How to Cook Impossible Burger in Air Fryer?

Making a tasty Impossible Burger in the air fryer is a game-changer for plant-based fans! The air fryer makes it crispy outside and juicy inside. This guide shows simple steps to get that perfect taste and texture. 

Whether a newbie or a plant-based pro, these tips make your Impossible Burger super yummy. Prepare for a delicious experience as you learn how to use the air fryer to make your Impossible Burger taste amazing! It’s easy and tasty – let’s get cooking!

How to Cook Impossible Burger in Air Fryer
How to Cook Impossible Burger in Air Fryer

How to Cook Impossible Burger in Air Fryer?

Cooking an Impossible Burger in the air fryer is quick and easy. Follow these simple steps for a delicious plant-based experience:


  • Impossible Burger patties
  • Cooking oil (for brushing)
  • Burger buns
  • Cheese slices (optional)
  • Toppings and condiments of your choice


  • Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) to ensure even cooking. This step is critical for obtaining the desired texture.
  • Take the Impossible Burger patties out of the refrigerator. Allowing them to sit at room temperature for a few minutes ensures more uniform cooking.
  • Enhance the crispiness of the patties by brushing or spraying a small amount of cooking oil on both sides. This step contributes to a more appealing texture.
  • Arrange the patties in a single layer within the air fryer basket. Overcrowding should be avoided to promote proper air circulation, leading to an evenly cooked burger.
  • Set the air fryer to 375°F (190°C) and cook the patties for 10-12 minutes. Remember to flip them halfway through the cooking process to achieve consistent browning.
  • Use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches at least 160°F (71°C) for safe consumption. This step guarantees that the Impossible Burger is thoroughly cooked.
  • If desired, add cheese slices during the last minute of cooking to allow them to melt. Additionally, consider toasting the burger buns separately for added flavor and texture.
  • Carefully remove the cooked patties from the air fryer and let them rest for a few minutes. This resting period helps retain the juices within the burger.
  • Place the perfectly cooked Impossible Burger patties on your preferred burger buns. Add your favorite toppings and condiments to personalize your plant-based creation.
  • Indulge in the flavorful and satisfying experience of your homemade Impossible Burger. Customize it to your liking and savor the deliciousness of this plant-based delight.

Read More: How Long to Cook Frozen Turkey Burger in Air Fryer

Tips for Making the Air Fryer Impossible Burgers

Here are some valuable tips for making delicious Impossible Burgers in the air fryer:

  • Preheating is crucial for consistent cooking. Allow the air fryer to reach the desired temperature (usually 375°F/190°C) before placing the patties inside.
  • Let the Impossible Burger patties sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. This ensures even cooking as the patties won’t be cold from the refrigerator.
  • Use a cooking brush or oil sprayer to coat both sides of the patties with cooking oil. This thin layer contributes to a crispy exterior.
  • Arrange the patties in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring space between each patty. Overcrowding hinders proper air circulation, leading to uneven cooking.
  • Halfway through the cooking time, flip the patties using tongs. This ensures both sides achieve an even golden-brown color, enhancing the overall appearance and flavor.
  • Invest in a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Aim for a minimum of 160°F (71°C) to ensure the burgers are thoroughly cooked and safe to eat.
  • If you enjoy melted cheese on your burgers, add slices during the last minute of cooking. The residual heat will melt the cheese, adding a gooey texture.
  • Toast the burger buns in the air fryer or toaster for enhanced flavor and texture. This step prevents the buns from becoming soggy.
  • Elevate your burger experience by adding a variety of toppings such as lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pickles, or specialty sauces. Personalization enhances both flavor and presentation.
  • Allow the cooked patties to rest for 2-3 minutes before assembling the burgers. This resting period helps redistribute juices, ensuring a moist and flavorful bite.
  • While the Impossible Burger is flavorful, experiment with additional seasonings such as garlic powder, onion powder, or your favorite spice blend.
  • Keep a close eye on the cooking time, as it may vary based on your air fryer model and patty thickness. Adjust the cooking time as needed to avoid overcooking.

How to Reheat Impossible Burger in Air Fryer?

Reheating an Impossible Burger in the air fryer is quick and easy, ensuring it stays flavorful and maintains its desired texture. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Preheat your air fryer to 350°F (175°C) for a few minutes. Preheating ensures even reheating.
  • Take the leftover Impossible Burger out of the refrigerator. Consider separating the bun from the patty for even heating if it’s in a bun.
  • For added moisture, lightly brush or spray a small amount of cooking oil on the burger. This step is optional but can enhance the texture.
  • Put the Impossible Burger in the air fryer basket or on the air fryer tray. Ensure it’s in a single layer for consistent reheating.
  • Set the air fryer to 350°F (175°C) and reheat the burger for 3-5 minutes. Keep an eye on it to prevent overcooking.
  • Check the internal temperature using a meat thermometer. It’s ready once it reaches a safe temperature (at least 160°F or 71°C).
  • If you separated the bun, reassemble the burger. Add your favorite toppings and condiments, and enjoy your reheated Impossible Burger!

Read More: Can You Reheat a Burger in the Air Fryer?

How to Store Impossible Burger?

Storing Impossible Burger properly is essential to maintain its freshness and quality. Here’s a detailed guide on how to store Impossible Burger:

Cool the Burger

After cooking, ensure the Impossible Burger cools thoroughly before storing to prevent condensation. This simple step is crucial for preserving the burger’s texture and taste. Allowing it to cool completely minimizes the risk of moisture buildup, maintaining the integrity of the Impossible Burger during storage.

Separate Meat from Buns (if applicable)

When storing an Impossible Burger with buns, it’s advisable to separate the meat from the buns. This prevents sogginess and maintains the integrity of both components. By storing them separately, you ensure that the buns remain fresh and the Impossible Burger retains its desired texture when ready for consumption.

Airtight Container

Optimal storage for the cooled Impossible Burger involves placing it in an airtight container. Select a container size that minimizes excess air exposure, preserving the burger’s freshness. This airtight environment helps prevent moisture and external odors from affecting the burger, ensuring it maintains its quality until it’s ready to be enjoyed.

Refrigerate Promptly

Immediately refrigerate the airtight container holding the cooked Impossible Burger, preferably within two hours of cooking. This prompt refrigeration is crucial to inhibit bacterial growth, ensuring the burger remains safe for consumption. Maintaining the burger’s quality through swift refrigeration contributes to a fresh and enjoyable eating experience.

Label and Date the Container

After refrigerating the Impossible Burger, label the storage container with the refrigeration date. This simple practice aids in tracking storage duration, allowing you to monitor freshness. By noting the date, you ensure that the Impossible Burger is consumed within the recommended timeframe, maintaining its quality and flavor.

Use Within 3-4 Days

For the best taste and texture, consume the stored Impossible Burger within 3-4 days. Beyond this timeframe, there’s a risk of declining quality. Adhering to this guideline ensures you enjoy the burger at its peak, maintaining its deliciousness and overall satisfaction.

Freeze for Long-Term Storage (Optional)

Opt for long-term storage by freezing the Impossible Burger. Wrap it in freezer-safe materials like heavy-duty aluminum foil, freezer paper, or vacuum-sealed bags to prevent freezer burn. Freezing preserves the burger’s quality, allowing it to enjoy later while retaining its deliciousness.

Label and Date Freezer Packaging

Ensure organized storage by clearly labeling the frozen packaging with the date. This practice facilitates accurate monitoring of storage duration. Prioritize consuming older leftovers first to maintain freshness and taste. The labeled packaging system ensures an efficient rotation of frozen items, allowing you to enjoy the Impossible Burger at its best.

Place in Freezer

Place the packaged Impossible Burger in the freezer, initially arranging it in a single layer for faster freezing. This strategic placement ensures efficient storage, preserving the burger’s quality. When organized in this manner, retrieving and enjoying the Impossible Burger becomes a seamless process, maintaining its freshness for future consumption.

Safe Thawing Before Reheating

Ensure safe and effective reheating by thawing the leftover Impossible Burger in the refrigerator. Once melted, reheat the burger using an air fryer or stovetop until it reaches a safe consumption temperature. This method preserves the burger’s quality, providing a delicious and secure dining experience.


Is the Impossible Burger Healthy?

Yes, the impossible burger is healthy. Packed with essential nutrients like vitamin B12, folate, and thiamine (3, 4, 5), it offers a plant-based option. However, it’s higher in sodium than regular ground beef and slightly lower in specific vitamins and minerals. A balanced diet requires moderation.

Are Impossible Burgers Vegan?

Yes, Impossible Burgers are vegan. Everything from Impossible Foods, like the Impossible Burger, has no animal stuff. It’s a fantastic pick for vegans, vegetarians, and anyone trying to eat less meat. You get a tasty, plant-based alternative for you and the planet.

Are Impossible Burgers Too Processed?

Yes, Impossible Burgers are considered highly processed. According to experts like Samuels, these products fall into the category of ultra-processed foods. They often contain artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives to enhance shelf stability, maintain texture, and improve taste. Choosing minimally processed foods is generally recommended for a healthier diet.

Can I Cook a Frozen Impossible Burger in an Air Fryer?

Yes, you can cook a frozen Impossible Burger in an air fryer. Enjoy the convenience of not waiting for the patties to thaw; simply toss them directly into the air fryer for a delicious meal. Air frying frozen Impossible Burgers provides a quick and easy way to prepare dinner without the thawing step.

Final Verdict

Cooking the Impossible Burger in an air fryer is like unlocking a tasty secret. It’s easy – just preheat, pop in the patties, and enjoy plant-based goodness. For the best experience, check out the complete guide for extra tips. 

Remember, every air fryer is different, so play around to find your perfect flavor. Discover the ins and outs in this article to make your Impossible Burger extra delicious. Ready for a mouthwatering journey? Dive in and start cooking! Your taste buds will thank you.

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