What Meat is Best in Airfryer? Unlocking Excellence

Air fryer is a versatile powerhouse, capable of delivering delicious results with various meats. Whether you crave succulent and tender chicken wings, breasts, or thighs with a delightful crispy exterior or prefer perfectly seared and juicy beef and tenderloin, your air fryer has you covered. 

It excels at cooking steaks, burgers, and meatballs to mouthwatering perfection, creating a delightful crust while maintaining moist interiors. 

Seafood enthusiasts will appreciate how fish fillets and shrimp turn out crispy without excessive oil. Even smaller turkey parts like breasts or legs can be a hit. Your air fryer elevates meat to new levels of deliciousness.

What meat is best in Airfryer
What meat is best in Airfryer

What Meat is Best in Airfryer

The best type of meat for cooking in an air fryer depends on your personal preferences and the specific dish you want to prepare. Air fryers are versatile appliances that can cook a variety of meats quite well while producing a crispy exterior. Here are some popular meats that work well in an air fryer:


The air fryer caters to chicken enthusiasts, handling wings, thighs, breasts, and drumsticks with grace. The key lies in achieving the perfect balance—a crispy, golden exterior while maintaining tender, juicy meat inside. Begin by seasoning the chicken to your liking.

Preheat the air fryer to 375°F (190°C) and arrange the chicken in a single layer. Cooking times may vary, but chicken typically cooks in 20-30 minutes, flipping midway. Ensure an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) for flavorful, moist chicken.


Air frying is perfect for steaks, burgers, and meatballs, delivering a delectable crust while keeping the meat succulent. Customize your beef with seasonings, then preheat the air fryer to 400°F (200°C) and cook in a single layer. 

Steak thickness dictates cooking time; a 1-inch steak is typically done in 10-12 minutes for medium-rare. Burgers require about 8-10 minutes, while meatballs take roughly 12-15 minutes. Adjust times to your taste. The result? A beautifully seared exterior with a moist, flavorful interior. 


Fish fillets, shrimp, and scallops turn out wonderfully in the air fryer. They get that delightful crunch without excessive oil. Seafood cooks quickly, so be attentive to avoid overcooking. Season your seafood as desired, preheat to 375°F (190°C), and cook in a single layer.

 Fish fillets may need 8-12 minutes, depending on thickness, while shrimp and scallops typically take around 5-8 minutes. The secret to success? Tender, crispy seafood that’s not dried out.


 While whole turkeys might be too large for the air fryer, you can definitely cook smaller turkey parts like breasts or legs. They come out with crispy skin and succulent meat, making them perfect for a small holiday feast. Season your turkey parts, preheat to 375°F (190°C), and cook in a single layer.

 Turkey breasts might take around 25-30 minutes, while legs could need 30-40 minutes. Always check for an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to ensure they’re fully cooked. The result? A small but festive turkey dinner.


Lamb chops or lamb kebabs are delicious when prepared in an air fryer. They retain their natural flavors and tenderness while getting a lovely sear on the outside. Season your lamb to taste, preheat to 375°F (190°C), and cook in a single layer. 

Lamb chops might take around 10-12 minutes, flipping halfway through, while kebabs could need 15-20 minutes. The outcome? Lamb that’s beautifully caramelized outside and perfectly tender inside.

Ground Meat

Ground meat, whether beef, turkey, chicken, or plant-based options like tofu or tempeh, can shine in the air fryer.

Season it to your liking with spices and herbs, then preheat the air fryer to 375°F (190°C). Spread the seasoned meat in a single layer in the basket or on a tray. Cooking times vary by meat type and thickness, typically ranging from 8-12 minutes.

Remember to break up the meat during cooking and ensure it’s thoroughly cooked. Enjoy crispy, flavorful results. Therefore, crispy and flavorful ground meat is versatile for various dishes.


 Whether they’re bratwurst, Italian sausages, or breakfast links, air-frying sausages give them a satisfying crisp casing while maintaining their juicy interiors. No need for added oil; the sausages will release their fats. 

Preheat to 375°F (190°C) and cook in a single layer. Cooking times vary by type and size, but typically, sausages need about 12-20 minutes, flipping halfway. Ultimately, delicious sausages that are both crispy and succulent.

15 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Air Frying Meat

Air frying meat can result in delicious and healthier dishes, but there are common mistakes to avoid to ensure your meat turns out perfectly. Here are some detailed common mistakes and how to avoid them:

Not Preheating the Air Fryer 

Cooking that is uneven can result from skipping the preheating step. Preheating your air fryer for a few minutes ensures that it’s at the right temperature from the start, promoting consistent results.

Not Patting Meat Dry

 Excess moisture on meat’s surface can impede browning and crispiness. To avoid this, meticulously pat the meat dry with paper towels before seasoning. This is crucial, particularly when preparing items like chicken wings or steak, to ensure optimal texture and flavor.

Overcrowding the Basket

Overloading the air fryer basket can obstruct the circulation of hot air, resulting in unevenly cooked meat. To prevent this, cook meat in a single layer with some space between each piece. Consider cooking in batches if necessary.

Neglecting Seasoning

Seasoning is vital for flavor. Don’t hold back on herbs, spices, or marinades. A light coating of oil on the meat’s surface can also elevate crispiness and flavor. These steps are key to achieving a mouthwatering outcome.

Using Too Much Oil

While a light oil coating can enhance crispiness, excessive oil leads to smoke and greasiness. Use oil sparingly, and an oil sprayer gives better control. Balancing the right amount ensures your air-fried meat is crispy and delicious, not overly greasy.

Not Flipping or Shaking

For evenly cooked and perfectly crispy meat, remember to flip or shake it halfway through the cooking process. This simple step ensures that both sides of the meat are exposed to the hot air, resulting in a delightful crunch and golden brown finish.

Not Monitoring Temperature

 Cooking time alone may not guarantee perfectly cooked meat. To check the interior temperature, get a meat thermometer. Different meats have specific safe internal temperatures, so always refer to guidelines.

Using Frozen Meat Without Adjusting

 While air fryers can cook frozen meat, it requires adjustments to time and temperature. Always follow recommended guidelines for cooking frozen meat to ensure it’s safe and properly cooked.

Not Letting Meat Rest

 Allowing your cooked meat a few minutes of rest before serving is essential. This rest period helps redistribute juices within the meat, maintaining its juiciness and tenderness. Keep the meat warm by tasting it with foil.

Forgetting About Marinades

When marinating meat, make sure to drain it thoroughly before placing it in the air fryer. Excess marinade can drip into the pan, causing smoking and uneven cooking. Consider brushing on marinades before cooking.

Ignoring Thickness

Take into account the meat’s thickness as it directly impacts cooking time. Thicker cuts necessitate more cooking, while thinner ones demand less. Make precise adjustments to cooking times to ensure the finest outcomes.

Not Cleaning the Air Fryer

Neglecting to clean your air fryer after each use can lead to smoke and unpleasant odors. Regularly cleaning the basket, tray, and interior is crucial to maintaining a smoke-free cooking environment.

Reheating Meat Improperly

When reheating meat, opt for a lower temperature and shorter duration to prevent overcooking. Keep a close watch to prevent excessive drying, and you can also introduce a touch of moisture to help maintain its tenderness and juiciness.

Using Non-Air Fryer Safe Accessories

Avoid using materials unsuitable for air frying, like plastic containers or utensils. Stick exclusively to recommended cookware options such as metal, silicone, or ceramic, capable of withstanding the high temperatures generated by the air fryer. This ensures safe and effective cooking.

Skipping the Meat Thermometer

When dealing with thicker cuts of meat, solely relying on visual cues can be deceptive. Ensure your meat is safely cooked by using a meat thermometer to confirm it reaches the appropriate internal temperature. This step is crucial for food safety and optimal results.


Can I Cook Any Type of Meat in an Air Fryer

Yes, you can cook a variety of meats in an air fryer, including chicken, pork, beef, seafood, turkey, lamb, sausages, and ground meat. It’s a versatile appliance for achieving crispy, delicious results with different cuts and types of meat.

Does Meat Taste Good in Air Fryer

Yes, meat tastes good in air fryer. The air frying process helps retain moisture while crisping the exterior, resulting in juicy and flavorful meat. Proper seasoning and cooking techniques are key to achieving great taste and texture.

How Do I Prevent Meat From Drying Out in the Air Fryer

Using oil in an air fryer is suitable for keeping the meat moist and achieving a golden-brown appearance. However, it’s essential to use it sparingly. For pork cuts, lightly rub olive oil or use a spray oil. This small amount of oil ensures effective cooking and browning without excessive greasiness. 

Final Verdict 

In the world of air frying, the possibilities are vast, but when it comes to meat, some options shine brighter than others. From succulent chicken wings that achieve the perfect crispy skin to savory steak bites that sizzle with flavor, your air fryer can do wonders. 

For a healthier twist on your favorite meats, the air fryer is your culinary ally. So, whether you’re craving the classic crunch of fried chicken or the rich tenderness of salmon, your air fryer is ready to elevate your meaty creations to a whole new level of deliciousness.

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