment with various flavors to suit your preferences.
  • For easy cleanup, consider lining the bottom of the air fryer basket with parchment paper before reheating your wings. This prevents sticking and simplifies post-cooking maintenance.
  • If you opt to preheat the air fryer, be attentive to the wings’ progress. They reheat more quickly when the appliance is already warm, so monitor them closely.
  • To preserve the wings’ tenderness, lightly brush them with oil or use an oil mister to spritz them. This helps prevent drying out during reheating.
  • For precise temperature monitoring, have a meat thermometer handy. It’s a reliable tool for verifying that the wings are heated to the desired internal temperature.
  • If your wings are coated in sauce, consider adding a small amount of water to the bottom of the air fryer basket. This minimizes excess smoke and flare-ups that can occur when reheating saucy wings.
  • For the best experience, enjoy the reheated wings immediately while they’re hot from the air fryer. This ensures they maintain their crispy exterior and succulent interior.

Why Reheat Wings in Airfryer?

Reheating wings in an air fryer offers several compelling reasons to choose this method:

Taste Preservation

 Using an air fryer to reheat wings helps maintain the original, mouthwatering flavor of the wings. Unlike some conventional reheating methods that can result in bland or rubbery wings, the air fryer’s circulating hot air ensures your wings regain their authentic, savory essence.

Texture Excellence

 Achieving the ideal texture is crucial when reheating wings and the air fryer excels in this aspect. It keeps the chicken meat tender and juicy while crisping up the outer skin, delivering the perfect combination of textures for a delightful eating experience.

Speed and Efficiency

 Reheating wings in an air fryer is a swift process, taking less than 10 minutes to transform cold, leftover wings into piping hot, crispy delights. This efficiency is especially appealing when you’re craving wings and want to indulge promptly.

Uniform Heating

The air fryer’s circulating hot air ensures even heating, eliminating the risk of some wings being overly reheated while others remain cold. This consistency guarantees that all your wings are heated to perfection.

Health-Conscious Choice

 Opting for an air fryer to reheat wings is a healthier choice compared to deep frying, which requires a significant amount of cooking oil. The air fryer uses minimal or no oil, reducing the fat content and overall calorie count of the wings.

Quick Process

 Air fryers are known for their quick operation, making reheating wings in under 5 minutes possible. This speed is ideal for satisfying impromptu wing cravings.


 Air fryers are exceptionally user-friendly. Whether you’re reheating take-out leftovers or homemade wings, the straightforward operation of the air fryer ensures that your reheated wings maintain their juicy and crispy qualities, akin to freshly prepared ones.

Time Efficiency

 Unlike traditional ovens, there’s no need to preheat an air fryer, saving time and energy. The air fryer heats up rapidly and is ready for action almost instantly.

Waste Reduction

 Reheating wings in an air fryer allows you to incorporate leftover wings into various dishes, reducing food waste and saving money. This versatility makes reheating wings in an air fryer an environmentally conscious choice.

Enhanced Flavor

 Properly processed in an air fryer, reheated chicken wings don’t just maintain their delectable crispiness; they can actually intensify in flavor, resulting in exceptionally tasty reheated wings that may even surpass the original batch in terms of taste.

Why Didn’t My Wings Get Crispy in the Air Fryer?

If your wings didn’t get crispy in the air fryer, several factors might be at play. Here are some common reasons why this can happen and tips to achieve that desirable crispy texture:  

1. Too Crowded Basket

 Overcrowding the air fryer basket is a common culprit. When wings are packed too closely together, air circulation is hindered, preventing them from crisping up evenly. To avoid this, ensure you place the wings in a single layer without overlap.

2. Excess Moisture

If the wings are too wet or have excess moisture, they might not crisp up properly. Pat the wings dry with paper towels before placing them in the air fryer to remove any surface moisture.

3. Lack of Oil

While air fryers use significantly less oil than deep frying, a small amount of oil can help achieve crispiness. Lightly coat the wings with oil or use a non-stick cooking spray to promote that crispy texture.

4. Low Temperature

 Cooking at too low a temperature can result in soft, non-crispy wings. Ensure you set your air fryer to an appropriate temperature, typically around 375°F (190°C), to achieve a crispy texture.

5. Inadequate Preheating

 For consistent cooking and crispiness, the air fryer requires being preheated.Always allow your air fryer to preheat for a few minutes before adding the wings.

6. Wrong Basket Placement

Placing the wings too close to the heating element can lead to uneven cooking. Make sure to position them at an appropriate distance from the heat source to achieve uniform crispness.

7. Turning too Frequently

 While it’s essential to flip the wings for even cooking, flipping them too often can interrupt the cooking process and prevent them from crisping up. Flip the wings just once, halfway through the cooking time.

8. Insufficient Cooking Time

 If you didn’t cook the wings for long enough, they may not have had the opportunity to become crispy. Ensure you follow the recommended cooking time or check for doneness with a meat thermometer.

9. Quality of Wings

 The quality of the wings themselves can influence the crispiness. Fresh wings or wings that haven’t been previously frozen tend to crisp up better than frozen wings.

10. Variations in Air Fryers

Different air fryer models have varying power and cooking capabilities. You may need to experiment and adjust the cooking time or temperature settings to achieve the desired crispiness with your specific appliance.

How Do You Keep Wings Crispy After Air Frying?

To keep wings crispy after air frying, you can follow these steps:

Serve Immediately

 Crispy wings are at their best when served right after cooking. Hot, freshly cooked wings have the crispiest texture. If you let them sit, they may become less crispy as they cool.

Elevated Rack

If you need to keep your wings warm for a short period, use an elevated rack in an oven set to a low temperature, such as 175°F (80°C). Place the air-fried wings on the rack to maintain their crispiness without steaming them.

Single Layer

When storing or reheating leftover wings, arrange them in a single layer. Avoid stacking or overcrowding, as this can trap moisture and lead to sogginess.


To reheat wings, use an oven or air fryer instead of the microwave. Microwaving can make them soggy. Preheat the oven or air fryer to 350°F (175°C) and heat the wings for a few minutes until they reach your desired temperature. This should help restore some of their crispiness.

Opt for Dry Sauces

If you’re using sauces or seasonings, consider applying dry rubs or sauces separately on the side. This prevents the wings from getting soggy due to excess moisture from wet sauces.

Paper Towels

 After reheating, blot the wings with paper towels to remove any excess moisture and maintain their crispiness.

Keep Unsauced

If you plan to store leftover wings for an extended period, store them unsauced. Add sauce just before serving to maintain their crisp texture.

Cooling Rack

 When initially air frying or reheating, use a cooling rack on a baking sheet. This allows air to circulate the wings and prevents them from sitting in their juices, which can cause sogginess.

Serving Suggestions for Reheating Wings

Enhance your wing-eating experience with a range of delectable serving suggestions that cater to various tastes and preferences:

  • Classic Combo

 To offset the heat of your reheated wings, consider serving them with a side of celery and carrot sticks. These fresh, crunchy veggies provide a delightful contrast to the savory and spicy wings. The cool, crisp texture of the vegetables complements the hot and juicy wings, creating a satisfying balance.

  • All-American

 For a classic American pairing, enjoy your wings alongside a generous serving of golden, crispy french fries. The combination of hot and zesty wings with salty and indulgent fries is a timeless favorite. The contrasting textures and flavors make this duo a true crowd-pleaser.

  • Comfort Food

 If you’re craving a hearty and comforting meal, opt for mac and cheese as the perfect accompaniment to your wings. The creamy, cheesy macaroni not only soothes the spicy kick of the wings but also adds a rich and fulfilling dimension to your plate.

  • Spicy Kick

 Embrace the heat and add an extra layer of spiciness to your wing experience by serving them with jalapeno poppers. These fiery bites offer a tantalizing contrast to the wings’ flavor and are ideal for those who relish a bit of heat with every bite.

  • Dipping Delights

 When reheating wings without a specific sauce, offer an array of delightful dipping options. Some popular choices include buffalo sauce, blue cheese dressing, ranch dressing, sweet chili sauce, and honey sriracha. These diverse dipping sauces not only elevate the taste of your wings but also introduce variety and excitement to your meal.

How to Store Leftover Wings?

To ensure the longevity and quality of your leftover wings, it’s essential to follow specific steps when storing them:


 Let your leftover wings cool down at room temperature for about 1 hour after reheating or enjoying them. Avoid leaving them out for an extended period, as this can invite bacterial growth.

Container Selection

 Opt for an airtight container suitable for the quantity of wings you have. If you have multiple flavors or types of wings, consider using separate containers to maintain their distinct tastes.


To prevent the wings from sticking together or becoming soggy due to condensation, place a layer of parchment paper or wax paper between the wings within the container.

Labeling and Dating

 Clearly label the container with the date when you stored the wings. Adding a label ensures you can easily identify when they need to be consumed and helps prevent food waste.


 Once properly packed, store the airtight container in the refrigerator as soon as possible. The refrigerator’s temperature should be set at or below 40°F (4°C) to keep the wings safe to eat.

Freezing (Optional)

If you don’t plan to consume the leftover wings within 3-4 days, freezing is a viable option. Place the wings in a freezer-safe container or heavy-duty freezer bags. Ensure that you remove as much air as possible to prevent freezer burn. Label the container with the date of freezing.


 When you’re ready to enjoy your frozen leftover wings, thaw them in the refrigerator. Avoid thawing at room temperature, which can lead to unsafe food temperatures and potential spoilage. Allow sufficient time for slow, safe thawing.


What is the Best Way to Reheat Chicken Wings?

The best way to reheat chicken wings is by using an oven or an air fryer. Both methods offer even heating, resulting in a crispy exterior while maintaining the meat’s moisture. Avoid using a microwave, as it can cause the wings to lose their desirable texture.

Can I Reheat Wings That Have Sauce on Them?

Yes, you can reheat wings that have sauce on them. However, for better results in retaining the sauce, pan-frying is recommended. Prior to pan-frying, lightly coat the wings with cooking spray and cook for approximately five minutes.

Can I Reheat Frozen Leftover Wings or Defrost Them First?

Yes, you can reheat frozen leftover wings or defrost them first. 
For optimal results, it’s advisable to let your leftover wings sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes if they are refrigerated. If the wings are frozen, it’s better to thaw them in the refrigerator before reheating. This ensures even and efficient reheating.

How Long Should I Reheat Wings in an Air Fryer?

Reheating chicken wings in an air fryer is quick and easy. Preheat the air fryer to 350 degrees, place the leftover wings inside, and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until they’re heated through. If the wings are touching or overlapping, add an extra 2 to 3 minutes to ensure even reheating.

Can I Reheat Boneless Wings in an Air Fryer?

Yes, you can reheat boneless wings in an air fryer. Its convection oven-style cooking method ensures even heating by circulating hot air in the basket. This makes it an ideal appliance for efficiently reheating your leftover wings, leaving them crispy and delicious.

Final Verdict

Reviving your favorite wings is a breeze with an air fryer. Whether they’re boneless or bone-in, these handy kitchen appliances can restore that coveted crispy texture. Preheat your air fryer, place the wings in a single layer, and let the magic happen. 

The convection-style cooking ensures even heating, so you can enjoy your wings like they just came out of the oven or fryer. Save time and savor the flavor of your delicious wings with the air fryer – it’s a reheat revolution you don’t want to miss!

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