15 Air Fryer Ramadan Recipes

Preparing Suhoor or Iftar during Ramadan with an air fryer is great. This will be a great time savior and quicker way. Moreover, it is healthier as this method requires less oil or no oil. 

To make your Ramadan more great, you can go with the 15 Air Fryer Ramadan Recipes below. From savory classics like BBQ chicken thighs and falafel to sweet treats like blueberry muffins and vanilla cake, these recipes offer something for everyone to enjoy during iftar and suhoor. 

Let’s scroll through these amazing delicacies and make our iftar and suhoor platter more tasty.

15 Air Fryer Ramadan Recipes

Air Fryer Ramadan Recipes
Air Fryer Ramadan Recipes
  1. Alur Chop
  2. Air Fried Masala Chops
  3. Carrot Sticks
  4. Falafel     
  5. Kababs
  6. Frittata
  7. Bbq Chicken Thighs
  8. Garlic Butter Salmon
  9. Buffalo Chicken
  10. Chicken Tikka Masala
  11. Chicken Shawarma With Air Fried Chicken
  12. Soda Bread With Beef Stew
  13. Vanilla Cake
  14. Blueberry Muffins
  15. Chocolate Date Cupcakes
Ramadan air fry recipes
Ramadan air fry recipes

1. Alur Chop

Alur Chop
Alur Chop

One of the most common iftar items originates from the Indian subcontinent. It has a great craze in West Bengal and Bangladesh, especially in Howrah. They enjoy this hot with puffed rice during iftar.

However, making Aloo chop with an air fryer is a great and quick cooking process. First, you need to mash the boiled potatoes. Then, add spices and onions and season them. Next, form the mixture into patties.

Preheat the air fryer, lightly oil the basket, and cook the patties at 350°F for 10-15 mins until golden brown. Thus, you will get these amazing chops.

2. Air Fried Masala Chops 

Air Fried Masala Chops 
Air Fried Masala Chops 

Masala chops is another popular Indian delicacy. It is famous for its great culinary heritage. First, pick some lamb chops, then marinate them with a blend of Indian spices like garlic, ginger, cumin, turmeric, chili powder, etc. 

Now, it’s time to preheat the air fryer, then place the marinated chops in the basket. Cook at 400°F (200°C) for 10-12 minutes. To ensure even cooking, you need to flip halfway through.

3. Carrot Sticks

Carrot Sticks
Carrot Sticks

In Ramadan, air-fried carrot sticks make a nutritious and delicious iftar item. Simply cut carrots into sticks, season with spices like cumin and paprika, then air fry until crispy.

They offer a healthy alternative to traditional fried snacks. You will get essential vitamins and fiber. Enjoy their crunchy texture and savory flavor guilt-free during Iftar or Suhoor.

Read More:

4. Falafel


Falafel is a famous Middle Eastern meal. People also call them ta’amiya or falafel patties. These dishes include ground chickpeas or fava beans with spices, herbs, and onions.

Shape the mixture into tiny balls or patties and place in the air fryer basket. You’ll get crunchy brown bites. Falafel is typically served with pita bread, veggies, tahini sauce, and salad. Moreover, you can wrap it in flatbread and enjoy it as a taboon.

5. Kababs


Kebab is also known as kabobs in North America, kebap, or kabab. This classic meal originated in the Middle East. It is celebrated for its succulent roasted meat. Moreover, It has gained popularity worldwide, especially in Iranian, Arabic, and Turkish cuisines. 

You need to combine ground beef with spices, herbs, and binders such as breadcrumbs. Shape into kebabs and put in an air fryer basket. Thus, you can get these traditional iftar items quickly to enjoy during Ramadan. 

6. Frittata


A frittata is a traditional Italian meal that combines cooked eggs, meat, veggies, or cheese. It’s baked without folding, offering a hearty texture and savory taste. 

First, you need to beat eggs with seasonings, add cooked fillings, pour into a greased air fryer pan, and cook at 350°F for 15-20 minutes. Then, you can serve it with a side salad or bread during iftar. 

7. BBQ Chicken Thighs

BBQ Chicken Thighs
BBQ Chicken Thighs

Air Fryer BBQ chicken thighs are soft and juicy, covered with a delicious BBQ sauce. They provide a convenient and healthy option to enjoy. Free you from the need for grilling or frying in oil.

You can serve rice or salad as a main dish during suhoor or iftar during Ramadan. It will provide you with a complete and fulfilling meal.

Read More: How to Cook Chicken Breast in Air Fryer

8. Garlic Butter Salmon

 Garlic Butter Salmon
Garlic Butter Salmon

Garlic Butter Salmon is a flavorful dish where salmon fillets are seasoned and cooked with a rich garlic butter sauce.

Air fryer Garlic Butter Salmon offers an easy preparation with minimal effort. You just need to season salmon coating garlic butter. Then, air fried till crispy outside and soft inside. Thus, you can have a perfect hassle free Ramadan meal quickly.

9. Buffalo Chicken

Buffalo Chicken
Buffalo Chicken

Buffalo chicken is a popular dish featuring chicken coated in a tangy and spicy sauce called Buffalo sauce. The sauce uses spicy sauce, vinegar, butter, and other spices.

For this recipe, you can pick chicken breast, things, or wings as you want. Additionally, you can incorporate this recipe in salads, sandwiches, wraps, and tacos or enjoy it as a standalone dish.

You can get this recipe more quickly and healthily with the air fryer. Just coat your chicken pieces with the buffalo spicy blend and then set them in an air fryer basket. Now they are ready for your iftar or after iftar dinner. 

10. Chicken Tikka Masala

Chicken Tikka Masala
Chicken Tikka Masala

One of the satisfying air fryer Ramadan recipes is chicken tikka masala. This flavorful and easy to make dish is great for breaking the fast.

You need to marinate chicken breast pieces in yogurt and tikka masala spices like paprika, cumin, coriander, garlic, turmeric, and ginger. Air fry the chicken until cooked through. Meanwhile, prepare a tomato cream sauce with spices.

Coat the cooked chicken with the sauce and simmer until heated properly. Then, you can serve this tasty delicacy with rice or naan.

11. Chicken Shawarma with Air Fried Chicken

Chicken Shawarma with Air Fried Chicken
Chicken Shawarma with Air Fried Chicken

Chicken Shawarma with Air Fried Chicken is a tasty take on the classic Middle Eastern dish. It is one of the most cherished food items in the iftar.

First, you need to marinate chicken. You can use common spices like cumin, turmeric, paprika, and garlic for this. Then, air-fried until tender and flavorful. Then wrap the chicken in pita bread with veggies and yogurt sauce. It’s a simple yet delicious option for Ramadan or any time.

12. Soda Bread with Beef Stew

Soda Bread with Beef Stew
Soda Bread with Beef Stew

Soda bread is a quick bread made with baking soda, flour, buttermilk, and salt. You can make your homemade soda bread quickly through an air fryer.

First, you need to mix all ingredients, then form a dough. After making a loaf shape, you need to place it in the air fryer. You can serve this traditional Irish bread with beef stew. 

And to make beef stew in an air fryer, coat beef pieces with seasoning, then air fry until browned. Air-fry vegetables, stock, and spices until soft and beef is cooked thoroughly. After it is ready, you can enjoy a soda bread bite dipping in beef stew during iftar. 

13. Vanilla Cake

Vanilla Cake
Vanilla Cake

Vanilla cake is a staple dessert enjoyed across cultures. For a Ramadan twist, you can prepare it in an air fryer for a quicker, more efficient baking process.

Gather ingredients such as flour, sugar, eggs, butter, milk, and vanilla extract. Then, mix them and set them into the air fryer. To enhance the taste, you can add a pinch of salt to balance the sweetness or incorporate lemon zest for a citrusy flavor boost. After breaking fast, you can serve it with a cup of coffee or tea.

14. Blueberry Muffins

Blueberry Muffins
Blueberry Muffins

Air fryer blueberry muffins are fluffy and moist muffins made with blueberries, flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and baking powder.

They have a slightly crispy exterior from the air frying process while remaining soft and tender inside. The blueberries add bursts of sweetness and tanginess to the muffins.

During Ramadan, they are in great demand for their convenient and delectable iftar options. 

15. Chocolate Date Cupcakes

Chocolate Date Cupcakes
Chocolate Date Cupcakes

Another great sweet delicacy is Chocolate date cupcakes. Chocolate date cupcakes are moist and rich cupcakes made with dates, cocoa powder, flour, eggs, sugar, and other ingredients.

Make a batter of all of them, Pour them into cupcake molds, and air fry at 350°F for about 12-15 minutes. You will get some amazing sweet delicacies. 


How to Make a Full Meal in an Air Fryer in Ramadan?

To prepare a full meal in an air fryer during Ramadan, you can marinate protein like chicken or fish, roast vegetables, warm up carbohydrates, toss a fresh salad, and bake a dessert. With minimal oil and quick cooking times, the air fryer offers a convenient way to enjoy a wholesome meal.

Can You Boil Milk in an Air Fryer?

No, you can not boil milk directly in an air fryer. Air fryers pump hot air around food for even cooking and crisping. Boiling liquids like milk can cause splattering and potentially damage the air fryer. It’s best to use traditional methods like stoves.

Can I Use an Air Fryer to Heat Food in Suhoor?

Yes, you can use an air fryer to heat food during suhoor. Air fryers are multipurpose equipment that can rapidly and efficiently reheat a wide range of dishes. Whether warming up leftovers or preparing a fresh meal, an air fryer can be a convenient option for suhoor preparation during Ramadan.

Final Verdict

During Ramadan, utilizing an air fryer for cooking offers convenience, speed, and healthier alternatives to traditional methods. With these 15 Air Fryer Ramadan Recipes, you can prepare various foods.

Thus, you can enhance your iftar and suhoor experiences with these easy-to-make and flavorful air fryer Ramadan recipes. 

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